Craig Chaudron, Ph.D.

Second Language Studies University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 
Second language acquisition
"Craig Chaudron"

Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics from University of Toronto in 1982.

Mean distance: 18.36 (cluster 15)
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Chaudron C. (2001) Progress in language classroom research: Evidence from the Modern Language Journal, 1916-2000 Modern Language Journal. 85: 57-76
Dunkel P, Henning G, Chaudron C. (1993) The Assessment of an L2 Listening Comprehension Construct: A Tentative Model for Test Specification and Development The Modern Language Journal. 77: 180-191
Chaudron C, Parker K. (1990) Discourse Markedness and Structural Markedness: The Acquisition of English Noun Phrases. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 12: 43-64
Chaudron C. (1986) The Interaction of Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Research: A View of the Second Language Classroom Tesol Quarterly. 20: 709-717
Chaudron C. (1985) Comprehension, comprehensibility, and learning in the second language classroom Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 7: 216-232
Chaudron C. (1985) Intake: On models and methods for discovering learners’ processing of input Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 7: 1-14
Chaudron C. (1984) The Effects of Feedback on Students' Composition Revisions: Relc Journal. 15: 1-14
Chaudron C. (1983) Simplification of Input: Topic Reinstatements and their Effects on L2 Learners' Recognition and Recall Tesol Quarterly. 17: 437-458
Chaudron C. (1983) Languages for specific purposes Journal of Pragmatics. 7: 713-726
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