Renana Peres

Business Administration Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 
"Renana Peres"
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Muller E, Peres R. (2019) The effect of social networks structure on innovation performance: A review and directions for research International Journal of Research in Marketing. 36: 3-19
Lovett MJ, Peres R, Xu L. (2019) Can your advertising really buy earned impressions? The effect of brand advertising on word of mouth Quantitative Marketing and Economics. 17: 215-255
Lovett MJ, Peres R. (2018) Mobile diaries – Benchmark against metered measurements: An empirical investigation International Journal of Research in Marketing. 35: 224-241
Peres R, Van Den Bulte C. (2014) When to take or forgo new product exclusivity: Balancing protection from competition against word-of-mouth spillover Journal of Marketing. 78: 83-100
Lovett M, Peres R, Shachar R. (2014) A data set of brands and their characteristics Marketing Science. 33: 609-617
Peres R. (2014) The impact of network characteristics on the diffusion of innovations Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 402: 330-343
Peres R, Muller E, Mahajan V. (2010) Innovation diffusion and new product growth models: A critical review and research directions International Journal of Research in Marketing. 27: 91-106
Lilien GL, Grewal R, Bowman D, et al. (2010) Calculating, creating, and claiming value in business markets: Status and research agenda Marketing Letters. 21: 287-299
Libai B, Muller E, Peres R. (2009) The diffusion of services Journal of Marketing Research. 46: 163-175
Libai B, Muller E, Peres R. (2009) The Role of Within-Brand and Cross-Brand Communications in Competitive Growth Journal of Marketing. 73: 19-34
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