Alfred O. Isaac, Ph.D. - Publications

2007 Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, United States 
Pharmacology, Toxicology, Neuroscience Biology

6 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Wairimu NW, Wairagu P, Chepukosi KW, Obiero GF, Okanya PW, Isaac AO, Nyariki JN. Sodium Metabisulfite-Induced Hematotoxicity, Oxidative Stress, and Organ Damage Ameliorated by Standardized in Mice. Journal of Toxicology. 2023: 7058016. PMID 37854041 DOI: 10.1155/2023/7058016  0.351
2014 Rashid K, Wachira FN, Nyabuga JN, Wanyonyi B, Murilla G, Isaac AO. Kenyan purple tea anthocyanins ability to cross the blood brain barrier and reinforce brain antioxidant capacity in mice. Nutritional Neuroscience. 17: 178-85. PMID 23883519 DOI: 10.1179/1476830513Y.0000000081  0.382
2009 Dukhande VV, Isaac AO, Chatterji T, Lai JC. Reduced glutathione regenerating enzymes undergo developmental decline and sexual dimorphism in the rat cerebral cortex. Brain Research. 1286: 19-24. PMID 19450567 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2009.05.029  0.469
2009 Singh A, Isaac AO, Luo X, Mohan ML, Cohen ML, Chen F, Kong Q, Bartz J, Singh N. Abnormal brain iron homeostasis in human and animal prion disorders. Plos Pathogens. 5: e1000336. PMID 19283067 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Ppat.1000336  0.334
2007 Isaac AO, Dukhande VV, Lai JC. Metabolic and antioxidant system alterations in an astrocytoma cell line challenged with mitochondrial DNA deletion. Neurochemical Research. 32: 1906-18. PMID 17562167 DOI: 10.1007/S11064-007-9380-3  0.466
2006 Isaac AO, Kawikova I, Bothwell AL, Daniels CK, Lai JC. Manganese treatment modulates the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in astrocytoma and neuroblastoma cells. Neurochemical Research. 31: 1305-16. PMID 17053972 DOI: 10.1007/S11064-006-9173-0  0.339
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