Arlene Earley Carney, Ph.D.

1994- Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
speech perception development
"Arlene Carney"
Mean distance: 15.98 (cluster 15)


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W. Dixon Ward grad student 1973-1977 UMN


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Amy Weiss grad student 1980-1983 University of Rhode Island
Joan Sussman grad student 1981-1984 SUNY Buffalo
Kathleen Cienkowski grad student 1995-1998 University of Connecticut
Bart Clement grad student 1996-1998 Minneapolis Public Schools
Dennis Terrance Ries grad student 2001 UMN
Mark DeRuiter grad student 2002 UMN
Rachael Anneke Holt grad student 2003 UMN
Sarah Kay Angerman grad student 2004 UMN
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Holt RF, Carney AE. (2007) Developmental effects of multiple looks in speech sound discrimination. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 50: 1404-24
McCleary EA, Ide-Helvie DL, Lotto AJ, et al. (2007) Effects of elicitation task variables on speech production by children with cochlear implants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 50: 83-96
Holt RF, Carney AE. (2005) Multiple looks in speech sound discrimination in adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 48: 922-43
Higgins MB, McCleary EA, Ide-Helvie DL, et al. (2005) Speech and voice physiology of children who are hard of hearing. Ear and Hearing. 26: 546-58
Carney AE, Nie Y, Main J, et al. (2005) Intelligibility and clarity of clear and conversational speech by children with implants and hearing aids The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 118: 1962-1962
Main JJ, Carney AE. (2005) Auditory and visual biasing for sentence recognition in noise The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 118: 1931-1931
Collison EA, Munson B, Carney AE. (2004) Relations among linguistic and cognitive skills and spoken word recognition in adults with cochlear implants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 47: 496-508
Holt RF, Carney AE. (2004) Nonsensory factors in speech perception The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 115: 2627-2627
Higgins MB, McCleary EA, Carney AE, et al. (2003) Longitudinal changes in children's speech and voice physiology after cochlear implantation. Ear and Hearing. 24: 48-70
Nelson PB, Jin SH, Carney AE, et al. (2003) Understanding speech in modulated interference: cochlear implant users and normal-hearing listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 113: 961-8
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