Lila R. Gleitman

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
psycholinguistics, language acquisition
"Lila Gleitman"
Mean distance: 14.45 (cluster 21)
Cross-listing: PsychTree - LinguisTree - CSD Tree


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Zellig Harris grad student 1962-1967 Penn


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Tim Dawson research assistant Penn (LinguisTree)
Jared M. Novick research assistant 2000 Penn
Katherine Sledge Moore research assistant 2002-2003 Penn
Zachary James Burchill research assistant 2010-2014 Penn (LinguisTree)
Victor Gomes research assistant 2018-2019 Penn (LinguisTree)
Sudha Arunachalam grad student
Cynthia Fisher grad student Penn (LinguisTree)
Albert E. Kim grad student (LinguisTree)
Barbara Landau grad student Penn
Carol A. Miller grad student Penn (CSD Tree)
Elissa Newport grad student Penn
John A. Goldsmith grad student 1969-1972 Swarthmore (LinguisTree)
Heidi M. Feldman grad student 1975 Penn
Susan Goldin-Meadow grad student 1975 Penn
Sandra R. Waxman grad student 1976 Penn
Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek grad student 1981 Penn
Letitia Naigles grad student 1983-1988 Penn
Laura Wagner grad student 1998 Penn (LinguisTree)
Jesse Snedeker grad student 1995-1999 Penn
Jane A. Gillette grad student 2001 Penn
Felicia D. Hurewitz grad student 1995-2001 Penn
Peggy Li grad student 2002 Penn
Andrew C. Connolly grad student 2000-2006 Penn
Lucia Pozzan post-doc
Toben H. Mintz post-doc 1996-1998 Penn (LinguisTree)
Jeffrey Lidz post-doc 1997-2000 Penn (LinguisTree)
Anna Papafragou post-doc 1999-2004 Penn (LinguisTree)


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Henry Gleitman collaborator Penn
BETA: Related publications


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Hafri A, Gleitman LR, Landau B, et al. (2022) Where word and world meet: Language and vision share an abstract representation of symmetry. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Gleitman LR, Gleitman C. (2021) Recollecting What We Once Knew: My Life in Psycholinguistics. Annual Review of Psychology
Gleitman LR, Gleitman C. (2021) The violin case. Cognition. 104531
Ergin R, Senghas A, Jackendoff R, et al. (2020) Structural cues for symmetry, asymmetry, and non-symmetry in Central Taurus Sign Language. Sign Language and Linguistics. 23: 171-207
Gleitman L, Senghas A, Flaherty M, et al. (2019) The emergence of the formal category "symmetry" in a new sign language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116: 11705-11711
Gleitman LR, Liberman MY, McLemore CA, et al. (2019) The Impossibility of Language Acquisition (and How They Do It) Annual Review of Linguistics. 5: 1-24
Gleitman LR, Trueswell JC. (2018) Easy Words: Reference Resolution in a Malevolent Referent World. Topics in Cognitive Science
Woodard K, Gleitman LR, Trueswell JC. (2016) Two- and three-year-olds track a single meaning during word learning: Evidence for Propose-but-verify. Language Learning and Development : the Official Journal of the Society For Language Development. 12: 252-261
Stevens JS, Gleitman LR, Trueswell JC, et al. (2016) The Pursuit of Word Meanings. Cognitive Science
Pozzan L, Gleitman LR, Trueswell JC. (2016) Semantic ambiguity and syntactic bootstrapping: The case of conjoined-subject intransitive sentences. Language Learning and Development : the Official Journal of the Society For Language Development. 12: 14-41
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