Orion D. Weiner, Ph.D.

University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
"Orion Weiner"
Mean distance: 17.7 (cluster 11)


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John W. Sedat grad student (Chemistry Tree)
Henry R. Bourne grad student 2001 UCSF
 (Gradient amplification during eukaryotic chemotaxis.)
Lewis C. Cantley post-doc (Chemistry Tree)
Marc W. Kirschner post-doc (Cell Biology Tree)


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Derek Britain grad student Renasant Bio
Rachel Brunetti grad student Sana Biotechnology
Miriam Genuth grad student Yale
Brian Graziano grad student UCSF (Cell Biology Tree)
Zairan Liu grad student IQVIA
Justin McLaurin grad student ZS Associates
Tamas Nagy grad student (Chemistry Tree)
Anne Pipathsouk grad student Fountain Therapeutics
Anna Reade grad student NRDC
Doug TIscher grad student University of Washington
Jason Town grad student Genentech
Andrew Houk grad student 2011 UCSF
Arthur Millius grad student 2011 UCSF
Sheel Dandekar grad student 2012 UCSF
Maya R. Overland grad student 2013 UCSF
Anna P. Jost grad student 2014 Harvard Medical School
Julie Wu grad student 2014 UCSF
Jeffrey Alexander post-doc UCSF
Delquin Gong post-doc Calico Life Sciences, LLC (Cell Biology Tree)
Oliver Hoeller post-doc UCSF
Alba Diz Munoz post-doc EMBL Heidelberg
Suvrajit Saha post-doc Calico (Cell Biology Tree)
Jared Toettcher post-doc Princeton
Stephanie Woo post-doc UC Merced
BETA: Related publications


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De Belly H, Weiner OD. (2024) Follow the flow: Actin and membrane act as an integrated system to globally coordinate cell shape and movement. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 89: 102392
Nagy TL, Strickland E, Weiner OD. (2024) Neutrophils actively swell to potentiate rapid migration. Elife. 12
Town JP, Weiner OD. (2023) Local negative feedback of Rac activity at the leading edge underlies a pilot pseudopod-like program for amoeboid cell guidance. Plos Biology. 21: e3002307
Nagy TL, Strickland JD, Weiner OD. (2023) Neutrophils actively swell to potentiate rapid migration. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Saha S, Town JP, Weiner OD. (2023) Mechanosensitive mTORC2 independently coordinates leading and trailing edge polarity programs during neutrophil migration. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 34: ar35
Friedl P, Konstantopoulos K, Sahai E, et al. (2022) Adhesion-independent topography-based leukocyte migration. Faculty Reviews. 11: 18
Brunetti RM, Kockelkoren G, Raghavan P, et al. (2022) WASP integrates substrate topology and cell polarity to guide neutrophil migration. The Journal of Cell Biology. 221
Pipathsouk A, Brunetti RM, Town JP, et al. (2021) The WAVE complex associates with sites of saddle membrane curvature. The Journal of Cell Biology. 220
Tischer D, Weiner OD. (2020) Optogenetic Tuning of Protein-protein Binding in Bilayers Using LOVTRAP. Bio-Protocol. 10: e3745
Graziano BR, Town JP, Sitarska E, et al. (2019) Cell confinement reveals a branched-actin independent circuit for neutrophil polarity. Plos Biology. 17: e3000457
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