Similar researchers to Dong-Qing Wei: Advanced Search
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Dong-Qing Wei (Info) Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Chemistry Tree) plian 2018‑11‑02
G. Bryant Bachman (Info) Purdue (Chemistry Tree) Organic Chemistry jandh 2012‑12‑05 Sim(0.11)
Antonia Marin-Burgin (Info) IBIOBA-Max Planck partner Neuronal circuits amarinburgin 2011‑11‑07 Sim(0.11)
John Howard Northrop (Info) University of California (Chemistry Tree) Biophysics jandh 2011‑07‑07 Sim(0.13)
Jill A. Hamilton (Info) University of Alberta (Evolution Tree) Forest Evolutionary Genomics jillahamilton 2013‑01‑08 Sim(0.13)
Bruce Svare (Info) SUNY Albany Katelin108 2010‑10‑01 Sim(0.14)
Jules A. Hoffmann (Info) Université de Strasbourg (ID Tree) Immunity jandh 2015‑04‑13 Sim(0.16)
Weizhen Xie (Info) University of Maryland (PsychTree) cognitive neuroscience, memory, neuropsychology, emotion zanexie 2014‑04‑24 Sim(0.17)
Martin Köhnlein (Info) Charité Berlin Neurology, Vision Cognium 2014‑12‑04 Sim(0.17)
Greg Rouse (Info) Scripps Oceanography (Evolution Tree) rcvrijen 2018‑05‑09 Sim(0.18)
Qinglin Li (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Visual System/Perception layne510 2011‑07‑19 Sim(0.18)
Ya Zhou (Info) Purdue (E-Tree) nodoru 2018‑11‑29 Sim(0.18)
Wilbur I. Kaye (Info) Beckman Instruments, Inc. (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2013‑11‑28 Sim(0.18)
Agnieszka Golec de Zavala (Info) Goldsmiths University of London (PsychTree) akc 2020‑06‑08 Sim(0.18)
Naomi Weisstein (Info) Harvard, Chicago, Loyola University Chicago, SUNY Buffalo Feminist Psychology, Vision, Neuroscience btroia 2014‑12‑04 Sim(0.18)
Rachel Hodge (Info) Thomas Jefferson SOM mdalva 2020‑03‑02 Sim(0.18)
Gilbert Stork (Info) Columbia (Chemistry Tree) synthesis and synthetic methods jandh 2011‑07‑17 Sim(0.19)
Otto Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Info) University of Vienna Biochemistry testtest 2009‑02‑27 Sim(0.19)
Allen Gerald Marr (Info) UC Davis (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2016‑07‑27 Sim(0.19)
John Monteath Robertson (Info) University of Glasgow (Chemistry Tree) X-ray crystallography jandh 2011‑08‑15 Sim(0.19)
Soren Impey (Info) OHSU Katelin108 2010‑10‑01 Sim(0.19)
Ruben Diaz-Avalos (Info) Janelia Farm (Chemistry Tree) Structural Biology pindus 2014‑04‑27 Sim(0.19)
Vijeth Iyengar (Info) Duke Episodic Memory vi5 2011‑03‑02 Sim(0.19)
Arnulf Soltys (Info) Universität Graz (Chemistry Tree) micro-analysis jandh 2013‑07‑14 Sim(0.19)
Mary Jane Osborn (Info) University of Connecticut Health Center (Chemistry Tree) lipopolysaccharide jandh 2014‑01‑27 Sim(0.19)
Steven H. Strauss (Info) Colorado State (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic Chemistry, Fluorine Materials kripke 2013‑11‑11 Sim(0.2)
Rudolf K. Thauer (Info) Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology (Chemistry Tree) Biochemistry, physiology and ecology of anaerobic bacteria and archaea jandh 2011‑11‑02 Sim(0.2)
Siegfried Edlbacher (Info) University of Basel (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2014‑02‑18 Sim(0.2)
Harry Fiss (Info) NYU kj 2018‑11‑13 Sim(0.2)
Kenneth Nyitray Trueblood (Info) UCLA (Chemistry Tree) crystallography jandh 2019‑01‑08 Sim(0.2)
D. Wayne Woolley (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (Chemistry Tree) growth factors, strepogenin, serotonin, peptide synthesis jandh 2014‑03‑16 Sim(0.2)
Glenn L. Millhauser (Info) UC Santa Cruz (Chemistry Tree) biophysical methods to study neurological proteins, their cofactors and how misregulation contributes to disease jandh 2014‑07‑29 Sim(0.2)
Mirko Cernak (Info) Masaryk University (Physics Tree) connectingresearchers 2019‑08‑04 Sim(0.2)
Matthew C. Gillette (Info) Miami University (Physics Tree) iii-iii 2019‑12‑14 Sim(0.2)
Trygve Helgaker (Info) University of Oslo, Norway (Chemistry Tree) KennethRuud 2017‑03‑13 Sim(0.21)
Monique L. Smith (Info) California State University San Marcos, University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine, OHSU, Stanford, University of San Diego Addiction, Pain, Social behavior willgiardino 2013‑05‑16 Sim(0.21)
Candice Feiring (Info) The College of New Jersey (PsychTree) Romantic Relationships, Attachment. Childhood sexual abuse feiring 2013‑02‑12 Sim(0.21)
Cyril Norman Hinshelwood (Info) Oxford (Chemistry Tree) JLand52 2006‑03‑16 Sim(0.21)
Natalie T. Boelman (Info) Columbia ksoma 2014‑01‑22 Sim(0.21)
Yuri Anatoly Ovchinnikov (Info) Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, AS USSR Biochemistry, Molecular Biology chubykin 2011‑12‑29 Sim(0.21)
Habiba O. Vongtau (Info) University of Pittsburgh molliverd 2011‑07‑06 Sim(0.22)
Stanislav Koulchitsky (Info) University of Liège dopaminergic system charliesneuron 2021‑10‑06 Sim(0.22)
Fritz Albert Lipmann (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (Chemistry Tree) Biochemistry hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim(0.22)
Dalziel Ll. Hammick (Info) Oxford (Chemistry Tree) Organic chemistry STang 2013‑07‑22 Sim(0.22)
Yoshikazu Kurosawa (Info) University of Tokyo (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑08‑22 Sim(0.22)
William H. Stein (Info) Rockefeller (Chemistry Tree) Biochemistry, analytical biochemistry jandh 2011‑07‑11 Sim(0.22)
Abir Sarbajna (Info) Indian Inst. of Technology - Kanpur (Chemistry Tree) Organometallics abirsarbajna 2018‑05‑07 Sim(0.22)
Edward L. Docks (Info) UCLA (Chemistry Tree) Emerson 2015‑08‑19 Sim(0.22)
Xiaoli Li (Info) Beijing Normal University (Physics Tree) chenguang918 2021‑12‑22 Sim(0.22)
Paul J. Coleman (Info) Indiana University Bloomington (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑07‑31 Sim(0.22)
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