Bianca Grohmann, Ph.D.

2002 Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration
"Bianca Grohmann"
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Eric R. Spangenberg grad student 2002 WSU
 (An investigation of the role of tactile input in product evaluations.)
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Nguyen T, Grohmann B. (2020) The influence of passion/determination and external disadvantage on consumer responses to brand biographies Journal of Brand Management. 27: 452-465
Tezer A, Bodur HO, Grohmann B. (2020) Communicating brand biographies effectively: the role of communication source Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 48: 712-733
Tofighi M, Grohmann B, Bodur HO. (2019) Ethical attribute and brand concept congruity enhances brand evaluations European Journal of Marketing. 54: 79-108
Martin M, Grohmann B, Johnson A. (2018) AB064. Product knowledge predicts greater willingness to buy and gaze-related attention, salience does not Annals of Eye Science. 3
Grohmann B, Peña C, Joy A. (2018) Wine quality and sensory assessments: do distinct local groups of wine experts differ? Journal of Wine Research. 29: 278-289
Guèvremont A, Grohmann B. (2018) Does brand authenticity alleviate the effect of brand scandals Journal of Brand Management. 25: 322-336
Guèvremont A, Grohmann B. (2016) The brand authenticity effect: situational and individual-level moderators European Journal of Marketing. 50: 602-620
Grohmann B. (2016) Communicating brand gender through type fonts Journal of Marketing Communications. 22: 403-418
Miltgen CL, Pantin-Sohier G, Grohmann B. (2016) Communicating Sensory Attributes and Innovation Through Food Product Labeling Journal of Food Products Marketing. 22: 219-239
Bodur HO, Tofighi M, Grohmann B. (2016) When Should Private Label Brands Endorse Ethical Attributes? Journal of Retailing. 92: 204-217
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