Kaylin Hill

Vanderbilt University, Peabody College 
"Kaylin Hill"
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Cárdenas EF, Hill KE, Estes E, et al. (2023) Neural reactivity to infant emotion cues during pregnancy: Associations with peripartum anxiety and depressive symptoms. Biological Psychology. 183: 108673
King LS, Hill KE, Rangel E, et al. (2023) Teaching or learning from baby: Inducing explicit parenting goals influences caregiver intrusiveness. Developmental Psychology
Burkhouse KL, Dao A, Argiros A, et al. (2023) Targeting positive valence systems function in children of mothers with depressive symptoms: A pilot randomized trial of an RDoC-Informed preventive intervention. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 168: 104384
Cárdenas EF, Hill KE, Estes E, et al. (2023) Neural and behavioral indicators of cognitive control in preschoolers with and without prenatal opioid exposure. Child Neuropsychology : a Journal On Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence. 1-19
Hill KE, Kujawa A, Humphreys KL. (2023) Caregivers' positive emotion socialization tendencies are associated with positive affect in preschool age children. Infant Mental Health Journal
Hill KE, Neo WS, Deming E, et al. (2021) Mother-infant convergence of event-related potentials elicited by face and object processing. Developmental Psychobiology. 63: e22211
Hill KE, South SC, Egan RP, et al. (2018) Abnormal emotional reactivity in depression: Contrasting theoretical models using neurophysiological data. Biological Psychology. 141: 35-43
Egan RP, Hill KE, Foti D. (2017) Differential Effects of State and Trait Mindfulness on the Late Positive Potential. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
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