University of Hamburg

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Erol Basar Department of Physiology19651968 Christoph Weiss (grad student)
Curt W. Bondy1921 William Lewis Stern (grad student)
Monika Bullinger
Hans Colmant
Mina Eghbalian Medicine20182019 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (grad student)
Torsten Falk Cellular Biochemistry and Clinical Neurobiology Applied Physiology19921996 Dietmar Richter (grad student), Juergen Schwarz (grad student)
Matthias GondanMultisensory integration, RT modeling Brigitte Röder (grad student)
Waqar Khanvisual neuroscience, visual perceptual learning, neuropsychology Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology2024 Brigitte Röder (grad student)
Christoph Korn Dominik R. Bach (post-doc)
Lux Licrossmodal adaptation, multisensory perception, Bayesian modelling Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology2019 Brigitte Röder (post-doc)
Ernst MeumannPsychology, education
Viacheslav O. Nikolaev Experimental Cardiovascular Research20072010 Martin J. Lohse (grad student), Julia Gorelik (post-doc)
Krista E. Overvliethaptic perception BPN20152017 Brigitte Röder (post-doc)
Kabilan Pitchaimuthu Brigitte Röder (post-doc)
Dietmar Richter
Brigitte RöderMultisensory Integration, Crossmodal Processing, ERP Helen Neville (post-doc)
Philine Rojczyk Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School20182019 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (grad student)
Robert Schulz Neurology Rudiger Ernst Kohling (grad student)
Juergen Schwarz
Rüdiger J. SeitzSensorimotor system, cognition, stroke Department of Neuropathology Hans Colmant (grad student)
Daniel SenkowskiMultisensory Integration; Attention2006 Andreas K. Engel (research scientist)
William Lewis SternPersonality, Intelligence
Christoph Weiss
Heinz WernerDevelopmental Psychology William Lewis Stern (grad student)
Hans Winkler
Jürgen Reimer Wolter Anatomy1950 Karl Zeiger (research scientist)
Tony YeCognitive Neuroscience, Electrophysiology, Decision-Making, Animal Models, Parkinson's disease Neurology20182019 Torsten Falk (post-doc)
Lei Zhang Neuroscience Jan Glascher (grad student)