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Victoria J. Molfese - Publications

University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States 
Early childhood development

51 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 Petersen IT, Bates JE, McQuillan ME, Hoyniak CP, Staples AD, Rudasill KM, Molfese DL, Molfese VJ. Heterotypic continuity of inhibitory control in early childhood: Evidence from four widely used measures. Developmental Psychology. 57: 1755-1771. PMID 34914443 DOI: 10.1037/dev0001025  0.557
2018 Hoyniak CP, Bates JE, Staples AD, Rudasill KM, Molfese DL, Molfese VJ. Child Sleep and Socioeconomic Context in the Development of Cognitive Abilities in Early Childhood. Child Development. PMID 29484637 DOI: 10.1111/Cdev.13042  0.543
2017 Dinkel D, Snyder K, Kyvelidou A, Molfese V. He's just content to sit: a qualitative study of mothers' perceptions of infant obesity and physical activity. Bmc Public Health. 17: 585. PMID 28629410 DOI: 10.1186/S12889-017-4503-5  0.316
2016 Rudasill KM, Hawley L, Molfese VJ, Tu X, Prokasky A, Sirota K. Temperament and Teacher–Child Conflict in Preschool: The Moderating Roles of Classroom Instructional and Emotional Support Early Education and Development. 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2016.1156988  0.314
2016 Jacobi-Vessels JL, Todd Brown E, Molfese VJ, Do A. Teaching Preschoolers to Count: Effective Strategies for Achieving Early Mathematics Milestones Early Childhood Education Journal. 44: 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s10643-014-0671-4  0.312
2015 Molfese VJ, Rudasill KM, Prokasky A, Champagne C, Holmes M, Molfese DL, Bates JE. Relations Between Toddler Sleep Characteristics, Sleep Problems, and Temperament. Developmental Neuropsychology. 40: 138-54. PMID 26151612 DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2015.1028627  0.541
2015 Acar IH, Rudasill KM, Molfese V, Torquati J, Prokasky A. Temperament and preschool children’s peer interactions Early Education and Development. 26: 479-495. DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2015.1000718  0.375
2015 Jones VF, Brown ET, Molfese V, Ferguson MC, Jacobi-Vessels J, Bertsch C, Abraham T, Davis DW. The development and initial assessment of Reach Out and Read Plus Mathematics for use in primary care paediatrics Early Child Development and Care. 185: 694-708. DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2014.950261  0.349
2015 Ryoo JH, Molfese VJ, Brown ET, Karp KS, Welch GW, Bovaird JA. Examining factor structures on the Test of Early Mathematics Ability - 3: A longitudinal approach Learning and Individual Differences. 41: 21-29. DOI: 10.1016/J.Lindif.2015.06.003  0.411
2014 Nelson TD, Lundahl A, Molfese DL, Waford RN, Roman A, Gozal D, Molfese VJ, Ferguson MC. Estimating child sleep from parent report of time in bed: development and evaluation of adjustment approaches. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 39: 624-32. PMID 24781412 DOI: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsu020  0.495
2014 Ryoo JH, Molfese VJ, Heaton R, Zhou X, Brown ET, Prokasky A, Davis E. Early Mathematics Skills From Prekindergarten to First Grade Score Changes and Ability Group Differences in Kentucky, Nebraska, and Shanghai Samples Journal of Advanced Academics. 25: 162-188. DOI: 10.1177/1932202X14538975  0.4
2014 Rudasill KM, Prokasky A, Tu X, Frohn S, Sirota K, Molfese VJ. Parent vs. teacher ratings of children's shyness as predictors of language and attention skills Learning and Individual Differences. 34: 57-62. DOI: 10.1016/j.lindif.2014.05.008  0.41
2013 Molfese DL, Ivanenko A, Key AF, Roman A, Molfese VJ, O'Brien LM, Gozal D, Kota S, Hudac CM. A one-hour sleep restriction impacts brain processing in young children across tasks: evidence from event-related potentials. Developmental Neuropsychology. 38: 317-36. PMID 23862635 DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2013.799169  0.611
2011 Jung E, Molfese VJ, Larson AE. More than good intentioned help: Volunteer tutoring and elementary readers Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 19: 277-299. DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2011.597119  0.309
2011 Molfese VJ, Beswick JL, Jacobi-Vessels JL, Armstrong NE, Culver BL, White JM, Ferguson MC, Rudasill KM, Molfese DL. Evidence of alphabetic knowledge in writing: Connections to letter and word identification skills in preschool and kindergarten Reading and Writing. 24: 133-150. DOI: 10.1007/s11145-010-9265-8  0.631
2010 Molfese VJ, Molfese PJ, Molfese DL, Rudasill KM, Armstrong N, Starkey G. Executive Function Skills of 6 to 8 Year Olds: Brain and Behavioral Evidence and Implications for School Achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 35: 116-125. PMID 20798857 DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2010.03.004  0.759
2009 Jung E, Molfese VJ, Beswick J, Jacobi-Vessels J, Molnar A. Growth of cognitive skills in preschoolers: Impact of sleep habits and learning-related behaviors Early Education and Development. 20: 713-731. DOI: 10.1080/10409280802206890  0.375
2008 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ, Beswick J, Jacobi-Vessels J, Molfese PJ, Key AP, Starkey G. Dynamic links between emerging cognitive skills and brain processes. Developmental Neuropsychology. 33: 682-706. PMID 19005911 DOI: 10.1080/87565640802418647  0.759
2008 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ, Barnes ME, Warren CG, Molfese PJ. Familial predictors of dyslexia: Evidence from preschool children with and without familial dyslexia risk The Sage Handbook of Dyslexia. 99-120. DOI: 10.4135/9780857020987.n5  0.708
2008 Molfese VJ, Molfese DL, Beswick JL, Jacobi-Vessels J, Molfese PJ, Molnar AE, Wagner MC, Haines BL. Use of event-related potentials to identify language and reading skills Topics in Language Disorders. 28: 28-45. DOI: 10.1097/01.Adt.0000311414.69966.3F  0.747
2008 Brown ET, Molfese VJ, Molfese P. Preschool Student Learning in Literacy and Mathematics: Impact of Teacher Experience, Qualifications, and Beliefs on an At-Risk Sample Journal of Education For Students Placed At Risk (Jespar). 13: 106-126. DOI: 10.1080/10824660701860474  0.682
2008 Molfese DL, Key APF, Maguire MJ, Dove GO, Molfese VJ. Event-Related Evoked Potentials (ERPs) in Speech Perception The Handbook of Speech Perception. 99-121. DOI: 10.1002/9780470757024.ch5  0.563
2007 Key AP, Ferguson M, Molfese DL, Peach K, Lehman C, Molfese VJ. Smoking during pregnancy affects speech-processing ability in newborn infants. Environmental Health Perspectives. 115: 623-9. PMID 17450234 DOI: 10.1289/ehp.9521  0.579
2006 Molfese DL, Key AF, Kelly S, Cunningham N, Terrell S, Ferguson M, Molfese VJ, Bonebright T. Below-average, average, and above-average readers engage different and similar brain regions while reading. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 39: 352-63. PMID 16895159 DOI: 10.1177/00222194060390040801  0.675
2006 Molfese VJ, Modglin AA, Beswick JL, Neamon JD, Berg SA, Berg CJ, Molnar A. Letter knowledge, phonological processing, and print knowledge: skill development in nonreading preschool children. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 39: 296-305. PMID 16895155 DOI: 10.1177/00222194060390040401  0.464
2006 Molfese VJ, Beswick J, Molnar A, Jacobi-Vessels J. Alphabetic skills in preschool: a preliminary study of letter naming and letter writing. Developmental Neuropsychology. 29: 5-19. PMID 16390286 DOI: 10.1207/s15326942dn2901_2  0.426
2006 Molfese VJ. Introduction to the special series: Early reading skills Journal of Learning Disabilities. 39: 294-295. DOI: 10.1177/00222194060390040301  0.357
2006 Molfese V, Molfese D, Molnar A, Beswick J. Developmental Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. 485-491. DOI: 10.1016/B0-08-044854-2/04166-3  0.536
2004 Espy KA, Molfese DL, Molfese VJ, Modglin A. Development of auditory event-related potentials in young children and relations to word-level reading abilities at age 8 years. Annals of Dyslexia. 54: 9-38. PMID 15765002 DOI: 10.1007/S11881-004-0002-3  0.68
2004 Molfese VJ, Molfese DL, Modglin AT, Walker J, Neamon J. Screening early reading skills in preschool children: Get ready to read Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 22: 136-150. DOI: 10.1177/073428290402200204  0.649
2003 Molfese VJ, Modglin A, Molfese DL. The role of environment in the development of reading skills: a longitudinal study of preschool and school-age measures. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 36: 59-67. PMID 15490892 DOI: 10.1177/00222194030360010701  0.667
2003 Montgomery-Downs HE, Jones VF, Molfese VJ, Gozal D. Snoring in preschoolers: associations with sleepiness, ethnicity, and learning. Clinical Pediatrics. 42: 719-26. PMID 14601921 DOI: 10.1177/000992280304200808  0.376
2003 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ, Key AF, Kelly SD. Influence of environment on speech-sound discrimination: findings from a longitudinal study. Developmental Neuropsychology. 24: 541-58. PMID 14561561 DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2003.9651910  0.671
2002 Molfese VJ, Molfese DL. Environmental and social influences on reading skills as indexed by brain and behavioral responses Annals of Dyslexia. 52: 121-137. DOI: 10.1007/S11881-002-0009-6  0.691
2002 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ, Key S, Modglin A, Kelley S, Terrell S. Reading and cognitive abilities: Longitudinal studies of brain and behavior changes in young children Annals of Dyslexia. 52: 99-119. DOI: 10.1007/S11881-002-0008-7  0.666
2001 Molfese VJ, Molfese DL, Modgline AA. Newborn and preschool predictors of second-grade reading scores: an evaluation of categorical and continuous scores. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 34: 545-54. PMID 15503569 DOI: 10.1177/002221940103400607  0.668
2001 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ, Kelly S. The use of brain electrophysiology techniques to study language: A basic guide for the beginning consumer of electrophysiology information Learning Disability Quarterly. 24: 177-188. DOI: 10.2307/1511242  0.611
2001 Espy KA, Molfese VJ, DiLalla LF. Effects of environmental measures on intelligence in young children: Growth curve modeling of longitudinal data Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 47: 42-73. DOI: 10.1353/Mpq.2001.0001  0.379
2000 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ. Advancing brain-language models in the next millennium. Brain and Language. 71: 164-6. PMID 10716836 DOI: 10.1006/brln.1999.2241  0.594
1999 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ, Espy KA. The predictive use of event-related potentials in language development and the treatment of language disorders Developmental Neuropsychology. 16: 373-377. DOI: 10.1207/S15326942Dn1603_19  0.61
1997 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ. Discrimination of Language Skills at Five Years of Age Using Event-Related Potentials Recorded at Birth Developmental Neuropsychology. 13: 135-156. DOI: 10.1080/87565649709540674  0.652
1996 Molfese VJ, DiLalla LF, Lovelace L. Perinatal, Home Environment, and Infant Measures as Successful Predictors of Preschool Cognitive and Verbal Abilities International Journal of Behavioral Development. 19: 101-119. DOI: 10.1177/016502549601900109  0.363
1995 Molfese VJ, DiLalla LF. Cost Effective Approaches to Identifying Developmental Delay in 4- to 7-Year-Old Children Early Education & Development. 6: 265-277. DOI: 10.1207/s15566935eed0603_5  0.406
1994 Molfese VJ, Holcomb L, Helwig S. Biomedical and Social-Environmental Influences on Cognitive and Verbal Abilities in Children 1 to 3 Years of Age International Journal of Behavioral Development. 17: 271-287. DOI: 10.1177/016502549401700203  0.41
1993 Molfese VJ, Helwig S, Holcomb L. Standardized assessments of verbal intelligence in 3-year-old children: A comparison of biomedical and psychoeducational data in a longitudinal sample Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 11: 56-66. DOI: 10.1177/073428299301100107  0.37
1988 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ. Right-hemisphere responses from preschool children to temporal cues to speech and nonspeech materials: electrophysiological correlates. Brain and Language. 33: 245-59. PMID 3359170 DOI: 10.1016/0093-934X(88)90067-3  0.613
1987 Molfese VJ, Betz JC. Language and Motor Development in Infancy: Three Views With Neuropsychological Implications Developmental Neuropsychology. 3: 255-274. DOI: 10.1080/87565648709540380  0.357
1985 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ. Electrophysiological indices of auditory discrimination in newborn infants: The bases for predicting later language development? Infant Behavior and Development. 8: 197-211. DOI: 10.1016/S0163-6383(85)80006-0  0.66
1983 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ, Buhrke R, Shute G, Wang S. Electrophysiological correlates of adult decisions made during a conservation of quantity task. Brain and Cognition. 2: 77-88. PMID 6546013 DOI: 10.1016/0278-2626(83)90030-1  0.559
1980 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ. Cortical response of preterm infants to phonetic and nonphonetic speech stimuli Developmental Psychology. 16: 574-581. DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.16.6.574  0.571
1979 Molfese DL, Molfese VJ. Hemisphere and stimulus differences as reflected in the cortical responses of newborn infants to speech stimuli Developmental Psychology. 15: 505-511. DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.15.5.505  0.575
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