Alessandro Vato, PhD - Publications

2007-2017 Robotics Brain and Cognitive Sciences Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, United States 
Brain-computer Interfaces

31 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Xie T, Wu Z, Schalk G, Tong Y, Vato A, Raviv N, Guo Q, Ye H, Sheng X, Zhu X, Brunner P, Chen L. Automated intraoperative central sulcus localization and somatotopic mapping using median nerve stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering. PMID 35785769 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/ac7dfd  0.693
2017 De Feo V, Boi F, Safaai H, Onken A, Panzeri S, Vato A. State-Dependent Decoding Algorithms Improve the Performance of a Bidirectional BMI in Anesthetized Rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11: 269. PMID 28620273 DOI: 10.3389/Fnins.2017.00269  0.793
2016 Semprini M, Boi F, Tucci V, Vato A. A study on the effect of multisensory stimulation in behaving rats. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2016: 4707-4710. PMID 28269322 DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591778  0.775
2016 Boi F, Semprini M, Vato A. A non-linear mapping algorithm shaping the control policy of a bidirectional brain machine interface. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2016: 3052-3055. PMID 28268955 DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591373  0.82
2016 Semprini M, Boi F, Tucci V, Vato A, Semprini M, Boi F, Tucci V, Vato A, Boi F, Tucci V, Semprini M, Vato A. A study on the effect of multisensory stimulation in behaving rats. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2016: 4707-4710. PMID 28227563 DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591778  0.778
2016 Boi F, Semprini M, Vato A, Boi F, Semprini M, Vato A, Boi F, Semprini M, Vato A. A non-linear mapping algorithm shaping the control policy of a bidirectional brain machine interface. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2016: 3052-3055. PMID 28227162 DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591373  0.82
2016 Boi F, Moraitis T, De Feo V, Diotalevi F, Bartolozzi C, Indiveri G, Vato A. A Bidirectional Brain-Machine Interface Featuring a Neuromorphic Hardware Decoder. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10: 563. PMID 28018162 DOI: 10.3389/Fnins.2016.00563  0.775
2016 Panzeri S, Safaai H, De Feo V, Vato A. Implications of the Dependence of Neuronal Activity on Neural Network States for the Design of Brain-Machine Interfaces. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10: 165. PMID 27147955 DOI: 10.3389/Fnins.2016.00165  0.665
2015 Boi F, Semprini M, Mussa Ivaldi FA, Panzeri S, Vato A. A bidirectional brain-machine interface connecting alert rodents to a dynamical system. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2015: 51-4. PMID 26736198 DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7318298  0.8
2015 Angotzi GN, Baranauskas G, Vato A, Bonfanti A, Zambra G, Maggiolini E, Semprini M, Ricci D, Ansaldo A, Castagnola E, Ius T, Skrap M, Fadiga L. A compact and autoclavable system for acute extracellular neural recording and brain pressure monitoring for humans. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 9: 50-9. PMID 25486648 DOI: 10.1109/Tbcas.2014.2312794  0.78
2015 Boi F, Diotalevi F, Stefanini F, Indiveri G, Bartolozzi C, Vato A. A modular configurable system for closed-loop bidirectional brain-machine interfaces International Ieee/Embs Conference On Neural Engineering, Ner. 2015: 198-201. DOI: 10.1109/NER.2015.7146594  0.693
2014 Angotzi GN, Boi F, Zordan S, Bonfanti A, Vato A. A programmable closed-loop recording and stimulating wireless system for behaving small laboratory animals. Scientific Reports. 4: 5963. PMID 25096831 DOI: 10.1038/Srep05963  0.734
2014 Vato A, Szymanski FD, Semprini M, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Panzeri S. A bidirectional brain-machine interface algorithm that approximates arbitrary force-fields. Plos One. 9: e91677. PMID 24626393 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0091677  0.798
2013 Angotzi GN, Boi F, Zordan S, Vato A. A compact wireless multi-channel system for real-time intracortical microstimulation of behaving rodents International Ieee/Embs Conference On Neural Engineering, Ner. 1009-1012. DOI: 10.1109/NER.2013.6696107  0.634
2012 Semprini M, Bennicelli L, Vato A. A parametric study of intracortical microstimulation in behaving rats for the development of artificial sensory channels. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2012: 799-802. PMID 23366013 DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346052  0.769
2012 Vato A, Semprini M, Maggiolini E, Szymanski FD, Fadiga L, Panzeri S, Mussa-Ivaldi FA. Shaping the dynamics of a bidirectional neural interface. Plos Computational Biology. 8: e1002578. PMID 22829754 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pcbi.1002578  0.808
2012 Baranauskas G, Maggiolini E, Vato A, Angotzi G, Bonfanti A, Zambra G, Spinelli A, Fadiga L. Origins of 1/f2 scaling in the power spectrum of intracortical local field potential. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 984-94. PMID 22090461 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.00470.2011  0.53
2012 Bonfanti A, Ceravolo M, Zambra G, Gusmeroli R, Baranauskas G, Angotzi GN, Vato A, Maggiolini E, Semprini M, Spinelli AS, Lacaita AL. A multi-channel low-power system-on-chip for in Vivo recording and wireless transmission of neural spikes Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications. 2: 211-241. DOI: 10.3390/Jlpea2040211  0.725
2011 Szymanski FD, Semprini M, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Fadiga L, Panzeri S, Vato A. Dynamic Brain-Machine Interface: a novel paradigm for bidirectional interaction between brains and dynamical systems. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2011: 4592-5. PMID 22255360 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091137  0.804
2011 Baranauskas G, Maggiolini E, Castagnola E, Ansaldo A, Mazzoni A, Angotzi GN, Vato A, Ricci D, Panzeri S, Fadiga L. Carbon nanotube composite coating of neural microelectrodes preferentially improves the multiunit signal-to-noise ratio. Journal of Neural Engineering. 8: 066013. PMID 22064890 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/8/6/066013  0.635
2011 Bonfanti A, Zambra G, Baranauskas G, Angotzi GN, Maggiolini E, Semprini M, Vato A, Fadiga L, Spinelli AS, Lacaita AL. A wireless microsystem with digital data compression for neural spike recording Microelectronic Engineering. 88: 1672-1675. DOI: 10.1016/J.Mee.2011.01.024  0.767
2010 Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Alford ST, Chiappalone M, Fadiga L, Karniel A, Kositsky M, Maggiolini E, Panzeri S, Sanguineti V, Semprini M, Vato A. New Perspectives on the Dialogue between Brains and Machines. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 4: 44. PMID 20589094 DOI: 10.3389/Neuro.01.008.2010  0.765
2007 Chiappalone M, Vato A, Berdondini L, Koudelka-Hep M, Martinoia S. Network dynamics and synchronous activity in cultured cortical neurons. International Journal of Neural Systems. 17: 87-103. PMID 17565505 DOI: 10.1142/S0129065707000968  0.688
2006 Chiappalone M, Bove M, Vato A, Tedesco M, Martinoia S. Dissociated cortical networks show spontaneously correlated activity patterns during in vitro development. Brain Research. 1093: 41-53. PMID 16712817 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2006.03.049  0.642
2006 Bonzano L, Vato A, Chiappalone M, Martinoia S. Modulation of Electrophysiological Activity in Neural Networks: Toward a Bioartificial Living System Handbook of Neural Engineering. 29-40. DOI: 10.1002/9780470068298.ch2  0.6
2005 Chiappalone M, Novellino A, Vajda I, Vato A, Martinoia S, van Pelt J. Burst detection algorithms for the analysis of spatio-temporal patterns in cortical networks of neurons Neurocomputing. 65: 653-662. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neucom.2004.10.094  0.653
2004 Vato A, Bonzano L, Chiappalone M, Cicero S, Morabito F, Novellino A, Stillo G. Spike manager: A new tool for spontaneous and evoked neuronal networks activity characterization Neurocomputing. 58: 1153-1161. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neucom.2004.01.180  0.663
2003 Chiappalone M, Vato A, Tedesco MB, Marcoli M, Davide F, Martinoia S. Networks of neurons coupled to microelectrode arrays: a neuronal sensory system for pharmacological applications. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 18: 627-34. PMID 12706572 DOI: 10.1016/S0956-5663(03)00041-1  0.639
2003 Vato A, Bonzano L, Chiappalone M, Novellino A, Tedesco M, Bove M, Martinoia S. Modulating neural networks dynamics: multi-site electrical stimulation of in-vitro cortical neurons coupled to MEA devices International Ieee/Embs Conference On Neural Engineering, Ner. 2003: 466-469. DOI: 10.1109/CNE.2003.1196862  0.639
2003 Novellino A, Chiappalone M, Vato A, Bove M, Tedesco MB, Martionia S. Behaviors from an electrically stimulated spinal cord neuronal network cultured on microelectrode arrays Neurocomputing. 52: 661-669. DOI: 10.1016/S0925-2312(02)00861-5  0.708
2001 Grattarola M, Chiappalone M, Davide F, Martinoia S, Tedesco MB, Rosso N, Vato A. Burst analysis of chemically stimulated spinal cord neuronal networks cultured on microelectrode arrays Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University. 1: 729-732.  0.712
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