Elissa L. Perry
Affiliations: | Psychology | Columbia University, New York, NY |
Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration, Gender StudiesGoogle:
"Elissa Perry"Mean distance: 21373.2
Sign in to add traineeYuhyung Shin | grad student | 2005 | Columbia |
Kerstin A. Aumann | grad student | 2007 | Columbia |
Jennifer Bustamante | grad student | 2010 | Columbia |
Frank D. Golom | grad student | 2013 | Columbia |
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Weiss D, Perry EL. (2019) Implications of Generational and Age Metastereotypes for Older Adults at Work: The Role of Agency, Stereotype Threat, and Job Search Self-efficacy Work, Aging and Retirement. 6: 15-27 |
Perry EL, Kulik CT, Golom FD, et al. (2019) Sexual harassment training: Often necessary but rarely sufficient Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 12: 89-92 |
Goldberg CB, Rawski SL, Perry EL. (2019) The direct and indirect effects of organizational tolerance for sexual harassment on the effectiveness of sexual harassment investigation training for HR managers Human Resource Development Quarterly. 30: 81-100 |
Bainbridge HT, Perry EL, Kulik CT. (2018) Sexual harassment training: explaining differences in Australian and US approaches Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. 56: 124-147 |
Perry EL, Golom FD, Catenacci L, et al. (2016) Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation: The Impact of Applicant Age and Generation on Hiring-Related Perceptions and Outcomes Work, Aging and Retirement. 3: 186-199 |
Perry EL, Golom FD, McCarthy JA. (2015) Generational Differences: Let's Not Throw the Baby Boomer Out With the Bathwater Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 8: 376-382 |
Goldberg CB, Perry EL, Finkelstein LM, et al. (2013) Antecedents and outcomes of targeting older applicants in recruitment European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 22: 265-278 |
Perry EL, Dokko G, Golom FD. (2012) The Aging Worker and Person-Environment Fit The Oxford Handbook of Work and Aging |
Perry EL, Kulik CT, Bustamante J. (2012) Factors impacting the knowing-doing gap in sexual harassment training. Human Resource Development International. 15: 589-608 |
Perry EL, Kulik CT, Bustamante J, et al. (2010) The impact of reason for training on the relationship between "Best practices" and sexual harassment training effectiveness Human Resource Development Quarterly. 21: 187-208 |