Karrie R. Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. - Publications

Neuroscience Institute Graduate Program Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 

8 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 Zhou L, Fitzpatrick K, Olker C, Vitaterna MH, Turek FW. Casein Kinase 1 Epsilon and circadian misalignment impact affective behaviors in mice. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 34514665 DOI: 10.1111/ejn.15456  0.488
2018 Scarpa JR, Jiang P, Gao VD, Fitzpatrick K, Millstein J, Olker C, Gotter A, Winrow CJ, Renger JJ, Kasarskis A, Turek FW, Vitaterna MH. Cross-species systems analysis identifies gene networks differentially altered by sleep loss and depression. Science Advances. 4: eaat1294. PMID 30050989 DOI: 10.1126/Sciadv.Aat1294  0.724
2017 Jiang P, Scarpa J, Gao V, Fitzpatrick K, Gotter A, Winrow C, Renger J, Vitaterna M, Kasarskis A, Turek F. 0018 DATA MINING OF MULTIPLE GENOMICS DATASETS UNCOVERS CONVERGENT GENE NETWORKS INTEGRATING CIRCADIAN TIMING AND HOMEOSTATIC DRIVE FOR SLEEP REGULATION Sleep. 40: A7-A7. DOI: 10.1093/Sleepj/Zsx050.017  0.684
2015 Summa KC, Jiang P, Fitzpatrick K, Voigt RM, Bowers SJ, Forsyth CB, Vitaterna MH, Keshavarzian A, Turek FW. Chronic Alcohol Exposure and the Circadian Clock Mutation Exert Tissue-Specific Effects on Gene Expression in Mouse Hippocampus, Liver, and Proximal Colon. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 39: 1917-1929. PMID 26332085 DOI: 10.1111/Acer.12834  0.603
2015 Jiang P, Scarpa JR, Fitzpatrick K, Losic B, Gao VD, Hao K, Summa KC, Yang HS, Zhang B, Allada R, Vitaterna MH, Turek FW, Kasarskis A. A systems approach identifies networks and genes linking sleep and stress: implications for neuropsychiatric disorders. Cell Reports. 11: 835-48. PMID 25921536 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2015.04.003  0.683
2012 Fitzpatrick K, Winrow CJ, Gotter AL, Millstein J, Arbuzova J, Brunner J, Kasarskis A, Vitaterna MH, Renger JJ, Turek FW. Altered sleep and affect in the neurotensin receptor 1 knockout mouse. Sleep. 35: 949-56. PMID 22754041 DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.1958  0.715
2011 Brunner JI, Gotter AL, Millstein J, Garson S, Binns J, Fox SV, Savitz AT, Yang HS, Fitzpatrick K, Zhou L, Owens JR, Webber AL, Vitaterna MH, Kasarskis A, Uebele VN, et al. Pharmacological validation of candidate causal sleep genes identified in an N2 cross. Journal of Neurogenetics. 25: 167-81. PMID 22091728 DOI: 10.3109/01677063.2011.628426  0.73
2011 Millstein J, Winrow CJ, Kasarskis A, Owens JR, Zhou L, Summa KC, Fitzpatrick K, Zhang B, Vitaterna MH, Schadt EE, Renger JJ, Turek FW. Identification of causal genes, networks, and transcriptional regulators of REM sleep and wake. Sleep. 34: 1469-77. PMID 22043117 DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.1378  0.666
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