Hans Hass, Ph.D.

Universität Wien, Wien, Wien, Austria 
 1943 Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Prussia, Germany 
"Hans Hass"

Hans Hass (23 January 1919 – 16 June 2013) was an Austrian biologist and underwater diving pioneer. He was known mainly for being among the first scientists to popularise coral reefs, stingrays, octopuses and sharks. He pioneered the making of documentaries filmed underwater and led the development of a type of rebreather. He is also known for his energon theory and his commitment to protecting the environment.
Ph.D. (1943), Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Reteporiden mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Formbildungsgesetze ihrer Zoarien und einem Bericht über eine neue unterseeische Arbeitsmethode. Friedrich Wilhelm Universität Berlin

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Cross-listing: Marine Ecology Tree


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Ernst Mayr research assistant
Erhard Oeser research assistant (Marine Ecology Tree)
Heinrich Jacob Feuerborn (Jacobfeuerborn) grad student Universität Berlin (Marine Ecology Tree)


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Rupert Riedl research assistant 1943- Universität Wien (Evolution Tree)


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Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt collaborator 1953-1954 (Animal Behavior Tree)
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