Omer Mano - Publications

2014-2020 MCDB Yale University, New Haven, CT 
 2020- Neuroscience Yale Med Sch, New Haven, CT, United States 

10 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Mano O, Choi M, Tanaka R, Creamer MS, Matos NCB, Shomar JW, Badwan BA, Clandinin TR, Clark DA. Long-timescale anti-directional rotation in optomotor behavior. Elife. 12. PMID 37751469 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.86076  0.721
2023 Mano O, Choi M, Tanaka R, Creamer MS, Matos NCB, Shomar J, Badwan BA, Clandinin TR, Clark DA. Long timescale anti-directional rotation in optomotor behavior. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology. PMID 36711627 DOI: 10.1101/2023.01.06.523055  0.721
2021 Mano O, Creamer MS, Badwan BA, Clark DA. Predicting individual neuron responses with anatomically constrained task optimization. Current Biology : Cb. PMID 34324832 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.090  0.595
2020 Shook BA, Wasko RR, Mano O, Rutenberg-Schoenberg M, Rudolph MC, Zirak B, Rivera-Gonzalez GC, López-Giráldez F, Zarini S, Rezza A, Clark DA, Rendl M, Rosenblum MD, Gerstein MB, Horsley V. Dermal Adipocyte Lipolysis and Myofibroblast Conversion Are Required for Efficient Skin Repair. Cell Stem Cell. PMID 32302523 DOI: 10.1016/J.Stem.2020.03.013  0.519
2019 Mano O, Creamer MS, Matulis CA, Salazar-Gatzimas E, Chen J, Zavatone-Veth JA, Clark DA. Using slow frame rate imaging to extract fast receptive fields. Nature Communications. 10: 4979. PMID 31672963 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-019-12974-0  0.636
2019 Creamer MS, Mano O, Tanaka R, Clark DA. A flexible geometry for panoramic visual and optogenetic stimulation during behavior and physiology. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. PMID 31103713 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneumeth.2019.05.005  0.705
2018 Creamer MS, Mano O, Clark DA. Visual Control of Walking Speed in Drosophila. Neuron. PMID 30415994 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2018.10.028  0.673
2018 Astigarraga S, Douthit J, Tarnogorska D, Creamer MS, Mano O, Clark DA, Meinertzhagen IA, Treisman JE. Drosophila Sidekick is required in developing photoreceptors to enable visual motion detection. Development (Cambridge, England). PMID 29361567 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.158246  0.666
2017 Mano O, Clark DA. Graphics Processing Unit-Accelerated Code for Computing Second-Order Wiener Kernels and Spike-Triggered Covariance. Plos One. 12: e0169842. PMID 28068420 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0169842  0.589
2016 Salazar-Gatzimas E, Chen J, Creamer MS, Mano O, Mandel HB, Matulis CA, Pottackal J, Clark DA. Direct Measurement of Correlation Responses in Drosophila Elementary Motion Detectors Reveals Fast Timescale Tuning. Neuron. 92: 227-239. PMID 27710784 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2016.09.017  0.694
Show low-probability matches.