Year |
Citation |
Score |
2020 |
Hayran C, Anik L, Gürhan-Canli Z. A threat to loyalty: Fear of missing out (FOMO) leads to reluctance to repeat current experiences. Plos One. 15: e0232318. PMID 32353059 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0232318 |
0.315 |
2020 |
Karataş M, Gürhan-Canli Z. A Construal Level Account of the Impact of Religion and God on Prosociality. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167219895145. PMID 31928319 DOI: 10.1177/0146167219895145 |
0.342 |
2020 |
Sarial-Abi G, Merdin-Uygur E, Gürhan-Canli Z. Responses to replica (vs. genuine) touristic experiences Annals of Tourism Research. 83: 102927. DOI: 10.1016/J.Annals.2020.102927 |
0.346 |
2019 |
Merdin-Uygur E, Sarial-Abi G, Gurhan-Canli Z, Hesapci O. How does self-concept clarity influence happiness in social settings? The role of strangers versus friends Self and Identity. 18: 443-467. DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2018.1470563 |
0.361 |
2018 |
Gürhan-Canli Z, Sarıal-Abi G, Hayran C. Consumers and Brands Across the Globe: Research Synthesis and New Directions Journal of International Marketing. 26: 96-117. DOI: 10.1509/Jim.17.0063 |
0.359 |
2016 |
Sarial-Abi G, Gürhan-Canli Z. Whether One Looks for Means to Overcome Regulatory Restrictions or Show Source Negativity Depends on the Type of Regulatory Restrictions Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 1: 411-421. DOI: 10.1086/686731 |
0.344 |
2016 |
Sarial-Abi G, Gürhan-Canli Z, Kumkale T, Yoon Y. The effect of self-concept clarity on discretionary spending tendency International Journal of Research in Marketing. 33: 612-623. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijresmar.2015.09.010 |
0.38 |
2016 |
Hayran C, Anik L, Gurhan-Canli Z. Exploring the Antecedents and Consumer Behavioral Consequences of “Feeling of Missing Out (FOMO)” (Abstract) Acr North American Advances. 661-662. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45596-9_127 |
0.38 |
2015 |
Swaminathan V, Gürhan-Canli Z, Kubat U, Hayran C. How, when, and why do attribute- complementary versus attribute-similar cobrands affect brand evaluations: A concept combination perspective Journal of Consumer Research. 42: 45-58. DOI: 10.1093/Jcr/Ucv006 |
0.362 |
2012 |
Lei J, Dawar N, Gürhan-Canli Z. Base-Rate Information in Consumer Attributions of Product-Harm Crises Journal of Marketing Research. 49: 336-348. DOI: 10.1509/Jmr.10.0197 |
0.381 |
2012 |
Yoon Y, Sarial-Abi G, Gurhan-Canli Z. Effect of Regulatory Focus on Selective Information Processing Journal of Consumer Research. 39: 93-110. DOI: 10.1086/661935 |
0.33 |
2012 |
Lynch JG, Alba JW, Krishna A, Morwitz VG, Gürhan-Canli Z. Knowledge creation in consumer research: Multiple routes, multiple criteria Journal of Consumer Psychology. 22: 473-485. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jcps.2012.06.004 |
0.358 |
2007 |
Swaminathan V, Page KL, Gürhan-Canli Z. 'My' Brand or 'Our' Brand: The Effects of Brand Relationship Dimensions and Self-Construal on Brand Evaluations Journal of Consumer Research. 34: 248-259. DOI: 10.1086/518539 |
0.344 |
2006 |
Yoon Y, Gürhan-Canli Z, Schwarz N. The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities on Companies With Bad Reputations Journal of Consumer Psychology. 16: 377-390. DOI: 10.1207/S15327663Jcp1604_9 |
0.356 |
2006 |
Yoon Y, Gürhan-Canli Z, Bozok B. Drawing inferences about others on the basis of corporate associations Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 34: 167-173. DOI: 10.1177/0092070305284981 |
0.311 |
2004 |
Gürhan-Canli Z, Batra R. When Corporate Image Affects Product Evaluations: The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk Journal of Marketing Research. 41: 197-205. DOI: 10.1509/Jmkr. |
0.346 |
2003 |
Gürhan-Canli Z. The Effect of Expected Variability of Product Quality and Attribute Uniqueness on Family Brand Evaluations Journal of Consumer Research. 30: 105-114. DOI: 10.1086/374695 |
0.34 |
2001 |
Sen S, Gürhan-Canli Z, Morwitz V. Withholding Consumption: A Social Dilemma Perspective on Consumer Boycotts Journal of Consumer Research. 28: 399-417. DOI: 10.1086/323729 |
0.36 |
2000 |
Gürhan-Canli Z, Maheswaran D. Cultural variations in country of origin effects Journal of Marketing Research. 37: 309-317. DOI: 10.1509/Jmkr.37.3.309.18778 |
0.349 |
2000 |
Ahluwalia R, Gürhan-Canli Z. The Effects of Extensions on the Family Brand Name: An Accessibility‐Diagnosticity Perspective Journal of Consumer Research. 27: 371-381. DOI: 10.1086/317591 |
0.363 |
2000 |
Gürhan-Canli Z, Maheswaran D. Determinants of country-of-origin evaluations Journal of Consumer Research. 27: 96-108. DOI: 10.1086/314311 |
0.376 |
1998 |
Gürhan-Canli Z, Maheswaran D. The effects of extensions on brand name dilution and enhancement Journal of Marketing Research. 35: 464-473. DOI: 10.1177/002224379803500405 |
0.437 |
Show low-probability matches. |