Jennifer L. Coffman, Ph.D. - Publications

2005 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 

30 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Midgette AJ, Coffman JL, Hussong AM. What Parents and Children Say When Talking about Children's Gratitude: A Thematic Analysis. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 31: 1261-1275. PMID 35847235 DOI: 10.1007/s10826-021-02222-9  0.775
2022 Darling LN, Holochwost SJ, Coffman J, Propper CB, Wagner NJ. Context is key: Parasympathetic regulation in the classroom differentially predicts preschoolers' socially competent behaviors. Developmental Psychobiology. 64: e22246. PMID 35191527 DOI: 10.1002/dev.22246  0.427
2022 Hussong AM, Midgette AJ, Richards AN, Petrie RC, Coffman JL, Thomas TE. COVID-19 Life Events Spill-Over on Family Functioning and Adolescent Adjustment. The Journal of Early Adolescence. 42: 359-388. PMID 35177875 DOI: 10.1177/02724316211036744  0.555
2021 Propper CB, Gustafsson HC, Holochwost SJ, Coffman JL. Parasympathetic response to challenge in infancy moderates the effects of sociodemographic risk on academic achievement at school entry. Developmental Psychobiology. PMID 34292594 DOI: 10.1002/dev.22170  0.345
2021 Propper CB, Gustafsson HC, Holochwost SJ, Coffman JL. Parasympathetic response to challenge in infancy moderates the effects of sociodemographic risk on academic achievement at school entry. Developmental Psychobiology. PMID 34292594 DOI: 10.1002/dev.22170  0.345
2021 Hussong AM, Halberstadt A, Langley HA, Thomas TE, Coffman JL. Parents' responses to children's ingratitude are associated with children's gratitude and internalizing 3 years later. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 33856828 DOI: 10.1037/fam0000855  0.826
2021 Hussong AM, Midgette AJ, Thomas TE, Coffman JL, Cho S. Coping and Mental Health in Early Adolescence during COVID-19. Research On Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. PMID 33856611 DOI: 10.1007/s10802-021-00821-0  0.621
2021 Swetlitz C, Lynch SF, Propper CB, Coffman JL, Wagner NJ. Examining Maternal Elaborative Reminiscing as a Protective Factor in the Intergenerational Transmission of Psychopathology. Research On Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. PMID 33646481 DOI: 10.1007/s10802-021-00790-4  0.338
2021 Wagner NJ, Holochwost S, Danko C, Propper CB, Coffman JL. Observed Peer Competence Moderates Links between Children's Self-Regulation Skills and Academic Performance. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 54: 286-293. PMID 33162669 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2020.10.001  0.462
2020 Hussong AM, Coffman JL, Thomas TE. Gratitude Conversations: An Experimental Trial of an Online Parenting Tool. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 15: 267-277. PMID 32477421 DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2019.1610484  0.775
2020 Ornstein PA, Coffman JL. Toward an Understanding of the Development of Skilled Remembering: The Role of Teachers’ Instructional Language Current Directions in Psychological Science. 29: 445-452. DOI: 10.1177/0963721420925543  0.69
2019 Hussong AM, Langley HA, Rothenberg WA, Coffman JL, Halberstadt AG, Costanzo PR, Mokrova I. Raising Grateful Children One Day at a Time. Applied Developmental Science. 23: 371-384. PMID 31983871 DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2018.1441713  0.823
2019 Hussong AM, Langley HA, Thomas T, Coffman J, Halberstadt A, Costanzo P, Rothenberg WA. Measuring Gratitude in Children. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 14: 563-575. PMID 31467585 DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2018.1497692  0.837
2019 Coffman JL, Grammer JK, Hudson KN, Thomas TE, Villwock D, Ornstein PA. Relating Children's Early Elementary Classroom Experiences to Later Skilled Remembering and Study Skills. Journal of Cognition and Development : Official Journal of the Cognitive Development Society. 20: 203-221. PMID 31372098 DOI: 10.1080/15248372.2018.1470976  0.803
2019 Holochwost SJ, Propper CB, Rehder PD, Wang G, Wagner NJ, Coffman JL. Parasympathetic Function: Relevance and Methodology for Early Education Research Journal of Research On Educational Effectiveness. 12: 728-749. DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2019.1631422  0.419
2019 Baker‐Ward L, Tyler CS, Coffman JL, Merritt KA, Ornstein PA. Children's expectations and episodic reports over 12 weeks: Influences on memory for a specially designed pediatric examination Applied Cognitive Psychology. 34: 330-342. DOI: 10.1002/Acp.3619  0.796
2018 Hudson KN, Coffman JL, Ornstein PA. Addition in kindergarten: The role of mothers’ and teachers’ language Journal of Cognition and Development. 19: 65-86. DOI: 10.1080/15248372.2017.1415900  0.565
2017 Langley HA, Coffman JL, Ornstein PA. The Socialization of Children's Memory: Linking Maternal Conversational Style to the Development of Children's Autobiographical and Deliberate Memory Skills. Journal of Cognition and Development : Official Journal of the Cognitive Development Society. 18: 63-86. PMID 29270083 DOI: 10.1080/15248372.2015.1135800  0.84
2017 Rothenberg WA, Hussong AM, Langley HA, Egerton GA, Halberstadt AG, Coffman JL, Mokrova I, Costanzo PR. Grateful parents raising grateful children: Niche selection and the socialization of child gratitude. Applied Developmental Science. 21: 106-120. PMID 28943753 DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2016.1175945  0.838
2017 Hegarty-Craver M, Gilchrist KH, Propper CB, Lewis GF, DeFilipp SJ, Coffman JL, Willoughby MT. Automated respiratory sinus arrhythmia measurement: Demonstration using executive function assessment. Behavior Research Methods. PMID 28791596 DOI: 10.3758/S13428-017-0950-2  0.344
2016 Grammer JK, Coffman JL, Sidney P, Ornstein PA. Linking Teacher Instruction and Student Achievement in Mathematics: The Role of Teacher Language Journal of Cognition and Development. 17: 468-485. DOI: 10.1080/15248372.2015.1068777  0.763
2016 Rothenberg WA, Hussong AM, Langley HA, Egerton GA, Halberstadt AG, Coffman JL, Mokrova I, Costanzo PR. Grateful parents raising grateful children: Niche selection and the socialization of child gratitude Applied Developmental Science. 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2016.1175945  0.834
2016 Halberstadt AG, Langley HA, Hussong AM, Rothenberg WA, Coffman JL, Mokrova I, Costanzo PR. Parents' understanding of gratitude in children: A thematic analysis Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 36: 439-451. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecresq.2016.01.014  0.835
2015 Gustafsson HC, Coffman JL, Cox MJ. Intimate Partner Violence, Maternal Sensitive Parenting Behaviors, and Children's Executive Functioning. Psychology of Violence. 5: 266-274. PMID 26185731 DOI: 10.1037/A0037971  0.738
2013 Grammer JK, Coffman JL, Ornstein PA, Morrison FJ. Change over Time: Conducting Longitudinal Studies of Children's Cognitive Development. Journal of Cognition and Development : Official Journal of the Cognitive Development Society. 14: 515-528. PMID 24955035 DOI: 10.1080/15248372.2013.833925  0.791
2013 Gustafsson HC, Coffman JL, Harris LS, Langley HA, Ornstein PA, Cox MJ. Intimate partner violence and children's memory. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 27: 937-44. PMID 24188084 DOI: 10.1037/A0034592  0.836
2013 Grammer J, Coffman JL, Ornstein P. The effect of teachers' memory-relevant language on children's strategy use and knowledge. Child Development. 84: 1989-2002. PMID 23574097 DOI: 10.1111/Cdev.12100  0.815
2011 Grammer JK, Purtell KM, Coffman JL, Ornstein PA. Relations between children's metamemory and strategic performance: time-varying covariates in early elementary school. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 108: 139-55. PMID 20863515 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jecp.2010.08.001  0.847
2008 Coffman JL, Ornstein PA, McCall LE, Curran PJ. Linking teachers' memory-relevant language and the development of children's memory skills. Developmental Psychology. 44: 1640-54. PMID 18999327 DOI: 10.1037/A0013859  0.745
1998 Skinner D, Bryant D, Coffman J, Campbell F. Creating Risk and Promise: Children's and Teachers' Coconstructions in the Cultural World of Kindergarten Elementary School Journal. 98: X-310.  0.403
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