Aaron S. Richmond, Ph.D. - Publications

2006 University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States 
Educational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology, Secondary Education, Sciences Education

16 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Thompson JLW, Richmond AS, Barboza B, Bradley J, White JN, Landrum RE. Measuring What Students Know: SNAP’s Guidelines and Suggestions for Assessing Goal 1 Content in Psychology: Teaching of Psychology. 47: 262-273. DOI: 10.1177/0098628320945113  0.364
2018 Gurung RAR, Richmond A, Boysen GA. Studying Excellence in Teaching: The Story So Far New Directions For Teaching and Learning. 2018: 11-19. DOI: 10.1002/Tl.20312  0.36
2017 Richmond AS, Bacca AM, Becknell JS, Coyle RP. Teaching Metacognition Experientially: A Focus on Higher Versus Lower Level Learning Teaching of Psychology. 44: 298-305. DOI: 10.1177/0098628317727633  0.357
2016 Sperling RA, Ramsay CM, Reeves PM, Follmer DJ, Richmond AS. Supporting students’ knowledge construction and self-regulation through the use of elaborative processing strategies Middle School Journal. 47: 25-32. DOI: 10.1080/00940771.2015.1135099  0.477
2015 Hussey HD, Richmond AS, Fleck B. A primer for creating a flipped psychology course Psychology Learning and Teaching. 14: 169-185. DOI: 10.1177/1475725715592830  0.449
2015 Richmond AS, Broussard KA, Sterns JL, Sanders KK, Shardy JC. Who Are We Studying? Sample Diversity in Teaching of Psychology Research Teaching of Psychology. 42: 218-226. DOI: 10.1177/0098628315587619  0.427
2015 Richmond AS, Berglund MB, Epelbaum VB, Klein EM. a + (b1) Professor–Student Rapport + (b2) Humor + (b3) Student Engagement = (Ŷ) Student Ratings of Instructors Teaching of Psychology. 42: 119-125. DOI: 10.1177/0098628315569924  0.422
2015 Richmond AS, Murphy BC, Curl LS, Broussard KA. The effect of immersion scheduling on academic performance and students’ ratings of instructors Teaching of Psychology. 42: 26-33. DOI: 10.1177/0098628314562675  0.418
2015 Fleck B, Richmond AS, Sanderson J, Yacovetta S. Does pedagogical documentation support maternal reminiscing conversations Cogent Education. 2: 1124824. DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2015.1124824  0.306
2014 Richmond AS, Boysen GA, Gurung RAR, Tazeau YN, Meyers SA, Sciutto MJ. Aspirational model teaching criteria for psychology Teaching of Psychology. 41: 281-295. DOI: 10.1177/0098628314549699  0.478
2012 Sperling RA, Richmond AS, Ramsay CM, Klapp M. The measurement and predictive ability of metacognition in middle school learners Journal of Educational Research. 105: 1-7. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2010.514690  0.399
2011 Richmond AS, Carney RN, Levin JR. Got neurons? Teaching neuroscience mnemonically promotes retention and higher-order thinking Psychology Learning and Teaching. 10: 40-45. DOI: 10.2304/Plat.2011.10.1.40  0.401
2011 Richmond AS, Hagan LK. Promoting higher level thinking in psychology: Is active learning the answer? Teaching of Psychology. 38: 102-105. DOI: 10.1177/0098628311401581  0.38
2008 Cummings R, Maddux CD, Richmond A. Curriculum‐embedded performance assessment in higher education: maximum efficiency and minimum disruption Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 33: 599-605. DOI: 10.1080/02602930701773067  0.545
2005 Smaby MH, Maddux CD, Richmond AS, Lepkowski WJ, Packman J. Academic Admission Requirements as Predictors of Counseling Knowledge, Personal Development, and Counseling Skills Counselor Education and Supervision. 45: 43-57. DOI: 10.1002/J.1556-6978.2005.Tb00129.X  0.372
2004 Richmond AS, Cummings R. In support of the cognitive-developmental approach to moral education: A response to David Carr Journal of Moral Education. 33: 197-205. DOI: 10.1080/0305724042000215230  0.494
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