Similar researchers to Dingan Feng: Advanced Search
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Dingan Feng (Info) York University (MathTree) Statistics pq 2016‑03‑14
Frank Marion Hauser (Info) SUNY Albany (Chemistry Tree) Organic Chemistry pq 2016‑03‑29 Sim(0.07)
Shelley B. Hooks (Info) University of Georgia (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2013‑02‑24 Sim(0.08)
Françoise Colobert (Info) École européenne de chimie, polymères et matériaux, University of Strasbourg (Chemistry Tree) Synthesis and asymmetric catalysis, total synthesis of bioactive compounds R.Ballesteros-Garrido 2018‑10‑23 Sim(0.08)
Shyamalava Mazumdar (Info) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India (Chemistry Tree) Bioinorganic chemistry Vigyaanik 2018‑08‑12 Sim(0.09)
Eric Johnson (Info) Columbia crystalreeck 2018‑10‑23 Sim(0.09)
Haiying Du (Info) (Chemistry Tree) XavierBugaut 2017‑10‑18 Sim(0.09)
June Fessenden-Raden (Info) Cornell (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2013‑11‑18 Sim(0.09)
Massimo Baroncini (Info) (Chemistry Tree) twvap 2022‑11‑12 Sim(0.1)
G. K. Surya Prakash (Info) USC (Chemistry Tree) Fluorine chemistry, physical organic chemistry, organic synthesis, hydrocarbon chemistry chemwf 2012‑12‑06 Sim(0.1)
Hagai Netzer (Info) Tel Aviv University (Astronomy Tree) Astrophysics bennytr 2019‑05‑29 Sim(0.1)
Carl A. Hoeger (Info) UCSD (Chemistry Tree) Chemistry and Biochemistry jandh 2012‑06‑08 Sim(0.11)
W. Conard Fernelius (Info) Ohio State (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic Synthesis jandh 2011‑10‑31 Sim(0.11)
Daniele Leonori (Info) chemistry (Chemistry Tree) SaraP 2017‑01‑03 Sim(0.11)
shilie pan (Info) CAS (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic Chemistry slpannu 2013‑09‑29 Sim(0.11)
Kiran V. Mahasenan (Info) Ohio State (Physics Tree) Pharmacy pq 2016‑10‑03 Sim(0.11)
Kim M Gruver (Info) McGill Cerebellum; motor control; neural circuitry kimgruver 2017‑09‑21 Sim(0.11)
Stewart D. Clark (Info) UC Irvine Molecular neurobiology pq 2015‑10‑24 Sim(0.12)
Xiaodong Xu (Info) Nanjing Normal University (LinguisTree) phaedra 2018‑08‑04 Sim(0.12)
Suman Kumar Tripathy (Info) IIT Bhubaneswar (Chemistry Tree) Vigyaanik 2018‑03‑31 Sim(0.12)
Cody K. Porter (Info) University of Wyoming (Evolution Tree) Speciation, adaptive radiation recr10 2015‑03‑23 Sim(0.12)
Robley C. Williams (Info) UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) tobacco mosaic virus jandh 2014‑04‑08 Sim(0.12)
Ross Mandeville (Info) UCSD david 2015‑12‑23 Sim(0.12)
Ke Yang (Info) Apple Inc. (Chemistry Tree) ionic glass, glass transition, self-healing materials keyang3 2018‑10‑24 Sim(0.12)
Winship Herr (Info) Université de Lausanne (Chemistry Tree) Molecular epigenetics; cell-cycle; differentiation; transcription; herpes simplex virus; cancer jandh 2015‑03‑22 Sim(0.12)
Edoardo Pappaianni (Info) University of Trento, Italy alegrecucci 2017‑04‑28 Sim(0.12)
Gerald J. Wasserburg (Info) Caltech (Physics Tree) isotope geochemistry, cosmochemistry, meteoritics and astrophysics. jandh 2015‑10‑23 Sim(0.12)
L. M. Viranga Tillekeratne (Info) The University of Toledo (Chemistry Tree) Organic Chemistry, Pharmacology pq 2016‑04‑18 Sim(0.12)
Natalie Smith Jasiewicz (Info) UNC Chapel Hill (Chemistry Tree) kcmei 2020‑10‑11 Sim(0.12)
Nicholas C. Norman (Info) University of Bristol (Chemistry Tree) kontiki 2018‑08‑09 Sim(0.12)
maurizio codispoti (Info) Bologna University emotion, attention mauriziocodispoti 2016‑11‑29 Sim(0.13)
Lee A. Friedman (Info) UVA (Chemistry Tree) pq 2015‑11‑12 Sim(0.13)
Yu Zhou (Info) UMBC (Physics Tree) david 2017‑06‑08 Sim(0.13)
Wenyue (Lydia) Zhang (Info) Lehigh University (E-Tree) Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑22 Sim(0.13)
Robert Cone (Info) University of Connecticut Health Center sourojit1 2017‑11‑28 Sim(0.13)
Steven C. Stewart (Info) McGill (Evolution Tree) daniel_schoen 2016‑11‑02 Sim(0.13)
Amina Porter (Info) University of South Florida Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.13)
Xuemin Chen (Info) BYU (Chemistry Tree) reedmizatt 2018‑01‑11 Sim(0.13)
Joel Swift (Info) St. Louis University (Evolution Tree) SAH93 2018‑02‑10 Sim(0.14)
Sara Soleman (Info) Cambridge SaraSoleman 2017‑10‑02 Sim(0.14)
D. Brandon Magers (Info) Belhaven University (Chemistry Tree) computational chemistry patreides 2015‑09‑02 Sim(0.14)
Georgia Kaklamani (Info) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) spiros 2017‑09‑03 Sim(0.14)
Federica Montanaro (Info) Ohio State (Chemistry Tree) Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑18 Sim(0.14)
Xiaolei Zhu (Info) Sorbonne Université (Chemistry Tree) sollo 2021‑06‑22 Sim(0.14)
Changping Zheng (Info) Sorbonne Université (Chemistry Tree) sollo 2021‑06‑22 Sim(0.14)
Subhash C. Minocha (Info) UNH (Chemistry Tree) Plant Physiology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑22 Sim(0.14)
Sandra S. Eaton (Info) University of Denver (Chemistry Tree) Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry pq 2016‑03‑29 Sim(0.14)
Johan E. Mooij (Info) Delft University of Technology (Physics Tree) nanoscience jandh 2013‑11‑19 Sim(0.14)
John Christopher Draper (Info) New York University and Cooper Union (Chemistry Tree) physiology rqtopper 2014‑03‑20 Sim(0.14)
Wiendelt Drenth (Info) Utrecht (Chemistry Tree) physical organic chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑17 Sim(0.14)
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