Peter Scheiffele - Publications

University of Basel, Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland 
synapse formation, cell adhesion

91 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Früh S, Boudkkazi S, Koppensteiner P, Sereikaite V, Chen LY, Fernandez-Fernandez D, Rem PD, Ulrich D, Schwenk J, Chen Z, Le Monnier E, Fritzius T, Innocenti SM, Besseyrias V, Trovò L, ... ... Scheiffele P, et al. Monoallelic de novo loss-of-function variants disrupt trans-synaptic control of neurotransmitter release. Science Advances. 10: eadk5462. PMID 38985877 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk5462  0.474
2024 Okur Z, Schlauri N, Bitsikas V, Panopoulou M, Ortiz R, Schwaiger M, Karmakar K, Schreiner D, Scheiffele P. Control of neuronal excitation-inhibition balance by BMP-SMAD1 signalling. Nature. PMID 38632412 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07317-z  0.345
2023 Traunmüller L, Schulz J, Ortiz R, Feng H, Furlanis E, Gomez AM, Schreiner D, Bischofberger J, Zhang C, Scheiffele P. A cell-type-specific alternative splicing regulator shapes synapse properties in a trans-synaptic manner. Cell Reports. 42: 112173. PMID 36862556 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112173  0.489
2022 Hauser D, Behr K, Konno K, Schreiner D, Schmidt A, Watanabe M, Bischofberger J, Scheiffele P. Targeted proteoform mapping uncovers specific Neurexin-3 variants required for dendritic inhibition. Neuron. PMID 35550065 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.04.017  0.461
2021 Gomez AM, Traunmüller L, Scheiffele P. Neurexins: molecular codes for shaping neuronal synapses. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience. PMID 33420412 DOI: 10.1038/s41583-020-00415-7  0.493
2020 Hörnberg H, Pérez-Garci E, Schreiner D, Hatstatt-Burklé L, Magara F, Baudouin S, Matter A, Nacro K, Pecho-Vrieseling E, Scheiffele P. Rescue of oxytocin response and social behaviour in a mouse model of autism. Nature. 584: 252-256. PMID 32760004 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2563-7  0.375
2020 Vickers E, Osypenko D, Clark C, Okur Z, Scheiffele P, Schneggenburger R. LTP of inhibition at PV interneuron output synapses requires developmental BMP signaling. Scientific Reports. 10: 10047. PMID 32572071 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-66862-5  0.479
2019 Iijima Y, Tanaka M, Suzuki S, Hauser D, Tanaka M, Okada C, Ito M, Ayukawa N, Sato Y, Ohtsuka M, Scheiffele P, Iijima T. SAM68-Specific Splicing Is Required for Proper Selection of Alternative 3' UTR Isoforms in the Nervous System. Iscience. 22: 318-335. PMID 31805436 DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.11.028  0.4
2019 Furlanis E, Traunmüller L, Fucile G, Scheiffele P. Landscape of ribosome-engaged transcript isoforms reveals extensive neuronal-cell-class-specific alternative splicing programs. Nature Neuroscience. PMID 31451803 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-019-0465-5  0.451
2019 Falkner S, Scheiffele P. Architects of neuronal wiring. Science (New York, N.Y.). 364: 437-438. PMID 31048478 DOI: 10.1126/science.aax3221  0.363
2019 Okur Z, Scheiffele P. The Yin and Yang of Arnt2 in Activity-Dependent Transcription. Neuron. 102: 270-272. PMID 30998895 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.04.006  0.417
2019 Jason Stachniak T, Lauren Sylwestrak E, Scheiffele P, Hall BJ, Ghosh A. Elfn1-induced constitutive activation of mGluR7 determines frequency-dependent recruitment of SOM interneurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. PMID 30940718 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.2276-18.2019  0.541
2018 Witte H, Schreiner D, Scheiffele P. A Sam68-dependent alternative splicing program shapes postsynaptic protein complexes. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 30589479 DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14332  0.479
2018 Bariselli S, Hörnberg H, Prévost-Solié C, Musardo S, Hatstatt-Burklé L, Scheiffele P, Bellone C. Role of VTA dopamine neurons and neuroligin 3 in sociability traits related to nonfamiliar conspecific interaction. Nature Communications. 9: 3173. PMID 30093665 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05382-3  0.477
2018 Xiao L, Bornmann C, Hatstatt-Burklé L, Scheiffele P. Regulation of striatal cells and goal-directed behavior by cerebellar outputs. Nature Communications. 9: 3133. PMID 30087345 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05565-y  0.302
2018 Furlanis E, Scheiffele P. Regulation of Neuronal Differentiation, Function, and Plasticity by Alternative Splicing. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. PMID 30028642 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-cellbio-100617-062826  0.463
2018 Xiao L, Scheiffele P. Local and long-range circuit elements for cerebellar function. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 48: 146-152. PMID 29316490 DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2017.12.016  0.325
2017 Tora D, Gomez AM, Michaud JF, Yam PT, Charron F, Scheiffele P. Cellular Functions of the Autism Risk Factor PTCHD1 in Mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. PMID 29118110 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.1393-17.2017  0.733
2017 Mauger O, Scheiffele P. Beyond proteome diversity: alternative splicing as a regulator of neuronal transcript dynamics. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 45: 162-168. PMID 28609697 DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2017.05.012  0.409
2016 Mauger O, Lemoine F, Scheiffele P. Targeted Intron Retention and Excision for Rapid Gene Regulation in Response to Neuronal Activity. Neuron. 92: 1266-1278. PMID 28009274 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.11.032  0.405
2016 Nguyen TM, Schreiner D, Xiao L, Traunmüller L, Bornmann C, Scheiffele P. An alternative splicing switch shapes neurexin repertoires in principal neurons versus interneurons in the mouse hippocampus. Elife. 5. PMID 27960072 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.22757  0.499
2016 Iijima Y, Behr K, Iijima T, Biemans B, Bischofberger J, Scheiffele P. Distinct Defects in Synaptic Differentiation of Neocortical Neurons in Response to Prenatal Valproate Exposure. Scientific Reports. 6: 27400. PMID 27264355 DOI: 10.1038/Srep27400  0.505
2016 Furlanis E, Scheiffele P. Synaptic Ménage à Trois. Neuron. 90: 665-7. PMID 27196968 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.05.007  0.519
2016 Traunmüller L, Gomez AM, Nguyen TM, Scheiffele P. Control of neuronal synapse specification by a highly dedicated alternative splicing program. Science (New York, N.Y.). PMID 27174676 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Aaf2397  0.46
2016 Singh SK, Stogsdill JA, Pulimood NS, Dingsdale H, Kim YH, Pilaz LJ, Kim IH, Manhaes AC, Rodrigues WS, Pamukcu A, Enustun E, Ertuz Z, Scheiffele P, Soderling SH, Silver DL, et al. Astrocytes Assemble Thalamocortical Synapses by Bridging NRX1α and NL1 via Hevin. Cell. 164: 183-196. PMID 26771491 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2015.11.034  0.521
2015 Muhammad K, Reddy-Alla S, Driller JH, Schreiner D, Rey U, Böhme MA, Hollmann C, Ramesh N, Depner H, Lützkendorf J, Matkovic T, Götz T, Bergeron DD, Schmoranzer J, Goettfert F, ... ... Scheiffele P, et al. Presynaptic spinophilin tunes neurexin signalling to control active zone architecture and function. Nature Communications. 6: 8362. PMID 26471740 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms9362  0.372
2014 Traunmüller L, Bornmann C, Scheiffele P. Alternative splicing coupled nonsense-mediated decay generates neuronal cell type-specific expression of SLM proteins. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 16755-61. PMID 25505328 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3395-14.2014  0.441
2014 Schreiner D, Nguyen TM, Russo G, Heber S, Patrignani A, Ahrné E, Scheiffele P. Targeted combinatorial alternative splicing generates brain region-specific repertoires of neurexins. Neuron. 84: 386-98. PMID 25284007 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2014.09.011  0.472
2014 Schreiner D, Nguyen TM, Scheiffele P. Polymorphic receptors: neuronal functions and molecular mechanisms of diversification. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 27: 25-30. PMID 24608163 DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2014.02.009  0.425
2014 Iijima T, Iijima Y, Witte H, Scheiffele P. Neuronal cell type-specific alternative splicing is regulated by the KH domain protein SLM1. The Journal of Cell Biology. 204: 331-42. PMID 24469635 DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201310136  0.508
2014 Kleijer KT, Schmeisser MJ, Krueger DD, Boeckers TM, Scheiffele P, Bourgeron T, Brose N, Burbach JP. Neurobiology of autism gene products: towards pathogenesis and drug targets. Psychopharmacology. 231: 1037-62. PMID 24419271 DOI: 10.1007/S00213-013-3403-3  0.405
2013 Sylwestrak E, Scheiffele P. Neuroscience: Sculpting neuronal connectivity. Nature. 503: 42-3. PMID 24201274 DOI: 10.1038/503042A  0.5
2013 Kiebler MA, Scheiffele P, Ule J. What, where, and when: the importance of post-transcriptional regulation in the brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 7: 192. PMID 24194693 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2013.00192  0.34
2013 Wentzel C, Sommer JE, Nair R, Stiefvater A, Sibarita JB, Scheiffele P. mSYD1A, a mammalian synapse-defective-1 protein, regulates synaptogenic signaling and vesicle docking. Neuron. 78: 1012-23. PMID 23791195 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2013.05.010  0.734
2013 Scheiffele P. Preparing for your future as you grow. Neuron. 78: 751-2. PMID 23764279 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.05.031  0.412
2013 Burch P, Binaghi M, Scherer M, Wentzel C, Bossert D, Eberhardt L, Neuburger M, Scheiffele P, Gademann K. Total synthesis of gelsemiol. Chemistry (Weinheim An Der Bergstrasse, Germany). 19: 2589-91. PMID 23307641 DOI: 10.1002/Chem.201203746  0.309
2013 Budreck EC, Kwon OB, Jung JH, Baudouin S, Thommen A, Kim HS, Fukazawa Y, Harada H, Tabuchi K, Shigemoto R, Scheiffele P, Kim JH. Neuroligin-1 controls synaptic abundance of NMDA-type glutamate receptors through extracellular coupling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 725-30. PMID 23269831 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1214718110  0.818
2013 Schreiner D, Scheiffele P. Neuroligins and Neurexins Cellular Migration and Formation of Neuronal Connections. 671-686. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-397266-8.00206-4  0.377
2012 Feltrin D, Fusco L, Witte H, Moretti F, Martin K, Letzelter M, Fluri E, Scheiffele P, Pertz O. Growth cone MKK7 mRNA targeting regulates MAP1b-dependent microtubule bundling to control neurite elongation. Plos Biology. 10: e1001439. PMID 23226105 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001439  0.319
2012 Scheiffele P, Iijima T. Choreographing the axo-dendritic dance. Developmental Cell. 23: 923-4. PMID 23153491 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2012.10.020  0.543
2012 Baudouin SJ, Gaudias J, Gerharz S, Hatstatt L, Zhou K, Punnakkal P, Tanaka KF, Spooren W, Hen R, De Zeeuw CI, Vogt K, Scheiffele P. Shared synaptic pathophysiology in syndromic and nonsyndromic rodent models of autism. Science (New York, N.Y.). 338: 128-32. PMID 22983708 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1224159  0.478
2012 Burden SJ, Scheiffele P. Synapse Formation Fundamental Neuroscience: Fourth Edition. 385-403. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-385870-2.00017-2  0.393
2011 Iijima T, Wu K, Witte H, Hanno-Iijima Y, Glatter T, Richard S, Scheiffele P. SAM68 regulates neuronal activity-dependent alternative splicing of neurexin-1. Cell. 147: 1601-14. PMID 22196734 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2011.11.028  0.511
2011 Panzanelli P, Gunn BG, Schlatter MC, Benke D, Tyagarajan SK, Scheiffele P, Belelli D, Lambert JJ, Rudolph U, Fritschy JM. Distinct mechanisms regulate GABAA receptor and gephyrin clustering at perisomatic and axo-axonic synapses on CA1 pyramidal cells. The Journal of Physiology. 589: 4959-80. PMID 21825022 DOI: 10.1113/Jphysiol.2011.216028  0.402
2011 Kalinovsky A, Boukhtouche F, Blazeski R, Bornmann C, Suzuki N, Mason CA, Scheiffele P. Development of axon-target specificity of ponto-cerebellar afferents. Plos Biology. 9: e1001013. PMID 21346800 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.1001013  0.652
2010 Scheiffele P, Beg AA. Neuroscience: Angelman syndrome connections. Nature. 468: 907-8. PMID 21164477 DOI: 10.1038/468907A  0.622
2010 Asante CO, Chu A, Fisher M, Benson L, Beg A, Scheiffele P, Martin J. Cortical control of adaptive locomotion in wild-type mice and mutant mice lacking the ephrin-Eph effector protein alpha2-chimaerin. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104: 3189-202. PMID 20881205 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.00671.2010  0.575
2010 Scheiffele P, Yuzaki M. Recent excitements about excitatory synapses. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 32: 179-80. PMID 20646054 DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2010.07360.x  0.46
2010 Baudouin S, Scheiffele P. SnapShot: Neuroligin-neurexin complexes. Cell. 141: 908, 908.e1. PMID 20510934 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2010.05.024  0.499
2010 Shen K, Scheiffele P. Genetics and cell biology of building specific synaptic connectivity. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 33: 473-507. PMID 20367446 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.neuro.051508.135302  0.554
2010 Tanaka KF, Ahmari SE, Leonardo ED, Richardson-Jones JW, Budreck EC, Scheiffele P, Sugio S, Inamura N, Ikenaka K, Hen R. Flexible Accelerated STOP Tetracycline Operator-knockin (FAST): a versatile and efficient new gene modulating system. Biological Psychiatry. 67: 770-3. PMID 20163789 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2009.12.020  0.761
2010 Iijima T, Wu K, Witte H, Scheiffele P. Depolarization-dependent regulation of alternative splicing: a mechanism underlying the dynamic regulation of the neurexin–neuroligin adhesion complex at central synapses Neuroscience Research. 68: e233-e234. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2010.07.1032  0.428
2010 Scheiffele P. Molecular mechanisms of synaptic differentiation and selective synapse assembly Neuroscience Research. 68: e34-e35. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijdevneu.2010.07.005  0.481
2009 Dean C, Scheiffele P. Imaging synaptogenesis by measuring accumulation of synaptic proteins. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2009: pdb.prot5315. PMID 20150054 DOI: 10.1101/Pdb.Prot5315  0.68
2008 Robakis T, Bak B, Lin SH, Bernard DJ, Scheiffele P. An internal signal sequence directs intramembrane proteolysis of a cellular immunoglobulin domain protein. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283: 36369-76. PMID 18981173 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M807527200  0.689
2008 Caroni P, Scheiffele P. Neuronal polarity, the establishment and function of neuronal subdomains, and how these are prominent targets of disease. Editorial overview. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 18: 469-71. PMID 18977302 DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2008.10.004  0.367
2008 Kim J, Jung SY, Lee YK, Park S, Choi JS, Lee CJ, Kim HS, Choi YB, Scheiffele P, Bailey CH, Kandel ER, Kim JH. Neuroligin-1 is required for normal expression of LTP and associative fear memory in the amygdala of adult animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 9087-92. PMID 18579781 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0803448105  0.602
2008 Huang ZJ, Scheiffele P. GABA and neuroligin signaling: linking synaptic activity and adhesion in inhibitory synapse development. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 18: 77-83. PMID 18513949 DOI: 10.1016/J.Conb.2008.05.008  0.702
2008 Koehnke J, Jin X, Budreck EC, Posy S, Scheiffele P, Honig B, Shapiro L. Crystal structure of the extracellular cholinesterase-like domain from neuroligin-2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 1873-8. PMID 18250328 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0711701105  0.795
2008 Gascón S, Paez-Gomez JA, Díaz-Guerra M, Scheiffele P, Scholl FG. Dual-promoter lentiviral vectors for constitutive and regulated gene expression in neurons. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 168: 104-12. PMID 17983662 DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2007.09.023  0.723
2007 Budreck EC, Scheiffele P. Neuroligin-3 is a neuronal adhesion protein at GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 26: 1738-48. PMID 17897391 DOI: 10.1111/J.1460-9568.2007.05842.X  0.841
2007 Beg AA, Sommer JE, Martin JH, Scheiffele P. alpha2-Chimaerin is an essential EphA4 effector in the assembly of neuronal locomotor circuits. Neuron. 55: 768-78. PMID 17785183 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2007.07.036  0.756
2007 Biederer T, Scheiffele P. Mixed-culture assays for analyzing neuronal synapse formation. Nature Protocols. 2: 670-6. PMID 17406629 DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2007.92  0.575
2007 Taniguchi H, Gollan L, Scholl FG, Mahadomrongkul V, Dobler E, Limthong N, Peck M, Aoki C, Scheiffele P. Silencing of neuroligin function by postsynaptic neurexins. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 27: 2815-24. PMID 17360903 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0032-07.2007  0.823
2007 Futai K, Kim MJ, Hashikawa T, Scheiffele P, Sheng M, Hayashi Y. Retrograde modulation of presynaptic release probability through signaling mediated by PSD-95-neuroligin. Nature Neuroscience. 10: 186-95. PMID 17237775 DOI: 10.1038/Nn1837  0.565
2007 Gollan L, Scheiffele P. Assembly of Synapses in the Vertebrate Central Nervous System Protein Trafficking in Neurons. 63-74. DOI: 10.1016/B978-012369437-9/50007-4  0.355
2006 Chih B, Gollan L, Scheiffele P. Alternative splicing controls selective trans-synaptic interactions of the neuroligin-neurexin complex. Neuron. 51: 171-8. PMID 16846852 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2006.06.005  0.835
2006 Beg AA, Scheiffele P. Neuroscience. SUMO wrestles the synapse. Science (New York, N.Y.). 311: 962-3. PMID 16484483 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1124541  0.72
2006 Buttery P, Beg AA, Chih B, Broder A, Mason CA, Scheiffele P. The diacylglycerol-binding protein alpha1-chimaerin regulates dendritic morphology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 1924-9. PMID 16446429 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0510655103  0.791
2006 D'Autréaux F, Scheiffele P, Gershon T, Levanon D, Chalazonitis A, Gershon M. [P63]: Synapse formation in the enteric nervous system: Interaction between neuroligins and neurexins International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 24: 523-523. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijdevneu.2006.09.126  0.426
2005 Rosales CR, Osborne KD, Zuccarino GV, Scheiffele P, Silverman MA. A cytoplasmic motif targets neuroligin-1 exclusively to dendrites of cultured hippocampal neurons. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 22: 2381-6. PMID 16262677 DOI: 10.1111/J.1460-9568.2005.04400.X  0.533
2005 Chih B, Engelman H, Scheiffele P. Control of excitatory and inhibitory synapse formation by neuroligins. Science (New York, N.Y.). 307: 1324-8. PMID 15681343 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1107470  0.836
2004 Washbourne P, Dityatev A, Scheiffele P, Biederer T, Weiner JA, Christopherson KS, El-Husseini A. Cell adhesion molecules in synapse formation. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 24: 9244-9. PMID 15496659 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3339-04.2004  0.572
2004 Kalinovsky A, Scheiffele P. Transcriptional control of synaptic differentiation by retrograde signals. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 14: 272-9. PMID 15194106 DOI: 10.1016/J.Conb.2004.05.011  0.689
2004 Chih B, Afridi SK, Clark L, Scheiffele P. Disorder-associated mutations lead to functional inactivation of neuroligins. Human Molecular Genetics. 13: 1471-7. PMID 15150161 DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddh158  0.796
2003 Scholl FG, Scheiffele P. Making connections: cholinesterase-domain proteins in the CNS. Trends in Neurosciences. 26: 618-24. PMID 14585602 DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2003.09.004  0.74
2003 Chih B, Scheiffele P. Is reelin the answer to synapse elimination at the neuromuscular junction? Science's Stke : Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment. 2003: pe45. PMID 14570978 DOI: 10.1126/stke.2003.205.pe45  0.832
2003 Dean C, Scholl FG, Choih J, DeMaria S, Berger J, Isacoff E, Scheiffele P. Neurexin mediates the assembly of presynaptic terminals. Nature Neuroscience. 6: 708-16. PMID 12796785 DOI: 10.1038/Nn1074  0.771
2003 Scheiffele P. Cell-cell signaling during synapse formation in the CNS. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 26: 485-508. PMID 12626697 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.neuro.26.043002.094940  0.542
2002 Breuza L, Corby S, Arsanto JP, Delgrossi MH, Scheiffele P, Le Bivic A. The scaffolding domain of caveolin 2 is responsible for its Golgi localization in Caco-2 cells. Journal of Cell Science. 115: 4457-67. PMID 12414992 DOI: 10.1242/jcs.00130  0.334
2002 Díaz E, Ge Y, Yang YH, Loh KC, Serafini TA, Okazaki Y, Hayashizaki Y, Speed TP, Ngai J, Scheiffele P. Molecular analysis of gene expression in the developing pontocerebellar projection system. Neuron. 36: 417-34. PMID 12408845 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(02)01016-4  0.79
2000 Scheiffele P, Füllekrug J. Glycosylation and protein transport. Essays in Biochemistry. 36: 27-35. PMID 12471900 DOI: 10.1042/Bse0360027  0.323
2000 Scheiffele P, Fan J, Choih J, Fetter R, Serafini T. Neuroligin expressed in nonneuronal cells triggers presynaptic development in contacting axons. Cell. 101: 657-69. PMID 10892652 DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80877-6  0.78
1999 Füllekrug J, Scheiffele P, Simons K. VIP36 localisation to the early secretory pathway. Journal of Cell Science. 112: 2813-21. PMID 10444376  0.413
1999 Brückner K, Pablo Labrador J, Scheiffele P, Herb A, Seeburg PH, Klein R. EphrinB ligands recruit GRIP family PDZ adaptor proteins into raft membrane microdomains. Neuron. 22: 511-24. PMID 10197531 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(00)80706-0  0.375
1999 Scheiffele P, Rietveld A, Wilk T, Simons K. Influenza viruses select ordered lipid domains during budding from the plasma membrane. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 2038-44. PMID 9890962 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.274.4.2038  0.424
1998 Harder T, Scheiffele P, Verkade P, Simons K. Lipid domain structure of the plasma membrane revealed by patching of membrane components. The Journal of Cell Biology. 141: 929-42. PMID 9585412 DOI: 10.1083/jcb.141.4.929  0.468
1998 Scheiffele P, Verkade P, Fra AM, Virta H, Simons K, Ikonen E. Caveolin-1 and -2 in the exocytic pathway of MDCK cells. The Journal of Cell Biology. 140: 795-806. PMID 9472032 DOI: 10.1083/jcb.140.4.795  0.463
1997 Shevchenko A, Keller P, Scheiffele P, Mann M, Simons K. Identification of components of trans-Golgi network-derived transport vesicles and detergent-insoluble complexes by nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Electrophoresis. 18: 2591-600. PMID 9527489 DOI: 10.1002/Elps.1150181415  0.504
1997 Scheiffele P, Roth MG, Simons K. Interaction of influenza virus haemagglutinin with sphingolipid-cholesterol membrane domains via its transmembrane domain. The Embo Journal. 16: 5501-8. PMID 9312009 DOI: 10.1093/emboj/16.18.5501  0.475
1995 Scheiffele P, Peränen J, Simons K. N-glycans as apical sorting signals in epithelial cells. Nature. 378: 96-8. PMID 7477300 DOI: 10.1038/378096a0  0.514
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