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Mark Konishi

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Auditory system
"Mark Konishi"

Mean distance: 11 (cluster 17)
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Jill A. Soha research assistant Caltech
Jonathan M. Malmaud research assistant 2005-2005 Caltech
Ralph Adolphs grad student Caltech
Mark E. Gurney grad student Caltech
Michael S. Lewicki grad student Caltech
Geoffrey A. Manley grad student Technical University of Munich
James A. Mazer grad student Caltech
James S. McCasland grad student
Richard D. Mooney grad student Caltech
Lawrence C. Katz grad student 1984 Caltech
Daniel Margoliash grad student 1984 Caltech
Larry Proctor grad student 1995 Caltech
S.E. Roian Egnor grad student 2000 Caltech
Ben J. Arthur grad student 2002 Caltech
Benjamin J. Arthur grad student 2002 Caltech
Gabriel Kreiman grad student 2002 Caltech
Anthony Leonardo grad student 2002 Caltech
G. Bjorn Christianson grad student 2006 Caltech
Catherine Emily Carr post-doc Caltech
Allison Doupe post-doc Caltech
Kazuo Funabiki post-doc Caltech
Jose Luis Pena post-doc Caltech
Georg F. Striedter post-doc Caltech
Terry Takahashi post-doc Caltech
Hermann Wagner post-doc Caltech
Dai Watanabe post-doc Caltech
Eric I. Knudsen post-doc 1976-1979 Caltech
Ichiro Fujita post-doc 1987-1989 Caltech
David Perkel post-doc 1992-1995 Caltech
Eric T. Vu post-doc 1991-1996 Caltech
Marc F. Schmidt post-doc 1993-1999 Caltech
Teresa A. Nick post-doc 1999-2003 Caltech
Brian J. Fischer post-doc 2005-2008 Caltech
Kourosh Saberi research scientist 1997-1999 Caltech
BETA: Related publications


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Konishi M. (2012) How the owl tracks its prey: Experiments with trained barn owls reveal how their acute sense of hearing enables them to catch prey in the dark American Scientist. 100: 494-503
Funabiki K, Ashida G, Konishi M. (2011) Computation of interaural time difference in the owl's coincidence detector neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 15245-56
Konishi M. (2010) From central pattern generator to sensory template in the evolution of birdsong. Brain and Language. 115: 18-20
Akutagawa E, Konishi M. (2010) New brain pathways found in the vocal control system of a songbird. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 518: 3086-100
Konishi M. (2010) Brain Mechanisms of Sound Localization in Barn Owls The Senses: a Comprehensive Reference. 3: 719-723
Konishi M. (2010) Auditory Localization Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. 721-728
Fischer BJ, Konishi M. (2008) Variability reduction in interaural time difference tuning in the barn owl. Journal of Neurophysiology. 100: 708-15
Fischer BJ, Peña JL, Konishi M. (2007) Emergence of multiplicative auditory responses in the midbrain of the barn owl. Journal of Neurophysiology. 98: 1181-93
Ashida G, Abe K, Funabiki K, et al. (2007) Passive soma facilitates submillisecond coincidence detection in the owl's auditory system. Journal of Neurophysiology. 97: 2267-82
Konishi M. (2006) Behavioral guides for sensory neurophysiology Journal of Comparative Physiology a: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 192: 671-676
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