Klaartje Heinen
Affiliations: | University College London, London, United Kingdom |
attention, visionGoogle:
"Klaartje Heinen"Mean distance: 17.42 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Heinen K, Feredoes E, Ruff CC, et al. (2017) Functional connectivity between prefrontal and parietal cortex drives visuo-spatial attention shifts. Neuropsychologia |
Heinen K, Sagliano L, Candini M, et al. (2016) Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over Posterior Parietal Cortex enhances distinct aspects of Visual Working Memory. Neuropsychologia |
Heinen K, Feredoes E, Weiskopf N, et al. (2014) Direct evidence for attention-dependent influences of the frontal eye-fields on feature-responsive visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 24: 2815-21 |
Koush Y, Rosa MJ, Robineau F, et al. (2013) Connectivity-based neurofeedback: dynamic causal modeling for real-time fMRI. Neuroimage. 81: 422-30 |
Fahrenfort JJ, Snijders TM, Heinen K, et al. (2012) Neuronal integration in visual cortex elevates face category tuning to conscious face perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: 21504-9 |
Feredoes E, Heinen K, Driver J. (2012) Causal evidence for the role of prefrontal cortex in the control of sub- and suprathreshold distracters Journal of Vision. 12: 1333-1333 |
Feredoes E, Heinen K, Weiskopf N, et al. (2011) Causal evidence for frontal involvement in memory target maintenance by posterior brain areas during distracter interference of visual working memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 17510-5 |
Heinen K, Ruff CC, Bjoertomt O, et al. (2011) Concurrent TMS-fMRI reveals dynamic interhemispheric influences of the right parietal cortex during exogenously cued visuospatial attention. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 33: 991-1000 |
Chambers CD, Heinen K. (2010) TMS and the functional neuroanatomy of attention. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 46: 114-7 |
Fahrenfort JJ, Heinen K, van Gaal S, et al. (2010) Object selective responses without figure-ground segregation and visual awareness Journal of Vision. 10: 1010-1010 |