Swati M. Surkar
Affiliations: | 2017-2019 | Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO |
"Swati Surkar"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorCatherine E. Lang | grad student | 2017-2019 | Washington University | |
(postdoc) |
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Surkar SM, Willson JD, Cassidy JM, et al. (2023) Remote ischaemic conditioning combined with bimanual task training to enhance bimanual skill learning and corticospinal excitability in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: a study protocol of a single centre, phase II randomised controlled trial. Bmj Open. 13: e076881 |
Gehringer JE, Fortin E, Surkar SM, et al. (2022) Hand-Arm Bimanual Intensive Training in Virtual Reality: A Feasibility Study. Pediatric Physical Therapy : the Official Publication of the Section On Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association. 35: 85-91 |
Surkar SM, Bland MD, Mattlage AE, et al. (2020) Effects of remote limb ischemic conditioning on muscle strength in healthy young adults: A randomized controlled trial. Plos One. 15: e0227263 |
Mattlage AE, Sutter EN, Bland MD, et al. (2019) Dose of remote limb ischemic conditioning for enhancing learning in healthy young adults. Experimental Brain Research |
Sutter EN, Mattlage AE, Bland MD, et al. (2018) Remote Limb Ischemic Conditioning and Motor Learning: Evaluation of Factors Influencing Response in Older Adults. Translational Stroke Research |