Elissa Newport

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
"Elissa Newport"
Mean distance: 14.5 (cluster 21)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree - CSD Tree


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Jenny R. Saffran grad student Rochester
Katie Schuler grad student Georgetown
David Ruskin grad student 2007- Rochester
James L. Morgan grad student 1983 UIUC (LinguisTree)
Toben H. Mintz grad student 1996 Rochester (LinguisTree)
Inge-Marie Eigsti grad student 2001 Rochester
Danielle S. Ross grad student 2001 Rochester
Marie E. Coppola grad student 1996-2002 Rochester
Carla L. Hudson Kam grad student 2003 Rochester (LinguisTree)
Susan P. Thompson grad student 2003 Rochester
Elizabeth Wonnacott grad student 2006 Rochester
Benjamin M. Faber grad student 2008 Rochester
Alison C. Austin grad student 2010 Rochester
Patricia A. Reeder grad student 2005-2010 Rochester (LinguisTree)
Sarah J. Starling grad student 2013 Rochester
Maryia Fedzechkina grad student 2014 Rochester
Kelly C. Martin grad student 2017-2022 Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC USA
Aaron J. Newman post-doc Dalhousie University
Betsy Sneller post-doc (LinguisTree)
Daniel J. Weiss post-doc 2000-2003 Rochester
Sara Finley post-doc 2008-2011 Rochester (LinguisTree)
Anna Seydell-Greenwald research scientist 2013- Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC USA
BETA: Related publications


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Martin KC, Seydell-Greenwald A, Turkeltaub PE, et al. (2024) Functional partitioning of sentence processing and emotional prosody in the right perisylvian cortex after perinatal stroke. Research Square
Martin KC, Seydell-Greenwald A, Turkeltaub PE, et al. (2023) One right can make a left: sentence processing in the right hemisphere after perinatal stroke. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Seydell-Greenwald A, Wang X, Newport EL, et al. (2023) Spoken language processing activates the primary visual cortex. Plos One. 18: e0289671
Fama ME, Schuler KD, Newport EL, et al. (2022) Effects of healthy aging and left hemisphere stroke on statistical language learning. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 37: 984-999
Newport EL, Seydell-Greenwald A, Landau B, et al. (2022) Language and developmental plasticity after perinatal stroke. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2207293119
Martin KC, Seydell-Greenwald A, Berl MM, et al. (2022) A Weak Shadow of Early Life Language Processing Persists in the Right Hemisphere of the Mature Brain. Neurobiology of Language (Cambridge, Mass.). 3: 364-385
Landau B, Newport EL, Gleitman C. (2022) Lila Gleitman-trailblazer in cognitive science, beloved mentor, incandescent wit-dies at 91. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2202380119
Austin AC, Schuler KD, Furlong S, et al. (2021) Learning a language from inconsistent input: Regularization in child and adult learners. Language Learning and Development : the Official Journal of the Society For Language Development. 18: 249-277
Ferrara K, Seydell-Greenwald A, Chambers CE, et al. (2021) Developmental changes in neural lateralization for visual-spatial function: Evidence from a line-bisection task. Developmental Science. e13217
Mbwana JS, You X, Ailion A, et al. (2021) Functional connectivity hemispheric contrast (FC-HC): A new metric for language mapping. Neuroimage. Clinical. 102598
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