James L. Farr

University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
"James Farr"
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Mark D. Agars grad student Penn State
Georgia Tze-Ying Chao grad student Penn State (E-Tree)
Kevin R. Murphy grad student Penn State
Daniel A. Newman grad student (PsychTree)
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Steve W. J. Kozlowski grad student 1977-1982 Penn State (Philosophy Tree)
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Howard MC, Farr JL, Grandey AA, et al. (2016) The Creation of the Workplace Social Courage Scale (WSCS): An Investigation of Internal Consistency, Psychometric Properties, Validity, and Utility Journal of Business and Psychology. 1-18
Hammond MM, Neff NL, Farr JL, et al. (2011) Predictors of individual-level innovation at work: A meta-analysis. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 5: 90-105
Bledow R, Frese M, Anderson N, et al. (2009) A Dialectic Perspective on Innovation: Conflicting Demands, Multiple Pathways, and Ambidexterity Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 2: 305-337
Tesluk PE, Farr JL, Klein SR. (1997) Influences of Organizational Culture and Climate on Individual Creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior. 31: 27-41
Tesluk PE, Farr JL, Mathieu JE, et al. (1995) Generalization Of Employee Involvement Training To The Job Setting: Individual And Situational Effects Personnel Psychology. 48: 607-632
Kelley PL, Jacobs RR, Farr JL. (1994) Effects of multiple administrations of the MMPI for employee screening. Personnel Psychology. 47: 575-591
Mathieu JE, Hofmann DA, Farr JL. (1993) Job Perception–Job Satisfaction Relations: An Empirical Comparison of Three Competing Theories Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 56: 370-387
West MA, Farr JL. (1992) Innovation and creativity at work::Psychological and organizational strategies Administrative Science Quarterly. 37: 679
Mathieu JE, Farr JL. (1991) Further evidence for the discriminant validity of measures of organizational commitment, job involvement, and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology. 76: 127-133
Kozlowski SWJ, Farr JL. (1988) An Integrative Model of Updating and Performance Human Performance. 1: 5-29
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