Dock H. Duncan
Affiliations: | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Attention, Learning, Memory, EEGGoogle:
"Dock Duncan"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorRonald Rensink | research assistant | 2013-2013 | |
Stefan van der Stigchel | research assistant | 2018-2018 | |
Floris P. de Lange | research assistant | 2019-2019 | |
Jan Theeuwes | grad student | 2019-2025 |
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Duncan DH, van Moorselaar D, Theeuwes J. (2024) Visual statistical learning requires attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Duncan DH, Theeuwes J. (2024) Secondary capture: Salience information persistently drives attentional selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 50: 942-951 |
Duncan DH, Theeuwes J, van Moorselaar D. (2023) The Electrophysiological Markers of Statistically Learned Attentional Enhancement: Evidence for a Saliency-based Mechanism. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 35: 2110-2125 |
Duncan DH, van Moorselaar D, Theeuwes J. (2023) Pinging the brain to reveal the hidden attentional priority map using encephalography. Nature Communications. 14: 4749 |
Duncan D, Theeuwes J. (2020) Statistical learning in the absence of explicit top-down attention. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 131: 54-65 |
Duncan D, Van der Stigchel S. (2019) Constancy bias: When we "fill in the blanks" of unattended or forgotten stimuli. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |