Similar researchers to Lieven Huang: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Lieven Huang (Info) Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute lievenhuang 2011‑11‑12
Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz (Info) Harvard (History of History Tree) history of public health, history of science, United States history jacr 2016‑08‑09 Sim(0.25)
Francisco Garcia-Sierra (Info) CINVESTAV, Mexico george.perry 2011‑01‑17 Sim(0.34)
Daniel Grinberg (Info) Universitat de Barcelona (Evolution Tree) Human molecular genetics dgirnberg 2019‑02‑27 Sim(0.34)
Kate Ostevik (Info) UBC (Evolution Tree) kjgilbert 2011‑12‑08 Sim(0.35)
Leo Taylor (Info) Ohio State Mating systems, animal behavior, conservation leo.taylor 2018‑12‑20 Sim(0.36)
Wolfgang Kiefer (Info) University of Wurzburg (Chemistry Tree) connectingresearchers 2019‑09‑28 Sim(0.39)
Maike Holthuijzen (Info) Utah State University (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) TrumanYoung 2012‑04‑09 Sim(0.4)
Jim Larsson (Info) University of Lund (Chemistry Tree) JBood 2022‑09‑17 Sim(0.41)
Rebecca Rundell (Info) SUNY ESF (Evolution Tree) msbarker 2014‑02‑02 Sim(0.42)
Kate Self (Info) Oregon State (Evolution Tree) DavidLGNoakes 2020‑05‑02 Sim(0.44)
Suja Thomas (Info) UNC Chapel Hill (Evolution Tree) evolutionary genetics, bioinformatics pq 2015‑10‑28 Sim(0.45)
Lydia Kapsenberg (Info) UC Santa Barbara (Marine Ecology Tree) pcy 2012‑07‑08 Sim(0.45)
Nathan I. Wisnoski (Info) Mississippi State University (Microtree) ecologomicro 2022‑01‑27 Sim(0.45)
Ameen Abu-Hanna (Info) Amsterdam (MathTree) medical mathematics, medical statistics jandh 2015‑03‑13 Sim(0.47)
Stefan Zdraljevic (Info) Northwestern austin.t.daigle 2021‑12‑09 Sim(0.47)
Jennifer E. Caselle (Info) UC Santa Barbara (Marine Ecology Tree) marine ecology caselle 2009‑10‑15 Sim(0.48)
P. August Schubiger (Info) Paul Scherrer Institut (Chemistry Tree) Radiopharmaceuticals Recep 2012‑01‑30 Sim(0.48)
Ramon Diaz-Arrastia (Info) Penn (Neurotrauma Tree) Traumatic brain injury; Post-traumatic epilepsy; trauma-related neurodegeneration RDiazA 2017‑06‑28 Sim(0.48)
Boshu Li (Info) Shanghai Normal University ppl 2019‑04‑13 Sim(0.48)
Sarah (Sally) P. Otto (Info) UBC (Evolution Tree) mathematical evolution, population genetics, disease evolution, experimental evolution kjgilbert 2011‑12‑08 Sim(0.49)
F. W. Robertson (Info) Edinburgh (Evolution Tree) canestro 2019‑04‑01 Sim(0.49)
Brett Gonzalez (Info) Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (Evolution Tree) KarenOsborn 2023‑09‑20 Sim(0.49)
Jennifer L. Neuwald (Info) Washington University (FlyTree) population genetics, evolution, human genetics, conservation biology pq 2015‑10‑13 Sim(0.5)
Travis L. Gaydos (Info) UNC Chapel Hill (MathTree) Statistics, Biostatistics Biology pq 2016‑03‑14 Sim(0.5)
Gladys Ho (Info) University of Sydney (Evolution Tree) oxpeter 2016‑03‑29 Sim(0.5)
Adam Louis Mortimer (Info) Bowdoin College Central Pattern Generators, Homarus americanus amort17 2012‑10‑15 Sim(0.51)
Kari R. Goodman (Info) UC Berkeley (Evolution Tree) Systematic Biology, Ecology Biology, Entomology Biology pq 2016‑05‑12 Sim(0.52)
Robert W. Bryson (Info) University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Evolution Tree) Mammalian systematics, phylogeography pq 2015‑11‑20 Sim(0.52)
Ashlea Klahr (Info) Michigan State (PsychTree) syliaw 2024‑04‑30 Sim(0.52)
Matthew W. Thomson (Info) Harvard (Physics Tree) Biology pq 2015‑11‑07 Sim(0.53)
Outi Savolainen (Info) University of Oulu (Evolution Tree) Plant population genetics tpyha 2012‑01‑30 Sim(0.53)
Scott D. Michaels (Info) Indiana University Bloomington (Evolution Tree) regulation of flowering time BenBlackman 2011‑09‑08 Sim(0.53)
Maggie Wagner (Info) Duke (Chemistry Tree) mitchtmo 2016‑05‑21 Sim(0.53)
Erich Schmid (Info) Vienna University (Physics Tree) editor567 2021‑01‑30 Sim(0.53)
Hadassah Mendez-Vazquez (Info) Emory AmartyaPradhan 2024‑06‑01 Sim(0.53)
TyWanda L. McLaurin-Jones (Info) Howard University Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑21 Sim(0.54)
SRDJAN D ANTIC (Info) UConn Medical School dendritic integration, glutamate, NMDA spike, plateau potential, GEVI, voltage imaging SrdjanDAntic 2021‑12‑09 Sim(0.54)
Michael E. Pfrender (Info) Utah State University Evolution leigh 2009‑06‑25 Sim(0.54)
Punidan D. Jeyasingh (Info) Oklahoma State University (Evolution Tree) Ecology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑05‑18 Sim(0.54)
Stanislav Kler (Info) Virginia Tech panalbert 2024‑02‑13 Sim(0.54)
Johanna Schmitt (Info) Brown (Evolution Tree) Plant ecological genomics and evolutionary ecology; mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity jstinchcombe 2010‑08‑24 Sim(0.54)
Nilshad Salim (Info) Wayne State (Chemistry Tree) andrewfeig 2016‑09‑11 Sim(0.55)
Brechann V. McGoey (Info) University of Toronto (Evolution Tree) jstinchcombe 2011‑09‑08 Sim(0.55)
Kenneth L. Critchfield (Info) James Madison University (PsychTree) klevy 2016‑10‑13 Sim(0.55)
Keith A. Gardner (Info) Indiana University Bloomington (FlyTree) Plant Evolutionary Genetics pq 2015‑10‑14 Sim(0.55)
Cheryl Ann Zimmer (Info) UCLA (Evolution Tree) Population ecology of marine organisms, especially the role of hydrodynamic processes david 2016‑01‑13 Sim(0.55)
Howard D. Rundle (Info) University of Ottawa (Evolution Tree) DRennison 2011‑06‑21 Sim(0.56)
Krissa A. Skogen (Info) Chicago Botanic Garden (Evolution Tree) Botany kskogen 2010‑08‑31 Sim(0.56)
Barnabas Daru (Info) Stanford (Marine Ecology Tree) phylogenetic ecology, species distributions, climate change biology, plant biology damalichthys 2024‑05‑20 Sim(0.56)
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