Similar researchers to David Kennedy: Advanced Search
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David S. Kennedy (Info) University of Sydney Muscle fatigue, pain, central fatigue, multiple sclerosis dkennedy 2016‑09‑28 Sim
Holly E.S. Resuehr (Info) UAB ciarlecm 2013‑02‑13 Sim(0.06)
Hansjörg Grützmacher (Info) ETH Zürich (Chemistry Tree) thomasgianetti 2017‑01‑20 Sim(0.1)
Hendrik Tinnermann (Info) National University of Singapore (Chemistry Tree) ChemistCraig 2018‑04‑01 Sim(0.11)
Troels Skrydstrup (Info) Aarhus University (Chemistry Tree) huangyuxing2 2016‑10‑02 Sim(0.12)
Amit Das (Info) IIT Delhi (Physics Tree) bdpmax 2022‑12‑06 Sim(0.12)
Prashant Dubey (Info) Allahabad University (Chemistry Tree) Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Porphyrin Chemistry Vigyaanik 2018‑03‑13 Sim(0.12)
Robert E. Jilek (Info) UMN (Chemistry Tree) chemistry of the elements pq 2015‑11‑17 Sim(0.12)
Juan Nunez-Iglesias (Info) Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative connectomics, image segmentation, neuron reconstruction jnuneziglesias 2013‑08‑01 Sim(0.12)
David Putrino (Info) NYU Motor Control, Rehabilitation, Tele-Health, Motor Physiology, Brain Machine Interface dputrino 2013‑11‑29 Sim(0.13)
Zohar M. Merchant (Info) University of Iowa (Chemistry Tree) Linhardt 2017‑08‑26 Sim(0.13)
Anthony GM Canavan (Info) University Düsseldorf Neuropsychology amelie3 2012‑03‑16 Sim(0.13)
Andrei Vlassenko (Info) Washington University nvaishnavi 2015‑11‑18 Sim(0.13)
David J. Cole-Hamilton (Info) University of St Andrews (Chemistry Tree) Applications of organometallic compounds in homogeneous catalysis and materials science jandh 2012‑01‑06 Sim(0.13)
Kenneth Carl Janda (Info) UC Irvine (Chemistry Tree) Chemical Physics, Gas Hydrate Clathrates, van der Waals Clusters jandh 2012‑11‑05 Sim(0.13)
Mark Crimmin (Info) Imperial College London (Chemistry Tree) andreasphanopoulos 2019‑06‑24 Sim(0.13)
David P. Bazett-Jones (Info) University of Toronto (Chemistry Tree) Biochemistry pq 2016‑05‑02 Sim(0.13)
Kristopher R. Proctor (Info) UC Riverside (SocTree) Criminology and Penology, Theory and Methods pq 2016‑02‑22 Sim(0.13)
Xin Xu (Info) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (Chemistry Tree) jiaxiangchu 2017‑12‑21 Sim(0.13)
Gregory Lee Hillhouse (Info) Chicago (Chemistry Tree) synthetic inorganic and organometallic chemistry jandh 2012‑06‑01 Sim(0.14)
So-Hye Cho (Info) Northwestern (Chemistry Tree) Environmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic pq 2015‑11‑12 Sim(0.14)
Fred C. Anson (Info) Caltech (Chemistry Tree) electrochemistry jandh 2012‑05‑29 Sim(0.14)
Weldon Grant Brown (Info) Chicago (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2011‑08‑25 Sim(0.14)
Williamson N. Oloo (Info) University of Maryland (Chemistry Tree) pq 2015‑12‑23 Sim(0.15)
Mark E. Chertoff (Info) University of Kansas Medical Center (CSD Tree) cochlear pathology will 2015‑04‑22 Sim(0.15)
Julia Khusnutdinova (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) (Chemistry Tree) pq 2015‑12‑23 Sim(0.15)
Changtao Qian (Info) Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chemistry Tree) ldeng 2017‑03‑14 Sim(0.15)
Erick Cajetan Marian Fernandes (Info) Cornell (Chemistry Tree) Soil Science Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology, Entomology Biology pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.15)
Naomi Bean (Info) Wake Forest emw0226 2018‑04‑01 Sim(0.15)
Jorrit Steven Montijn (Info) Amsterdam visual neuroscience, population coding, calcium imaging, mouse, stimulus detection JorritMontijn 2015‑12‑09 Sim(0.15)
Catherine M. Pecoraro (Info) UIUC (Chemistry Tree) Membrane protein structure/function; Expression of membrane proteins from hyperthermophiles; Structure and mechanism of prokaryotic respiratory enzymes that generate a membrane potential pq 2015‑11‑18 Sim(0.15)
Xiaolei Ma (Info) Emory (Physics Tree) soft matter ncuccia 2018‑03‑20 Sim(0.16)
Seji Kim (Info) Seoul National University (Chemistry Tree) Aaa7476 2020‑11‑03 Sim(0.16)
Sarah Goforth (Info) UVA (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑07‑05 Sim(0.16)
Agnieszka Bartoszewicz (Info) Caltech (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑08‑01 Sim(0.16)
August Wilhelm Hermann Gustav Fischer (Info) Universität Leipzig (LinguisTree) Oriental philology jandh 2015‑03‑05 Sim(0.16)
Luigi Meneghini (Info) U. Texas - Southwestern (Anthropology Tree) smithmor 2020‑11‑05 Sim(0.16)
Seth B. Herzon (Info) Yale (Chemistry Tree) total synthesis, natural products tarselli 2013‑06‑29 Sim(0.16)
David L. Winter (Info) Columbia (Physics Tree) david 2016‑10‑30 Sim(0.16)
Elizabeth A. Mader (Info) University of Washington (Chemistry Tree) coordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials pq 2015‑11‑13 Sim(0.16)
Ian C. Carmichael (Info) Notre Dame (Chemistry Tree) Theoretical Radiation Chemistry & Photochemistry jandh 2013‑02‑26 Sim(0.17)
Yunzhi Du (Info) University of Colorado, Denver (Computer Science Tree) Genetics, Molecular Biology, General Psychology pq 2016‑04‑18 Sim(0.17)
Tegan Horan (Info) Cornell (Evolution Tree) aw839 2022‑10‑07 Sim(0.17)
Simona C. Puiu (Info) Georgetown (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic Chemistry pq 2017‑05‑06 Sim(0.17)
James E. Ferrell (Info) Stanford (Chemistry Tree) eukaryotic cell cycle jandh 2013‑07‑21 Sim(0.17)
Nicolas Fontaine (Info) Universite de La Reunion (Computational Biology Tree) bernardoffmann 2020‑12‑26 Sim(0.17)
Eric J. Welch (Info) UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic and Solid State Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑11 Sim(0.17)
Rukshan T Perera (Info) University of Utah (Chemistry Tree) Electrochemistry, Nanopore based sensing rukshanp555 2017‑12‑21 Sim(0.17)
Haaye Veldstra (Info) Leiden (Chemistry Tree) biochemistry jandh 2011‑06‑15 Sim(0.17)
Thomas Strassner (Info) TU Dresden (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑07‑15 Sim(0.18)
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