Hanna Ringer, MSc PhD

2020-2023 Psychology Leipzig University, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany 
Cognitive neuroscience, auditory regularity, memory
"Hanna Ringer"
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Sabine Grimm grad student 2020-2023 Leipzig University
 (PhD "Memory for acoustic patterns: Behavioural and EEG evidence for flexible perceptual learning across varying contexts")
Daniela Sammler grad student 2020-2023 MPI CBS
 (PhD "Memory for acoustic patterns: Behavioural and EEG evidence for flexible perceptual learning across varying contexts")
Erich Schröger grad student 2020-2023 Leipzig University
 (PhD "Memory for acoustic patterns: Behavioural and EEG evidence for flexible perceptual learning across varying contexts)
BETA: Related publications


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Ringer H, Schröger E, Grimm S. (2023) Neural signatures of automatic repetition detection in temporally regular and jittered acoustic sequences. Plos One. 18: e0284836
Ringer H, Rösch SA, Roeber U, et al. (2023) That sounds awful! Does sound unpleasantness modulate the mismatch negativity and its habituation? Psychophysiology. e14450
Ringer H, Schröger E, Grimm S. (2023) Perceptual learning of random acoustic patterns: Impact of temporal regularity and attention. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Ringer H, Schröger E, Grimm S. (2022) Within- and between-subject consistency of perceptual segmentation in periodic noise: A combined behavioral tapping and EEG study. Psychophysiology. e14174
Bianco R, Novembre G, Ringer H, et al. (2021) Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Is a Hub for Music Production from Structural Rules to Movements. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
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