People with institution matching "MRC toxicology Unit": Advanced Search
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Ian D. Forsythe (Info) University of Leicester synaptic transmission, voltage-gated potassium channels, intrinsic plasticity, auditory processing fesposti1 2012‑04‑19
Jamie Johnston (Info) MRC-LMB K channels, T-type Ca channels, calyx of Held, retina, olfactory bulb kdelaney 2010‑07‑12
Joern R. Steinert (Info) Nottingham Kv channels, nitric oxide, Drosophila, NMJ, neurodegeneration, prion joernsteinert 2009‑04‑02
Adam JB Tozer (Info) MRC-LMB MNTB, CaV channels, nitric oxide, serotonin receptors, obesity, appetite adamtozer 2011‑07‑28
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