Eric R. Spangenberg

Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Eric Spangenberg"
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Bianca Grohmann grad student 2002 WSU
Ronn J. Smith grad student 2004 WSU
David C. Knuff grad student 2007 WSU
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Liu RL, Sprott DE, Spangenberg ER, et al. (2018) Consumer preference for national vs. private brands: The influence of brand engagement and self-concept threat Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 41: 90-100
Spangenberg ER, Kareklas I, Devezer B, et al. (2016) A meta-analytic synthesis of the question–behavior effect Journal of Consumer Psychology. 26: 441-458
Devezer B, Sprott DE, Spangenberg ER, et al. (2014) Consumer Well-Being: Effects of Subgoal Failures and Goal Importance Journal of Marketing. 78: 118-134
Smith RJ, Knuff DC, Sprott DE, et al. (2013) The influence of negative marketplace information on consumer attitudes toward a service establishment Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 20: 358-364
Herrmann A, Zidansek M, Sprott DE, et al. (2013) The Power of Simplicity: Processing Fluency and the Effects of Olfactory Cues on Retail Sales Journal of Retailing. 89: 30-43
Herrmann A, Hildebrand C, Sprott DE, et al. (2013) Option Framing and Product Feature Recommendations: Product Configuration and Choice Psychology & Marketing. 30: 1053-1061
Spangenberg ER, Sprott DE, Knuff DC, et al. (2012) Process evidence for the question-behavior effect: Influencing socially normative behaviors Social Influence. 7: 211-228
Chandon P, Smith RJ, Morwitz VG, et al. (2011) When Does the Past Repeat Itself? The Interplay of Behavior Prediction and Personal Norms Journal of Consumer Research. 38: 420-430
Sprott D, Czellar S, Spangenberg E. (2009) The Importance of a General Measure of Brand Engagement on Market Behavior: Development and Validation of a Scale Journal of Marketing Research. 46: 92-104
Joireman J, Balliet D, Sprott D, et al. (2008) Consideration of future consequences, ego-depletion, and self-control: Support for distinguishing between CFC-Immediate and CFC-Future sub-scales Personality and Individual Differences. 45: 15-21
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