Kevin W. Rio, Ph.D.

2009-2014 Cognitive Science Brown University, Providence, RI 
Perception and action, visual perception, virtual reality, crowd behavior
"Kevin Rio"
Mean distance: 16.23 (cluster 23)
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Wirth TD, Dachner GC, Rio KW, et al. (2023) Is the neighborhood of interaction in human crowds metric, topological, or visual? Pnas Nexus. 2: pgad118
Rio KW, Dachner GC, Warren WH. (2018) Local interactions underlying collective motion in human crowds. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 285
Kiefer AW, Rio K, Bonneaud S, et al. (2017) Quantifying and Modeling Coordination and Coherence in Pedestrian Groups. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 949
Warren W, Rio K. (2015) The visual coupling between neighbors in a virtual crowd. Journal of Vision. 15: 747
Rio KW, Rhea CK, Warren WH. (2014) Follow the leader: visual control of speed in pedestrian following. Journal of Vision. 14
Rio KW, Warren WH. (2014) Visual coupling to multiple neighbours in a crowd influences walking speed and direction F1000research. 14: 1352-1352
Rio K, Warren WH. (2014) The visual coupling between neighbors in real and virtual crowds Transportation Research Procedia. 2: 132-140
Rio KW, Warren WH. (2013) Visually-Guided Collective Behavior in Human Swarms Journal of Vision. 13: 481-481
Rio K, Bonneaud S, Warren WH. (2012) Speed coordination in pedestrian groups: linking individual locomotion with crowd behavior F1000research. 12: 190-190
Bonneaud S, Rio K, Chevaillier P, et al. (2012) Accounting for patterns of collective behavior in crowd locomotor dynamics for realistic simulations Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 7145: 1-11
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