Jenna Zhao

Psychology The University of New South Wales, Australia 
"Jenna Zhao"
Mean distance: 16.69 (cluster 15)
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Moeck EK, Zhao JL, Most SB, et al. (2023) Emotional stimuli similarly disrupt attention in both visual fields. Cognition & Emotion. 1-17
Moeck E, Thomas N, Most S, et al. (2020) Emotion Induced Blindness in the Left and Right Visual Field Journal of Vision. 20: 1660
Zhao JL, Most SB. (2018) Manipulations of distractor frequency do not mitigate emotion-induced blindness. Cognition & Emotion. 1-10
Richmond JL, Zhao J, Weidemann G. (2017) I like it by mere association: Conditioning preferences in infants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 161: 19-31
Zhao J, Kennedy B, Most S. (2016) Object-based effects (and their absence) reveal parallel mechanisms of emotional disruption of perception Journal of Vision. 16: 88
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