Matthew J. Benskey, Ph.D. - Publications

Neuroscience Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 

18 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Stoll AC, Kemp CJ, Patterson JR, Kubik M, Kuhn N, Benskey M, Duffy MF, Luk KC, Sortwell CE. Alpha-synuclein inclusion responsive microglia are resistant to CSF1R inhibition. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 21: 108. PMID 38664840 DOI: 10.1186/s12974-024-03108-5  0.306
2024 Stoll AC, Kemp CJ, Patterson JR, Howe JW, Steece-Collier K, Luk KC, Sortwell CE, Benskey MJ. Neuroinflammatory gene expression profiles of reactive glia in the substantia nigra suggest a multidimensional immune response to alpha synuclein inclusions. Neurobiology of Disease. 106411. PMID 38228253 DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2024.106411  0.304
2023 Stoll AC, Kemp CJ, Patterson JR, Kubik M, Kuhn N, Benskey M, Duffy MF, Luk K, Sortwell CE. Microglial depletion does not impact alpha-synuclein aggregation or nigrostriatal degeneration in the rat preformed fibril model. Research Square. PMID 37205534 DOI: 10.21203/  0.308
2020 Fortin JS, Benskey MJ, Lookingland KJ, Patterson JS, Howey EB, Goudreau JL, Schott HC. Restoring pars intermedia dopamine concentrations and tyrosine hydroxylase expression levels with pergolide: evidence from horses with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction. Bmc Veterinary Research. 16: 356. PMID 32977825 DOI: 10.1186/s12917-020-02565-3  0.614
2019 Sellnow RC, Newman JH, Chambers N, West AR, Steece-Collier K, Sandoval IM, Benskey MJ, Bishop C, Manfredsson FP. Regulation of dopamine neurotransmission from serotonergic neurons by ectopic expression of the dopamine D2 autoreceptor blocks levodopa-induced dyskinesia. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 7: 8. PMID 30646956 DOI: 10.1186/S40478-018-0653-7  0.641
2018 Benskey MJ, Sellnow RC, Sandoval IM, Sortwell CE, Lipton JW, Manfredsson FP. Silencing Alpha Synuclein in Mature Nigral Neurons Results in Rapid Neuroinflammation and Subsequent Toxicity. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 11: 36. PMID 29497361 DOI: 10.3389/Fnmol.2018.00036  0.599
2018 Manfredsson FP, Luk KC, Benskey MJ, Guezer A, Garcia J, Kuhn NC, Sandoval IM, Patterson JR, O'Mara A, Yonkers R, Kordower JH. Induction of alpha-synuclein pathology in the enteric nervous system of the rat and non-human primate results in gastrointestinal dysmotility and transient CNS pathology. Neurobiology of Disease. PMID 29341898 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nbd.2018.01.008  0.344
2017 Kang SS, Zhang Z, Liu X, Manfredsson FP, Benskey MJ, Cao X, Xu J, Sun YE, Ye K. TrkB neurotrophic activities are blocked by α-synuclein, triggering dopaminergic cell death in Parkinson's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 28923922 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1713969114  0.462
2017 Zhang Z, Kang SS, Liu X, Ahn EH, Zhang Z, He L, Iuvone PM, Duong DM, Seyfried NT, Benskey MJ, Manfredsson FP, Jin L, Sun YE, Wang JZ, Ye K. Asparagine endopeptidase cleaves α-synuclein and mediates pathologic activities in Parkinson's disease. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. PMID 28671665 DOI: 10.1038/Nsmb.3433  0.381
2016 Polinski NK, Manfredsson FP, Benskey MJ, Fischer DL, Kemp CJ, Steece-Collier K, Sandoval IM, Paumier KL, Sortwell CE. Impact of age and vector construct on striatal and nigral transgene expression. Molecular Therapy. Methods & Clinical Development. 3: 16082. PMID 27933309 DOI: 10.1038/Mtm.2016.82  0.355
2016 Benskey MJ, Perez RG, Manfredsson FP. The contribution of alpha synuclein to neuronal survival and function - Implications for Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 137: 331-59. PMID 26852372 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.13570  0.311
2016 Benskey MJ, Manfredsson FP. Gene Therapy of the Peripheral Nervous System: The Enteric Nervous System. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1382: 263-74. PMID 26611593 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3271-9_19  0.367
2015 Benskey MJ, Kuhn NC, Galligan JJ, Garcia J, Boye SE, Hauswirth WW, Mueller C, Boye SL, Manfredsson FP. Targeted gene delivery to the enteric nervous system using AAV: a comparison across serotypes and capsid mutants. Molecular Therapy : the Journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy. 23: 488-500. PMID 25592336 DOI: 10.1038/Mt.2015.7  0.48
2015 Benskey MJ, Manfredsson FP, Lookingland KJ, Goudreau JL. The role of parkin in the differential susceptibility of tuberoinfundibular and nigrostriatal dopamine neurons to acute toxicant exposure. Neurotoxicology. 46: 1-11. PMID 25447324 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuro.2014.11.004  0.774
2015 Benskey MJ, Benskey MJ, Kuhn NC, Kuhn NC, Galligan JJ, Galligan JJ, Garcia J, Garcia J, Hauswirth WW, Hauswirth WW, Mueller C, Boye SL, Mnafredsson FP. 544. Targeted Gene Delivery To the Enteric Nervous System: α-Synuclein Impairs Colonic Motility Molecular Therapy. 23: S218. DOI: 10.1016/S1525-0016(16)34153-3  0.503
2013 Benskey M, Lee KY, Parikh K, Lookingland KJ, Goudreau JL. Sustained resistance to acute MPTP toxicity by hypothalamic dopamine neurons following chronic neurotoxicant exposure is associated with sustained up-regulation of parkin protein. Neurotoxicology. 37: 144-53. PMID 23643664 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuro.2013.04.002  0.786
2012 Benskey M, Behrouz B, Sunryd J, Pappas SS, Baek SH, Huebner M, Lookingland KJ, Goudreau JL. Recovery of hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular dopamine neurons from acute toxicant exposure is dependent upon protein synthesis and associated with an increase in parkin and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase-L1 expression. Neurotoxicology. 33: 321-31. PMID 22342763 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuro.2012.02.001  0.619
2012 Benskey M, Behrouz B, Sunryd J, Pappas SS, Baek S, Huebner M, Lookingland KJ, Goudreau JL. Erratum to “Recovery of hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular dopamine neurons from acute toxicant exposure is dependent upon protein synthesis and associated with an increase in parkin and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase-L1 expression” [Neurotoxicology 33 (2012) 321–331] Neurotoxicology. 33: 406. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuro.2012.04.013  0.606
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