People with institution matching "Genentech": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Avi Ashkenazi (Info) Genentech, Inc. sdjakovi 2013‑02‑21 Sim
Gai Ayalon (Info) Genentech, Inc. bachy 2011‑04‑05 Sim
Anil D. Bagri (Info) Genentech, Inc. spleasure 2006‑11‑03 Sim
Nga Bien-Ly (Info) Genentech, Inc. Blood-brian barrier rwatts 2012‑05‑22 Sim
Marie E. Burns (Info) UC Davis Retina hanks 2005‑10‑13 Sim
Meghan Kerrisk Campbell (Info) Genentech, Inc. mkerrisk 2014‑07‑03 Sim
Michael C. Chang (Info) Genentech, Inc. cousinmike 2009‑09‑24 Sim
Christopher H. Chatham (Info) F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Genentech Cognitive Neuroscience chchatham 2006‑12‑22 Sim
Alain Chédotal (Info) Institut de la vision axon guidance, neuronal migration chedotala 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Benny Chih (Info) Genentech, Inc. scheiffele 2008‑06‑05 Sim
Albert Claude (Info) Universite Catholique de Louvain, Rockefeller University M. Odurih 2006‑11‑02 Sim
Jessica A. Couch (Info) Genentech, Inc. Neuroscience, Toxicology jacouch 2012‑06‑26 Sim
Stevan N. Djakovic (Info) Genentech, Inc. Autophagy, Ubiquitin Proteasome System, Neurodegenerative Disease, oncology sdjakovi 2008‑04‑26 Sim
David A. Eberhard (Info) Genentech, Inc. george.perry 2010‑11‑27 Sim
Ali Erturk (Info) Genentech, Inc. Neurodegeneration alierturk 2013‑03‑18 Sim
Michael Freedman (Info) Genentech, Inc. tkozai 2012‑09‑07 Sim
David Hackos (Info) Genentech, Inc. SwartzKJ 2018‑12‑10 Sim
Patrick CG Haddick (Info) Genentech, Inc. axon guidance, axon growth, ion channels, local translation phaddick 2008‑03‑18 Sim
David V. Hansen (Info) Genentech, Inc. Neurodegeneration, Neural stem cells dvhansen 2015‑03‑20 Sim
Franz Hefti (Info) Rinat Wurtlab 2006‑10‑12 Sim
James D. Hilger (Info) Genentech, Inc. Kellman 2014‑09‑30 Sim
Carole Ho (Info) Genentech, Inc. Neurology, Neuroscience caroleho 2015‑06‑04 Sim
Lee A. Honigberg (Info) Genentech, Inc. cab 2007‑11‑15 Sim
Yi-Chun Hsiao (Info) Genentech, Inc. ferlar 2011‑08‑30 Sim
Sidney Hsin-Kang Hsieh (Info) Genentech, Inc., AbbVie, Merck & Co. Inc, Merck & CO Axon Guidance, Alzheimer's Disease, Neuroinflammation, Signal Transduction Mountie 2010‑01‑17 Sim
Chun Hu (Info) Yale huchun926 2018‑02‑08 Sim
Tsuneya Ikezu (Info) Boston University Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy pq 2016‑03‑12 Sim
Alexander Jaworski (Info) Brown Axon guidance, synapse formation alexjawo 2008‑01‑16 Sim
John C Joly (Info) Genentech, Inc. danpurich 2018‑07‑01 Sim
Ana Jovicic (Info) Genentech, Inc. neurodegeneration, stem cells anajovicic 2019‑01‑25 Sim
Tomomi Kiyota (Info) University of Nebraska Medical Center tikezu 2017‑07‑24 Sim
Erica Kratz (Info) Genentech, Inc. genetics, cell biology david 2015‑06‑19 Sim
Yuan Liu (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Developmental Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology RUyuanliu 2016‑04‑29 Sim
Gang Lu (Info) Genentech, Inc. Neuropsychiatry, Neurotoxicology, Ion channel pharmacology ganglu 2013‑07‑17 Sim
Cecilia Lundberg (Info) Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Lund University gene transfer neuroscience cillal 2016‑01‑25 Sim
Danielle N. Mandikian (Info) UC Davis Ion channels pq 2015‑11‑26 Sim
Bruce S. McEwen (Info) Rockefeller endocrinology, psychology hanks 2005‑11‑01 Sim
Richard S. Morrison (Info) University of Washington david 2015‑12‑20 Sim
Alexander Naka (Info) UC Berkeley, Genentech, Inc. Somatosensory Cortex anaka 2015‑07‑12 Sim
Christopher D Nelson (Info) Duke, MIT, Genentech, Inc., Roche GPCRs, arrestin, neuroscience, diagnostics cdnelso1 2020‑05‑19 Sim
Olav Olsen (Info) Genentech, Inc. Neurodegeneration oolsen 2009‑08‑05 Sim
George E. Palade (Info) Rockefeller EM studies of ntracellular organization aadisney 2006‑03‑23 Sim
Andrew Peterson (Info) Genentech, Inc. spleasure 2006‑11‑03 Sim
Hong Xiang, Ph.D. (Info) Genentech, Inc. MorrisonRS 2019‑03‑03 Sim
Andrew A. Pierce (Info) Genentech, Inc. neuronal control of hepatic function, hypothalamic regulatory mechanisms, cell signaling, cell proliferation aapierce 2007‑05‑20 Sim
Sam Pleasure (Info) UCSF Cortical Development spleasure 2006‑11‑01 Sim
Richard H. Price (Info) Genentech, Inc. Steroid Hormone Receptors richspinprice 2016‑09‑16 Sim
Daniel L. Purich (Info) UF Gainesville Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑13 Sim
Mladen-Roko Rasin (Info) Yale, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Neuroscience mrasin 2007‑10‑11 Sim
Nicolas Renier (Info) Rockefeller chedotala 2013‑11‑16 Sim
William W. Rubin (Info) Duke Development, catecholamines pq 2015‑10‑16 Sim
Kimberly A. Scearce-Levie (Info) Genentech, Inc. behavioral neuroscience, neurodegeneration kscearce-levie 2006‑09‑20 Sim
Richard Scheller (Info) Genentech, Inc. mechanisms of membrane organization and transport JLand52 2005‑10‑23 Sim
Peter H. Seeburg (Info) Genentech, Inc., Universität Heidelberg, MPI für medizinische Forschung Heidelberg glutamate receptors cspecht 2006‑10‑26 Sim
Tito Serafini (Info) UC Berkeley scheiffele 2008‑06‑05 Sim
Morgan Sheng (Info) MIT Synaptic Plasticity JLand52 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Shannon D. Shields (Info) Genentech, Inc. Pain sdshields 2009‑03‑30 Sim
Karin Staflin (Info) Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Lund University cillal 2016‑01‑25 Sim
Kenton Jon Swartz (Info) NIH Ion channels SwartzKJ 2018‑12‑10 Sim
Marc Tessier-Lavigne (Info) Stanford hanks 2005‑11‑05 Sim
Jason Town (Info) Genentech oweiner 2023‑10‑29 Sim
James J. Treanor (Info) Amgen rory 2009‑01‑14 Sim
Ming-Chi Tsai (Info) UC Berkeley Synaptic transmission, glutamate transporter, GABAa receptor, Optogenetic pharmacology mtsai 2007‑10‑07 Sim
Jacques I. Wadiche (Info) UAB synaptic transmission wadichej 2007‑04‑09 Sim
Yoshifumi Watanabe (Info) Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine shusakuuchida 2012‑10‑21 Sim
Ryan Jefferson Watts (Info) Genentech, Inc. Neurodegeneration, Blood-brian barrier rwatts 2012‑05‑22 Sim
Corey M. Webster (Info) UC Berkeley reactive oxygen species (ROS), neurodegeneration, synaptic plasticity, microglia, P2Y12. CoreyWebster 2016‑04‑03 Sim
Robby Weimer (Info) Genentech, Inc. SakuraGreen 2006‑09‑17 Sim
Orion D. Weiner (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑10‑19 Sim
Jim Y. Wong (Info) Stanford, Genentech, Inc., OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Genentech, Inc., Array Biopharma, Inc. cell cycle, mitosis, mitotic spindle, axon guidance, oncology, immuno-oncology jyfwong 2008‑10‑30 Sim
Minhong Yan (Info) Genentech, Inc. huchun926 2018‑02‑08 Sim
Weilan Ye (Info) Genentech, Inc. rex28 2010‑08‑27 Sim
Felix L. Yeh (Info) UW Madison, Genentech, Inc. Alzheimer's disease, Neuroinflammation, Neurodegeneration, Neuroscience, clostridial neurotoxin fyeh 2011‑08‑08 Sim
Binhai Zheng (Info) UCSD david 2015‑12‑23 Sim
Yimin Zou (Info) UCSD Mch777 2008‑11‑17 Sim
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