Sangho Choo, Ph.D. - Publications

2004 University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Civil Engineering, Transportation, Urban and Regional Planning

38 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Choi S, Choo S, Kim S. Is the Relationship between Transportation and Communications Industries Complementary or Substitutional? An Asian Countries-Based Empirical Analysis Using Input-Output Accounts Sustainability. 12: 3085. DOI: 10.3390/Su12083085  0.401
2019 Lee H, Chen M, Pham HT, Choo S. Development of a Decision Making System for Installing Unmanned Parcel Lockers: Focusing on Residential Complexes in Korea Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 23: 2713-2722. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-019-1398-Y  0.344
2018 Shin S, Choo S, Lee K, Park D. What Factors do Affect Freight Volume of the Steel Industry in Korea?: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 22: 4615-4625. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-018-0664-8  0.377
2017 Kim T, Sohn DW, Choo S. An analysis of the relationship between pedestrian traffic volumes and built environment around metro stations in Seoul Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 21: 1443-1452. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-016-0915-5  0.417
2016 Kim S, Lim S, Choi S, Choo S, Ahn W. Identification of Key Factors of Travel Time Budget by Mode in Seoul: Using Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model The Journal of the Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems. 15: 23-33. DOI: 10.12815/Kits.2016.15.3.023  0.442
2016 Lim S, Lee H, Choo S. Exploring the Relationship between Transfer Trips and Land Use The Journal of the Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems. 15: 1-12. DOI: 10.12815/Kits.2016.15.2.001  0.349
2016 Choi S, Choo S, Jang J. Identifying the Characteristics of Elderly Pedestrian using the Tobit Model The Journal of the Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems. 15: 16-27. DOI: 10.12815/Kits.2016.15.1.016  0.408
2016 Lee H, Lee KD, Choo S. The effects of the emission cost on route choices of international container ships Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2016. DOI: 10.1155/2016/6850308  0.339
2016 Kim T, Choo S, Shin Y, Park M, You S(. Identifying differences of travel time budgets between the elderly and the nonelderly groups using PSL structural equation models: A case study for Seoul metropolitan area International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 10: 455-465. DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2014.975302  0.4
2016 Choo S, Sohn D, Park M. Mobility characteristics of the elderly: A case for Seoul Metropolitan Area Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 20: 1023-1031. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-016-0651-X  0.435
2016 Lee H, Choo S. Optimal decision making process of transportation service providers in maritime freight networks Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 20: 922-932. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-015-0116-7  0.383
2015 Choi S, Kim S, Jang J, Lee H, Choo S. A Study on the Key Factors Affecting Travel Time Budget for Elderly Pedestrians The Journal of the Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems. 14: 62-72. DOI: 10.12815/Kits.2015.14.4.062  0.327
2015 Jang J, Choi S, Lee H, Kim S, Choo S. A comparison analysis of factors to affect pedestrian volumes by land-use type using Seoul Pedestrian Survey data The Journal of the Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems. 14: 39-53. DOI: 10.12815/Kits.2015.14.2.039  0.399
2015 Kim SN, Choo S, Mokhtarian PL. Home-based telecommuting and intra-household interactions in work and non-work travel: A seemingly unrelated censored regression approach Transportation Research Part a: Policy and Practice. 80: 197-214. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tra.2015.07.018  0.632
2014 Youn H, Park M, Choo S. Segmentation of Electronic Commerce Delivery Service Based on a Stated Preference Survey Journal of International Logistics and Trade. 12: 81-95. DOI: 10.24006/Jilt.2014.12.2.004  0.322
2014 Lee H, Boile M, Theofanis S, Choo S. Game theoretical models of the cooperative carrier behavior Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 18: 1528-1538. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-014-1337-X  0.363
2014 Lee H, Boile M, Theofanis S, Choo S, Lee KD. A freight network planning model in oligopolistic shipping markets Cluster Computing. 17: 835-847. DOI: 10.1007/S10586-013-0314-3  0.39
2014 Lee H, Song Y, Choo S, Chung KY, Lee KD. Bi-level optimization programming for the shipper-carrier network problem Cluster Computing. 17: 805-816. DOI: 10.1007/S10586-013-0311-6  0.381
2013 Cao X, Chen Q, Choo S. Geographic distribution of E-shopping Transportation Research Record. 18-26. DOI: 10.3141/2383-03  0.518
2013 Choo S, You S(, Lee H. Exploring characteristics of airport access mode choice: A case study of Korea Transportation Planning and Technology. 36: 335-351. DOI: 10.1080/03081060.2013.798484  0.371
2013 Pueboobpaphan R, Park D, Kim Y, Choo S. Time Headway Distribution of Probe Vehicles on Single and Multiple Lane Highways Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 17: 824-836. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-013-0212-5  0.361
2013 Cao X(, Wongmonta S, Choo S. Examining the adaptation process of people's behavioral response to high gasoline costs Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 17: 815-823. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-013-0208-1  0.391
2013 Lee H, Zhang T, Boile M, Theofanis S, Choo S. Designing an integrated logistics network in a supply chain system Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 17: 806-814. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-013-0087-5  0.34
2012 Lee H, Boile M, Theofanis S, Choo S. Modeling the Oligopolistic and Competitive Behavior of Carriers in Maritime Freight Transportation Networks Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 54: 1080-1094. DOI: 10.1016/J.Sbspro.2012.09.823  0.38
2012 Choo S, Mokhtarian PL. Individual responses to congestion policies: Modeling the consideration of factor-based travel-related strategy bundles Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 16: 822-834. DOI: 10.1007/S12205-012-1315-0  0.633
2011 Mokhtarian PL, Lee T, Choo S. A decomposition of trends in U.S. consumer expenditures on communications and travel: 1984-2002 Quality and Quantity. 45: 1-19. DOI: 10.1007/S11135-009-9280-5  0.606
2009 Choo S, Kim I, Lee H. Exploring Relationships Between Information And Communications Technology (Ict) Use And Travel Journal of the Eastern Asia Society For Transportation Studies. 8: 110-110. DOI: 10.11175/Eastpro.2009.0.110.0  0.418
2008 Choo S, Mokhtarian PL. How do people respond to congestion mitigation policies? A multivariate probit model of the individual consideration of three travel-related strategy bundles Transportation. 35: 145-163. DOI: 10.1007/S11116-007-9142-8  0.635
2007 Choo S, Lee T, Mokhtarian PL. Do transportation and communications tend to be substitutes, complements, or neither? U.S. consumer expenditures perspective, 1984-2002 Transportation Research Record. 121-132. DOI: 10.3141/2010-14  0.657
2007 Choo S, Lee T, Mokhtarian PL. Relationships between US consumer expenditures on communications and transportation using almost ideal demand system modeling: 1984-2002 Transportation Planning and Technology. 30: 431-453. DOI: 10.1080/03081060701599920  0.644
2007 Choo S, Shafizadeh K, Niemeier D. The development of a prescreening model to identify failed and gross polluting vehicles Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 12: 208-218. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trd.2007.01.012  0.35
2007 Choo S, Mokhtarian PL. Telecommunications and travel demand and supply: Aggregate structural equation models for the US Transportation Research Part a: Policy and Practice. 41: 4-18. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tra.2006.01.001  0.652
2005 Choo S, Mokhtarian PL. Do telecommunications affect passenger travel or vice versa? Structural equation models of aggregate U.S. Time series data using composite indexes Transportation Research Record. 224-232. DOI: 10.3141/1926-26  0.63
2005 Mokhtarian PL, Salomon I, Choo S. Measuring the measurable: Why can't we agree on the number of telecommuters in the U.S.? Quality and Quantity. 39: 423-452. DOI: 10.1007/S11135-004-6790-Z  0.563
2005 Choo S, Mokhtarian PL, Salomon I. Does telecommuting reduce vehicle-miles traveled? An aggregate time series analysis for the U.S Transportation. 32: 37-64. DOI: 10.1007/S11116-004-3046-7  0.623
2005 Choo S, Collantes GO, Mokhtarian PL. Wanting to travel, more or less: Exploring the determinants of the deficit and surfeit of personal travel Transportation. 32: 135-164. DOI: 10.1007/S11116-004-2219-8  0.648
2004 Ory DT, Mokhtarian PL, Redmond LS, Salomon I, Collantes GO, Choo S. When is commuting desirable to the individual? Growth and Change. 35: 334-359. DOI: 10.1111/J.1468-2257.2004.00252.X  0.636
2004 Choo S, Mokhtarian PL. What type of vehicle do people drive? The role of attitude and lifestyle in influencing vehicle type choice Transportation Research Part a: Policy and Practice. 38: 201-222. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tra.2003.10.005  0.636
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