Guy Bormans - Publications

1993-1994 University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, United States 

126 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 DaSilva J, Decristoforo C, Mach RH, Bormans G, Carlucci G, Al-Qahtani M, Duatti A, Gee AD, Szymanski W, Rubow S, Hendrikx J, Yang X, Jia H, Zhang J, Caravan P, et al. Highlight selection of radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments by editorial board. Ejnmmi Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 8: 35. PMID 37889361 DOI: 10.1186/s41181-023-00218-y  0.458
2023 Teodoro R, Gündel D, Deuther-Conrad W, Kazimir A, Toussaint M, Wenzel B, Bormans G, Hey-Hawkins E, Kopka K, Brust P, Moldovan RP. Synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationships, Radiofluorination, and Biological Evaluation of [F]RM365, a Novel Radioligand for Imaging the Human Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 (CB2R) in the Brain with PET. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 66: 13991-14010. PMID 37816245 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c01035  0.317
2021 Teodoro R, Gündel D, Deuther-Conrad W, Ueberham L, Toussaint M, Bormans G, Brust P, Moldovan RP. Development of [F]LU14 for PET Imaging of Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 in the Brain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22. PMID 34360817 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22158051  0.316
2021 Aime S, Al-Qahtani M, Behe M, Bormans G, Carlucci G, DaSilva JN, Decristoforo C, Duatti A, Elsinga PH, Kopka K, Li XG, Liu Z, Mach RH, Middel O, Passchier J, et al. Highlight selection of radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments by editorial board. Ejnmmi Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 6: 13. PMID 33738618 DOI: 10.1186/s41181-021-00128-x  0.458
2021 Al-Qahtani M, Behe M, Bormans G, Carlucci G, Dasilva J, Decristoforo C, Elsinga PH, Kopka K, Li XG, Mach R, Middel O, Passchier J, Patt M, Penuelas I, Rey A, et al. Highlight selection of radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments by editorial board (January-June 2020). Ejnmmi Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 6: 5. PMID 33507426 DOI: 10.1186/s41181-020-00118-5  0.455
2020 Koole M, Van Weehaeghe D, Serdons K, Herbots M, Cawthorne C, Celen S, Schroeder FA, Hooker JM, Bormans G, de Hoon J, Kranz JE, Van Laere K, Gilbert TM. Clinical validation of the novel HDAC6 radiotracer [F]EKZ-001 in the human brain. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. PMID 32638097 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-020-04891-Y  0.376
2020 Pauwels E, Cleeren F, Tshibangu T, Koole M, Serdons K, Dekervel J, Van Cutsem E, Verslype C, Van Laere K, Bormans G, Deroose CM. [F]AlF-NOTA-octreotide PET imaging: biodistribution, dosimetry and first comparison with [Ga]Ga-DOTATATE in neuroendocrine tumour patients. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. PMID 32617641 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-020-04918-4  0.364
2020 Belderbos S, González-Gómez MA, Cleeren F, Wouters J, Piñeiro Y, Deroose CM, Coosemans A, Gsell W, Bormans G, Rivas J, Himmelreich U. Simultaneous in vivo PET/MRI using fluorine-18 labeled FeO@Al(OH) nanoparticles: comparison of nanoparticle and nanoparticle-labeled stem cell distribution. Ejnmmi Research. 10: 73. PMID 32607918 DOI: 10.1186/S13550-020-00655-9  0.321
2020 Pauwels E, van Aerde M, Bormans G, Deroose CM. Molecular imaging of norepinephrine transporter-expressing tumors: current status and future prospects. The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging : Official Publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (Aimn) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (Iar), [and] Section of the Society of.... PMID 32397701 DOI: 10.23736/S1824-4785.20.03261-6  0.318
2020 Pauwels E, Celen S, Vandamme M, Leysen W, Baete K, Bechter O, Bex M, Serdons K, Van Laere K, Bormans G, Deroose CM. Improved resolution and sensitivity of [F]MFBG PET compared with [I]MIBG SPECT in a patient with a norepinephrine transporter-expressing tumour. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. PMID 32385645 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-020-04830-X  0.359
2020 Bridoux J, Neyt S, Debie P, Descamps B, Devoogdt N, Cleeren F, Bormans G, Broisat A, Caveliers V, Xavier C, Vanhove C, Hernot S. Improved Detection of Molecular Markers of Atherosclerotic Plaques Using Sub-Millimeter PET Imaging. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 25. PMID 32316285 DOI: 10.3390/Molecules25081838  0.395
2020 Knudsen GM, Ganz M, Appelhoff S, Boellaard R, Bormans G, Carson RE, Catana C, Doudet D, Gee AD, Greve DN, Gunn RN, Halldin C, Herscovitch P, Huang H, Keller SH, et al. Guidelines for the content and format of PET brain data in publications and archives: A consensus paper. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 271678X20905433. PMID 32065076 DOI: 10.1177/0271678X20905433  0.563
2020 Tshibangu T, Cawthorne C, Serdons K, Pauwels E, Gsell W, Bormans G, Deroose CM, Cleeren F. Automated GMP compliant production of [F]AlF-NOTA-octreotide. Ejnmmi Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 5: 4. PMID 31997090 DOI: 10.1186/S41181-019-0084-1  0.381
2019 Van Weehaeghe D, Van Schoor E, De Vocht J, Koole M, Attili B, Celen S, Declercq L, Thal DR, Van Damme P, Bormans G, Van Laere K. TSPO versus P2X7 as target for neuroinflammation - an in vitro and in vivo study. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. PMID 31562223 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.119.231985  0.362
2019 Crabbé M, Van der Perren A, Kounelis S, Lavreys T, Bormans G, Baekelandt V, Casteels C, Van Laere K. Temporal changes in neuroinflammation and brain glucose metabolism in a rat model of viral vector-induced α-synucleinopathy. Experimental Neurology. 320: 112964. PMID 31136763 DOI: 10.1016/J.Expneurol.2019.112964  0.373
2019 Rombouts FJR, Declercq L, Andrés JI, Bottelbergs A, Chen L, Iturrino L, Leenaerts JE, Mariën J, Song F, Wintmolders C, Wuyts SL, Xia C, Te Riele P, Bormans GM, Vandenberghe R, et al. Discovery of N-(4-[18F]fluoro-5-methylpyridin-2-yl)isoquinolin-6-amine (JNJ-64326067), a new promising tau positron emission tomography (PET) imaging tracer. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. PMID 30810314 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jmedchem.8B01759  0.382
2019 Wang Y, Li W, Lohith TG, Bormans G, Koole M, Laere KV, Serdons K, Hoon Jd, Declercq R, Lepeleire ID, Pascual MB, Zanotti-Fregonara P, Yu M, Arbones V, Masdeu JC, et al. Ic-P-150: [C-11]Mk-6884 Pet: Characterizing Brain M4 Receptors In Healthy Elderly Volunteers And Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors-Treated Ad Patients Alzheimers & Dementia. 15. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2019.06.4264  0.318
2019 Schaeverbeke J, Celen S, Ronisz A, Serdons K, Thal D, Bormans G, Vandenberghe R. P2-350: POSTMORTEM BINDING STUDY OF [18 F]-AV1451 AND [18 F]-THK5351 IN SEMANTIC VARIANT PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE APHASIA Alzheimer's & Dementia. 15: P729-P729. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2019.06.2757  0.33
2019 Vermeulen K, Ahamed M, Bormans G. PET imaging with [C-11]NMS-E973 reveals difference between healthy and malignant expressed HSP90 Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 62. DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.3725  0.308
2018 Attili B, Celen S, Ahamed M, Koole M, Haute CVD, Vanduffel W, Bormans G. Preclinical evaluation of [ F]MA3, a CB receptor agonist radiotracer for Positron Emission Tomography. British Journal of Pharmacology. PMID 30588600 DOI: 10.1111/Bph.14564  0.355
2018 Vieira IF, Ory D, Casteels C, Lima FRA, Van Laere K, Bormans G, Koole M. Volume-of-interest-based supervised cluster analysis for pseudo-reference region selection in [F]DPA-714 PET imaging of the rat brain. Ejnmmi Research. 8: 112. PMID 30588554 DOI: 10.1186/S13550-018-0467-4  0.382
2018 Koole M, Schmidt M, Hijzen A, Ravenstijn P, Vandermeulen C, Van Weehaeghe D, Serdons K, Celen S, Bormans G, Ceusters M, Zhang W, Van Nueten L, Kolb H, de Hoon J, Van Laere K. F-JNJ-64413739, a novel PET ligand for the P2X7 ion channel: radiation dosimetry, kinetic modeling, test-retest variability and occupancy of the P2X7 antagonist JNJ-54175446. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. PMID 30262518 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.118.216747  0.364
2018 Cleeren F, Lecina J, Bridoux J, Devoogdt N, Tshibangu T, Xavier C, Bormans G. Direct fluorine-18 labeling of heat-sensitive biomolecules for positron emission tomography imaging using the AlF-RESCA method. Nature Protocols. 13: 2330-2347. PMID 30250289 DOI: 10.1038/S41596-018-0040-7  0.36
2018 Schaeverbeke J, Evenepoel C, Declercq L, Gabel S, Meersmans K, Bruffaerts R, Adamczuk K, Dries E, Van Bouwel K, Sieben A, Pijnenburg Y, Peeters R, Bormans G, Van Laere K, Koole M, et al. Distinct [F]THK5351 binding patterns in primary progressive aphasia variants. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. PMID 29946950 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-018-4075-3  0.332
2018 Lohith TG, Bennacef I, Vandenberghe R, Vandenbulcke M, Salinas-Valenzuela C, Declercq R, Reynders T, Telan-Choing F, Riffel K, Celen S, Serdons K, Bormans G, Tsai K, Walji A, Hostetler ED, et al. First-in-human brain imaging of Alzheimer dementia patients and elderly controls with F-MK-6240, a PET tracer targeting neurofibrillary tangle pathology. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. PMID 29880509 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.118.208215  0.396
2017 Billaud EMF, Shahbazali E, Ahamed M, Cleeren F, Noël T, Koole M, Verbruggen A, Hessel V, Bormans G. Micro-flow photosynthesis of new dienophiles for inverse-electron-demand Diels-Alder reactions. Potential applications for pretargeted in vivo PET imaging. Chemical Science. 8: 1251-1258. PMID 28451267 DOI: 10.1039/C6Sc02933G  0.37
2017 Koole M, Laere KV, Ahmad R, Ceccarini J, Bormans G, Vandenberghe W. Brain PET imaging of phosphodiesterase 10A in progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. PMID 28394032 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.27005  0.324
2017 Collier TL, Yokell DL, Livni E, Rice PA, Celen S, Serdons K, Neelamegam R, Bormans G, Harris D, Walji A, Hostetler ED, Bennacef I, Vasdev N. cGMP Production of the Radiopharmaceutical [(18) F]MK-6240 for PET imaging of Human Neurofibrillary Tangles. Journal of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals. PMID 28185305 DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.3496  0.386
2017 Schaeverbeke J, Evenepoel C, Bruffaerts R, Van Laere K, Bormans G, Dries E, Tousseyn T, Nelissen N, Peeters R, Vandenbulcke M, Dupont P, Vandenberghe R. Cholinergic depletion and basal forebrain volume in primary progressive aphasia. Neuroimage. Clinical. 13: 271-279. PMID 28018854 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nicl.2016.11.027  0.318
2017 Chekol R, Gheysens O, Ahamed M, Cleynhens J, Pokreisz P, Vanhoof G, Janssens S, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. Carbon-11 and Fluorine-18 Radiolabeled Pyridopyrazinone Derivatives for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging of Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5). Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 60: 486-496. PMID 28009175 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jmedchem.6B01666  0.393
2017 Kolb HC, Bottelbergs A, Moechars D, Declercq L, Bormans G, Rombouts F. Pre-Clinical Characterization Of The Novel Tau Pet Ligand [18F]-Jnj'067 Alzheimers & Dementia. 13: 1069. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2017.06.1531  0.368
2016 Spangler-Bickell MG, de Laat B, Fulton R, Bormans G, Nuyts J. The effect of isoflurane on (18)F-FDG uptake in the rat brain: a fully conscious dynamic PET study using motion compensation. Ejnmmi Research. 6: 86. PMID 27888500 DOI: 10.1186/S13550-016-0242-3  0.384
2016 Ooms M, Attili B, Celen S, Koole M, Verbruggen A, Van Laere K, Bormans G. [18F]JNJ42259152 binding to phosphodiesterase PDE10A, a key regulator of medium spiny neuron excitability, is altered in the presence of cyclic AMP. Journal of Neurochemistry. PMID 27664396 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.13855  0.328
2016 Leurquin-Sterk G, Van den Stock J, Crunelle CL, de Laat B, Weerasekera A, Himmelreich U, Bormans G, Van Laere K. Positive Association Between Limbic Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 Availability and Novelty-Seeking Temperament in Humans: a 18F-FPEB PET study. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. PMID 27283933 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.116.176032  0.307
2016 Declercq LD, Vandenberghe R, Van Laere K, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. Drug Development in Alzheimer's Disease: The Contribution of PET and SPECT. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 7: 88. PMID 27065872 DOI: 10.3389/Fphar.2016.00088  0.352
2016 Leurquin-Sterk G, Postnov A, de Laat B, Casteels C, Celen S, Crunelle CL, Bormans G, Koole M, Van Laere K. Kinetic modelling and long-term test-retest reproducibility of the mGluR5 PET tracer (18) F-FPEB in human brain. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). PMID 26799447 DOI: 10.1002/Syn.21890  0.374
2016 Ory D, Postnov A, Koole M, Celen S, de Laat B, Verbruggen A, Van Laere K, Bormans G, Casteels C. Quantification of TSPO overexpression in a rat model of local neuroinflammation induced by intracerebral injection of LPS by the use of [(18)F]DPA-714 PET. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 43: 163-72. PMID 26323575 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-015-3172-9  0.36
2016 Bennacef I, Zeng Z, Lohith T, Miller PJ, Salinas CA, Connolly BM, Gantert LT, Hyking HD, Holahan MA, O’Malley SS, Purcell ML, Riffel K, Coleman PJ, Li J, Balsells-Padros J, ... ... Bormans G, et al. Discovery And First-In-Human Evaluation Of The Tau-Imaging Pet Radiotracer [18F]Mk-6240 Alzheimers & Dementia. 12: 136. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2016.06.218  0.39
2015 de Laat B, Leurquin-Sterk G, Celen S, Bormans G, Koole M, Van Laere K, Casteels C. Preclinical Evaluation and Quantification of 18F-FPEB as a Radioligand for PET Imaging of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 56: 1954-9. PMID 26405172 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.115.162636  0.35
2015 Blykers A, Schoonooghe S, Xavier C, D'hoe K, Laoui D, D'Huyvetter M, Vaneycken I, Cleeren F, Bormans G, Heemskerk J, Raes G, De Baetselier P, Lahoutte T, Devoogdt N, Van Ginderachter JA, et al. PET Imaging of Macrophage Mannose Receptor-Expressing Macrophages in Tumor Stroma Using 18F-Radiolabeled Camelid Single-Domain Antibody Fragments. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 56: 1265-71. PMID 26069306 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.115.156828  0.319
2015 Cleeren FW, Lecina J, Billaud E, Ahamed M, Holvoet B, Goffin K, Deroose C, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. Radiosynthesis and preclinical evaluation of new (AlF)-F-18-labelled Urea-based PSMA inhibitors for PET imaging of prostate cancer Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 58. PMID 25997630 DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.3302_2  0.342
2015 Ly HG, Ceccarini J, Weltens N, Bormans G, Van Laere K, Tack J, Van Oudenhove L. Increased cerebral cannabinoid-1 receptor availability is a stable feature of functional dyspepsia: a [F]MK-9470 PET study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 84: 149-58. PMID 25833408 DOI: 10.1159/000375454  0.373
2014 Ooms M, Celen S, Koole M, Langlois X, Schmidt M, De Angelis M, Andrés JI, Verbruggen A, Van Laere K, Bormans G. Synthesis and biological evaluation of carbon-11 and fluorine-18 labeled tracers for in vivo visualization of PDE10A. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 41: 695-704. PMID 25002365 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nucmedbio.2014.05.138  0.319
2014 Van Laere KJ, Sanabria-Bohórquez SM, Mozley DP, Burns DH, Hamill TG, Van Hecken A, De Lepeleire I, Koole M, Bormans G, de Hoon J, Depré M, Cerchio K, Plalcza J, Han L, Renger J, et al. (11)C-MK-8278 PET as a tool for pharmacodynamic brain occupancy of histamine 3 receptor inverse agonists. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 55: 65-72. PMID 24263088 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.113.122515  0.331
2014 Ahmad R, Goffin K, Van den Stock J, De Winter FL, Cleeren E, Bormans G, Tournoy J, Persoons P, Van Laere K, Vandenbulcke M. In vivo type 1 cannabinoid receptor availability in Alzheimer's disease. European Neuropsychopharmacology : the Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 24: 242-50. PMID 24189376 DOI: 10.1016/J.Euroneuro.2013.10.002  0.314
2014 Casteels C, Gérard N, van Kuyck K, Pottel L, Nuttin B, Bormans G, Van Laere K. Small animal PET imaging of the type 1 cannabinoid receptor in a rodent model for anorexia nervosa. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 41: 308-21. PMID 24006151 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-013-2522-8  0.368
2013 Van Laere K, Ahmad RU, Hudyana H, Dubois K, Schmidt ME, Celen S, Bormans G, Koole M. Quantification of 18F-JNJ-42259152, a novel phosphodiesterase 10A PET tracer: kinetic modeling and test-retest study in human brain. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 54: 1285-93. PMID 23843566 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.112.118679  0.307
2013 Casteels C, Vunckx K, Aelvoet S, Baekelandt V, Bormans G, Laere KV, Koole M. Construction and Evaluation of Quantitative Small-Animal PET Probabilistic Atlases for [18F]FDG and [18F]FECT Functional Mapping of the Mouse Brain Plos One. 8. PMID 23762335 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0065286  0.401
2013 Ceccarini J, Casteels C, Koole M, Bormans G, Laere KV. Transient changes in the endocannabinoid system after acute and chronic ethanol exposure and abstinence in the rat: a combined PET and microdialysis study European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 40: 1582-1594. PMID 23740372 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-013-2456-1  0.301
2013 Prinsen K, Cona MM, Cleynhens J, Vanbilloen H, Li J, Dyubankova N, Lescrinier E, Bormans G, Ni Y, Verbruggen A. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 68Ga labeled bis-DOTA-3,3'-(benzylidene)-bis-(1H-indole-2-carbohydrazide) as a PET tracer for in vivo visualization of necrosis. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 23: 3216-20. PMID 23635829 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bmcl.2013.03.127  0.354
2013 Ceccarini J, De Hert M, Van Winkel R, Peuskens J, Bormans G, Kranaster L, Enning F, Koethe D, Leweke FM, Van Laere K. Increased ventral striatal CB1 receptor binding is related to negative symptoms in drug-free patients with schizophrenia. Neuroimage. 79: 304-12. PMID 23624489 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2013.04.052  0.355
2013 van Veghel D, Cleynhens J, Pearce LV, DeAndrea-Lazarus IA, Blumberg PM, Van Laere K, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. New transient receptor potential vanilloid subfamily member 1 positron emission tomography radioligands: synthesis, radiolabeling, and preclinical evaluation. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. 4: 624-34. PMID 23421633 DOI: 10.1021/Cn300233V  0.384
2013 Wolfs E, Struys T, Notelaers T, Roberts SJ, Sohni A, Bormans G, Van Laere K, Luyten FP, Gheysens O, Lambrichts I, Verfaillie CM, Deroose CM. 18F-FDG labeling of mesenchymal stem cells and multipotent adult progenitor cells for PET imaging: effects on ultrastructure and differentiation capacity. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 54: 447-54. PMID 23353687 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.112.108316  0.324
2013 Hostetler ED, Sanabria-Bohórquez S, Eng W, Joshi AD, Patel S, Gibson RE, O'Malley S, Krause SM, Ryan C, Riffel K, Bi S, Okamoto O, Kawamoto H, Ozaki S, Ohta H, ... ... Bormans G, et al. Evaluation of [¹⁸F]MK-0911, a positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for opioid receptor-like 1 (ORL1), in rhesus monkey and human. Neuroimage. 68: 1-10. PMID 23238431 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2012.11.053  0.406
2013 Van Laere K, Ahmad RU, Hudyana H, Celen S, Dubois K, Schmidt ME, Bormans G, Koole M. Human biodistribution and dosimetry of 18F-JNJ42259152, a radioligand for phosphodiesterase 10A imaging. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 40: 254-61. PMID 23160998 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-012-2270-1  0.335
2013 van Veghel D, Cleynhens J, Pearce LV, Blumberg PM, Van Laere K, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. Synthesis and biological evaluation of [¹¹C]SB366791: a new PET-radioligand for in vivo imaging of the TRPV1 receptor. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 40: 141-7. PMID 23141549 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nucmedbio.2012.08.011  0.338
2013 Vermeersch S, Hoon Jd, Saint-Hubert BD, Derdelinckx I, Serdons K, Bormans G, Reynders T, Declercq R, Lepeleire ID, Kennedy W, Blanchard R, Marcantonio E, Hargreaves R, Li C, Sanabria S, et al. PET imaging in healthy subjects and migraineurs suggests CGRP receptor antagonists do not have to act centrally to achieve clinical efficacy Journal of Headache and Pain. 14: 224. DOI: 10.1186/1129-2377-14-S1-P224  0.334
2012 Ceccarini J, Vrieze E, Koole M, Muylle T, Bormans G, Claes S, Laere KV. Optimized In Vivo Detection of Dopamine Release Using 18F-Fallypride PET The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 53: 1565-1572. PMID 22933820 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.111.099416  0.322
2012 Casteels C, Koole M, Celen S, Bormans G, Van Laere K. Preclinical evaluation and quantification of [¹⁸F]MK-9470 as a radioligand for PET imaging of the type 1 cannabinoid receptor in rat brain. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 39: 1467-77. PMID 22699528 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-012-2163-3  0.387
2012 Andrés JI, De Angelis M, Alcázar J, Celen S, Bormans G. Recent advances in positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers for imaging phosphodiesterases. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 12: 1224-36. PMID 22571785 DOI: 10.2174/156802612800672853  0.378
2012 Van den Bergh L, Koole M, Isebaert S, Joniau S, Deroose CM, Oyen R, Lerut E, Budiharto T, Mottaghy F, Bormans G, Van Poppel H, Haustermans K. Is there an additional value of ¹¹C-choline PET-CT to T2-weighted MRI images in the localization of intraprostatic tumor nodules? International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 83: 1486-92. PMID 22284686 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2011.10.046  0.318
2012 Schueren BJVd, Laere KV, Gérard N, Bormans G, Hoon JND. Interictal type 1 cannabinoid receptor binding is increased in female migraine patients. Headache. 52: 433-440. PMID 22077199 DOI: 10.1111/J.1526-4610.2011.02030.X  0.321
2012 Ly HG, Ceccarini J, Weltens N, Koole M, Holvoet L, Bormans G, Laere KV, Tack JF, Oudenhove LV. 312 Increased Regional Cerebral Type 1 Cannabinoid Receptor Availability in Functional Dyspepsia: A [18F]MK9470 PET Study Gastroenterology. 142. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(12)60273-X  0.331
2011 Andrés JI, De Angelis M, Alcázar J, Iturrino L, Langlois X, Dedeurwaerdere S, Lenaerts I, Vanhoof G, Celen S, Bormans G. Synthesis, in vivo occupancy, and radiolabeling of potent phosphodiesterase subtype-10 inhibitors as candidates for positron emission tomography imaging. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 54: 5820-35. PMID 21777010 DOI: 10.1021/Jm200536D  0.395
2011 Vandeputte C, Evens N, Toelen J, Deroose CM, Bosier B, Ibrahimi A, Van der Perren A, Gijsbers R, Janssen P, Lambert DM, Verbruggen A, Debyser Z, Bormans G, Baekelandt V, Van Laere K. A PET brain reporter gene system based on type 2 cannabinoid receptors. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 52: 1102-9. PMID 21680683 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.110.084426  0.342
2011 Casteels C, Vandeputte C, Rangarajan JR, Dresselaers T, Riess O, Bormans G, Maes F, Himmelreich U, Nguyen H, Laere KV. Metabolic and type 1 cannabinoid receptor imaging of a transgenic rat model in the early phase of Huntington disease. Experimental Neurology. 229: 440-449. PMID 21459091 DOI: 10.1016/J.Expneurol.2011.03.014  0.34
2011 Sanabria-Bohorquez S, Hostetler E, Van Laere K, Koole M, Bormans G, Serdons K, de Hoon J, Vandenberghe R, Versijpt J, De Lepeleire I, Reynders T, Tamagnan G, Marek K, Seibyl J, Jennings D, et al. P2-035: Preliminary evaluation of the amyloid PET Radioligand [18F]MK-3328 in Alzheimer's Disease patients Alzheimer's & Dementia. 7: S319-S319. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2011.05.925  0.312
2010 Celen S, Koole M, Angelis MD, Sannen I, Chitneni SK, Alcazar J, Dedeurwaerdere S, Moechars D, Schmidt M, Verbruggen A, Langlois X, Laere KV, Andrés JI, Bormans G. Preclinical Evaluation of 18F-JNJ41510417 as a Radioligand for PET Imaging of Phosphodiesterase-10A in the Brain The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 51: 1584-1591. PMID 20847170 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.110.077040  0.408
2010 Vandenberghe R, Van Laere K, Ivanoiu A, Salmon E, Bastin C, Triau E, Hasselbalch S, Law I, Andersen A, Korner A, Minthon L, Garraux G, Nelissen N, Bormans G, Buckley C, et al. 18F-flutemetamol amyloid imaging in Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment: a phase 2 trial. Annals of Neurology. 68: 319-29. PMID 20687209 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.22068  0.374
2010 Casteels C, Martinez E, Bormans G, Camon L, Vera Nd, Baekelandt V, Planas AM, Laere KV. Type 1 cannabinoid receptor mapping with [18F]MK-9470 PET in the rat brain after quinolinic acid lesion: a comparison to dopamine receptors and glucose metabolism European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 37: 2354-2363. PMID 20680268 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-010-1574-2  0.347
2010 Prinsen K, Li J, Vanbilloen H, Vermaelen P, Devos E, Mortelmans L, Bormans G, Ni Y, Verbruggen A. Development and evaluation of a 68Ga labeled pamoic acid derivative for in vivo visualization of necrosis using positron emission tomography. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 18: 5274-81. PMID 20580560 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bmc.2010.05.050  0.325
2010 Casteels C, Bormans G, Laere KV. The effect of anaesthesia on [(18)F]MK-9470 binding to the type 1 cannabinoid receptor in the rat brain. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 37: 1164-1173. PMID 20182714 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-010-1383-7  0.394
2010 Oudenhove LV, Vandenberghe J, Dupont P, Geeraerts B, Vos R, Dirix S, Bormans G, Vanderghinste D, Laere KV, Demyttenaere K, Fischler B, Tack J. Abnormal Regional Brain Activity During Rest and (Anticipated) Gastric Distension in Functional Dyspepsia and the Role of Anxiety: A H 2 15 O-PET Study The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 105: 913-924. PMID 20160711 DOI: 10.1038/Ajg.2010.39  0.303
2010 Sanabria-Bohórquez SM, Hamill TG, Goffin K, Lepeleire ID, Bormans G, Burns HD, Laere KV. Kinetic analysis of the cannabinoid-1 receptor PET tracer [18F]MK-9470 in human brain European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 37: 920-933. PMID 20033684 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-009-1340-5  0.383
2010 Casteels C, Lauwers E, Baitar A, Bormans G, Baekelandt V, Laere KV. In vivo type 1 cannabinoid receptor mapping in the 6-hydroxydopamine lesion rat model of Parkinson's disease. Brain Research. 1316: 153-162. PMID 20026090 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2009.12.026  0.358
2010 Fonge H, Jin L, Cleynhens J, Bormans G, Verbruggen A. 99mTc-tricarbonyl labeled agents for cell labeling: development, biodistribution in normal mice and preliminary in vitro evaluation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 18: 396-402. PMID 19926292 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bmc.2009.10.045  0.314
2010 Ceccarini J, De Hert M, van Winkel R, Koethe D, Bormans G, Leweke M, Peuskens J, Van Laere K. IN VIVO PET IMAGING OF CEREBRAL TYPE 1 CANNABINOID RECEPTOR AVAILABILITY IN PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA Schizophrenia Research. 117: 170. DOI: 10.1016/J.Schres.2010.02.196  0.318
2010 Celen S, Koole M, Angelis MD, Sannen I, Chitneni SK, Alcazar J, Dedeurwaerdere S, Moechars D, Schmidt M, Verbruggen A, Xavier L, Laere KV, Andrés JI, Bormans G. [18F]JNJ41510417 a potential PET radioligand for imaging phosphodiesterase-10A in the brain Neuroimage. 52. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2010.04.200  0.376
2010 Sanabria-Bohorquez S, Laere KV, Koole M, Bormans G, Serdons K, Hoon Jd, Vandenberghe R, Lepeleire ID, Reynders T, Zeng Z, Williams D, Rosen L, Hargreaves R, Sur C, Forman M, et al. Development of the amyloid PET radioligand [18F]MK-3328 Alzheimers & Dementia. 6. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2010.05.1677  0.38
2010 Sanabria-Bohórquez SM, Hamill TG, Goffin K, Lepeleire ID, Bormans G, Burns HD, Laere KV. Erratum to: Kinetic analysis of the cannabinoid-1 receptor PET tracer [18F]MK-9470 in human brain European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 37: 1045-1046. DOI: 10.1007/S00259-010-1395-3  0.389
2009 Serdons K, Van Laere K, Janssen P, Kung HF, Bormans G, Verbruggen A. Synthesis and evaluation of three 18F-labeled aminophenylbenzothiazoles as amyloid imaging agents. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 52: 7090-102. PMID 19877643 DOI: 10.1021/Jm900871V  0.382
2009 Nelissen N, Van Laere K, Thurfjell L, Owenius R, Vandenbulcke M, Koole M, Bormans G, Brooks DJ, Vandenberghe R. Phase 1 study of the Pittsburgh compound B derivative 18F-flutemetamol in healthy volunteers and patients with probable Alzheimer disease. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 50: 1251-9. PMID 19617318 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.109.063305  0.369
2009 Serdons K, Terwinghe C, Vermaelen P, Van Laere K, Kung H, Mortelmans L, Bormans G, Verbruggen A. Synthesis and evaluation of 18F-labeled 2-phenylbenzothiazoles as positron emission tomography imaging agents for amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 52: 1428-37. PMID 19216563 DOI: 10.1021/Jm8013376  0.379
2009 Van Laere K, Goffin K, Bormans G, Casteels C, Mortelmans L, de Hoon J, Grachev I, Vandenbulcke M, Pieters G. Relationship of type 1 cannabinoid receptor availability in the human brain to novelty-seeking temperament. Archives of General Psychiatry. 66: 196-204. PMID 19188542 DOI: 10.1001/Archgenpsychiatry.2008.530  0.316
2009 Serdons K, Verduyckt T, Vanderghinste D, Cleynhens J, Borghgraef P, Vermaelen P, Terwinghe C, Van Leuven F, Van Laere K, Kung H, Bormans G, Verbruggen A. Synthesis of 18F-labelled 2-(4'-fluorophenyl)-1,3-benzothiazole and evaluation as amyloid imaging agent in comparison with [11C]PIB. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 19: 602-5. PMID 19147351 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bmcl.2008.12.069  0.376
2009 Serdons K, Verduyckt T, Vanderghinste D, Borghgraef P, Cleynhens J, Van Leuven F, Kung H, Bormans G, Verbruggen A. 11C-labelled PIB analogues as potential tracer agents for in vivo imaging of amyloid beta in Alzheimer's disease. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 44: 1415-26. PMID 18992967 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ejmech.2008.09.038  0.3
2009 Serdons K, Vanderghinste D, Van Eeckhoudt M, Borghgraef P, Kung H, Van Leuven F, De Groot T, Bormans G, Verbruggen A. Synthesis and evaluation of two fluorine-18 labelled phenylbenzothiazoles as potential in vivo tracers for amyloid plaque imaging Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 52: 473-481. DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.1662  0.382
2009 Serdons K, Vanderghinste D, Eeckhoudt MV, Cleynhens J, Groot Td, Bormans G, Verbruggen A. Synthesis and evaluation of two uncharged 99mTc‐labeled derivatives of thioflavin‐T as potential tracer agents for fibrillar brain amyloid Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 52: 227-235. DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.1592  0.309
2008 Goffin K, Bormans G, Casteels C, Bosier B, Lambert DM, Grachev ID, Van Paesschen W, Van Laere K. An in vivo [18F]MK-9470 microPET study of type 1 cannabinoid receptor binding in Wistar rats after chronic administration of valproate and levetiracetam. Neuropharmacology. 54: 1103-6. PMID 18423778 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropharm.2008.02.018  0.357
2008 Laere KV, Koole M, Bohorquez SMS, Goffin K, Guenther I, Belanger MJ, Cote J, Rothenberg P, Lepeleire ID, Grachev ID, Hargreaves RJ, Bormans G, Burns HD. Whole-Body Biodistribution and Radiation Dosimetry of the Human Cannabinoid Type-1 Receptor Ligand 18F-MK-9470 in Healthy Subjects The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 49: 439-445. PMID 18287275 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.107.047290  0.384
2008 Celen S, Deroose C, de Groot T, Chitneni SK, Gijsbers R, Debyser Z, Mortelmans L, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. Synthesis and evaluation of 18F- and 11C-labeled phenyl-galactopyranosides as potential probes for in vivo visualization of LacZ gene expression using positron emission tomography. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 19: 441-9. PMID 18179161 DOI: 10.1021/Bc700216D  0.333
2008 Chitneni SK, Garreau L, Cleynhens B, Evens N, Bex M, Vermaelen P, Chalon S, Busson R, Guilloteau D, Van Laere K, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. Improved synthesis and metabolic stability analysis of the dopamine transporter ligand [(18)F]FECT. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 35: 75-82. PMID 18158946 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nucmedbio.2007.09.001  0.389
2008 Van Laere K, Goffin K, Casteels C, Dupont P, Mortelmans L, de Hoon J, Bormans G. Gender-dependent increases with healthy aging of the human cerebral cannabinoid-type 1 receptor binding using [(18)F]MK-9470 PET. Neuroimage. 39: 1533-41. PMID 18077184 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2007.10.053  0.388
2008 Vandenberghe R, Thurfjell L, Owenius R, Brooks DJ, Koole M, Bormans G, Nelissen N, Van Laere K. P1-303: Phase I study of the 18 F-labelled benzothiazole derivative [18 F]AH110690 as a biomarker of Alzheimer's disease-related brain amyloidosis Alzheimer's & Dementia. 4: T308-T308. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2008.05.894  0.351
2008 Fonge H, Jin L, Wang H, Bormans G, Ni Y, Verbruggen A. Synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of a 99mTc‐labeled hypericin derivative as a necrosis avid imaging agent Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 51: 33-40. DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.1468  0.31
2007 Moulin-Romsée G, D'Hondt E, de Groot T, Goffin J, Sciot R, Mortelmans L, Menten J, Bormans G, Van Laere K. Non-invasive grading of brain tumours using dynamic amino acid PET imaging: does it work for 11C-methionine? European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 34: 2082-7. PMID 17763978 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-007-0557-4  0.315
2007 Burns HD, Van Laere K, Sanabria-Bohórquez S, Hamill TG, Bormans G, Eng WS, Gibson R, Ryan C, Connolly B, Patel S, Krause S, Vanko A, Van Hecken A, Dupont P, De Lepeleire I, et al. [18F]MK-9470, a positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for in vivo human PET brain imaging of the cannabinoid-1 receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104: 9800-5. PMID 17535893 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0703472104  0.418
2007 Celen S, de Groot T, Balzarini J, Vunckx K, Terwinghe C, Vermaelen P, Van Berckelaer L, Vanbilloen H, Nuyts J, Mortelmans L, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. Synthesis and evaluation of a (99m)Tc-MAMA-propyl-thymidine complex as a potential probe for in vivo visualization of tumor cell proliferation with SPECT. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 34: 283-91. PMID 17383578 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nucmedbio.2007.01.003  0.33
2005 Van Laere K, Ceyssens S, Van Calenbergh F, De Groot T, Menten J, Flamen P, Bormans G, Mortelmans L. Direct comparison of 18F-FDG and 11C-methionine PET in suspected recurrence of glioma: Sensitivity, inter-observer variability and prognostic value European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 32: 39-51. PMID 15309329 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-004-1564-3  0.393
2004 Dubois L, Landuyt W, Haustermans K, Dupont P, Bormans G, Vermaelen P, Flamen P, Verbeken E, Mortelmans L. Evaluation of hypoxia in an experimental rat tumour model by [ 18F]Fluoromisonidazole PET and immunohistochemistry British Journal of Cancer. 91: 1947-1954. PMID 15520822 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Bjc.6602219  0.384
2004 Kieffer D, Cleynhens B, Verbeke K, Vanbilloen H, Groot Td, Terwinghe C, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. Synthesis, radio‐LC‐MS analysis and biological evaluation of 99mTc‐techmazenil Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 47: 199-208. DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.813  0.303
2003 Sanabria-Bohórquez SM, Maes A, Dupont P, Bormans G, de Groot T, Coimbra A, Eng W, Laethem T, De Lepeleire I, Gambale J, Vega JM, Burns HD. Image-derived input function for [11C]flumazenil kinetic analysis in human brain. Molecular Imaging and Biology : Mib : the Official Publication of the Academy of Molecular Imaging. 5: 72-8. PMID 14499147 DOI: 10.1016/S1536-1632(03)00046-5  0.311
2003 Spaepen K, Stroobants S, Dupont P, Vandenberghe P, Maertens J, Bormans G, Thomas J, Balzarini J, De Wolf-Peeters C, Mortelmans L, Verhoef G. Prognostic value of pretransplantation positron emission tomography using fluorine 18-fluorodeoxyglucose in patients with aggressive lymphoma treated with high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation Blood. 102: 53-59. PMID 12609836 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2002-12-3842  0.39
2003 Spaepen K, Stroobants S, Dupont P, Bormans G, Balzarini J, Verhoef G, Mortelmans L, Vandenberghe P, De Wolf-Peeters C. [18F]FDG PET monitoring of tumour response to chemotherapy: Does [18F]FDG uptake correlate with the viable tumour cell fraction? European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 30: 682-688. PMID 12601498 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-003-1120-6  0.378
2002 Flamen P, Van Cutsem E, Lerut A, Cambier JP, Haustermans K, Bormans G, De Leyn P, Van Raemdonck D, De Wever W, Ectors N, Maes A, Mortelmans L. Positron emission tomography for assessment of the response to induction radiochemotherapy in locally advanced oesophageal cancer Annals of Oncology. 13: 361-368. PMID 11996465 DOI: 10.1093/Annonc/Mdf081  0.368
2002 De Potter T, Flamen P, Van Cutsem E, Penninckx F, Filez L, Bormans G, Maes A, Mortelmans L. Whole-body PET with FDG for the diagnosis of recurrent gastric cancer European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 29: 525-529. PMID 11914891 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-001-0743-8  0.343
2001 Van Acker F, Nuyts J, Maes A, Vanquickenborne B, Stuyck J, Bellemans J, Vleugels S, Bormans G, Mortelmans L. FDG-PET, 99mTc-HMPAO white blood cell SPET and bone scintigraphy in the evaluation of painful total knee arthroplasties European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 28: 1496-1504. PMID 11685492 DOI: 10.1007/S002590100603  0.351
2001 Mesotten L, Dispersyn GD, Maes A, Zietkiewicz M, Nuyts J, Bormans G, De Groot T, Borgers M, Mortelmans L, Flameng W. PET reversed mismatch in an experimental model of subacute myocardial infarction European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 28: 457-465. PMID 11357495 DOI: 10.1007/S002590000471  0.38
2001 Spaepen K, Stroobants S, Dupont P, Van Steenweghen S, Thomas J, Vandenberghe P, Vanuytsel L, Bormans G, Balzarini J, De Wolf-Peeters C, Mortelmans L, Verhoef G. Prognostic value of positron emission tomography (PET) with fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) after first-line chemotherapy in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Is [18F]FDG-PET a valid alternative to conventional diagnostic methods? Journal of Clinical Oncology. 19: 414-419. PMID 11208833 DOI: 10.1200/Jco.2001.19.2.414  0.384
2001 Bormans G, Verbruggen A. Enzymatic synthesis and biodistribution in mice of β‐O‐D‐galactopyranosyl‐(1,4′)‐2′‐[18F]fluoro‐2′‐deoxy‐D‐glucopyranose (2′‐[18F]fluorodeoxylactose] Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 44: 417-423. DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.471  0.346
2001 Groot TD, Oosterwijck GV, Verbruggen A, Bormans G. [18F]fluoroethyl β‐D‐glucoside and methyl β‐D‐3‐[18F]fluoro‐3‐deoxyglucoside as ligands for the in vivo assessment of SGLT1, receptors Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 44. DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.25804401105  0.342
2000 Flamen P, Lerut A, Van Cutsem E, De Wever W, Peeters M, Stroobants S, Dupont P, Bormans G, Hiele M, De Leyn P, Van Raemdonck D, Coosemans W, Ectors N, Haustermans K, Mortelmans L. Utility of positron emission tomography for the staging of patients with potentially operable esophageal carcinoma Journal of Clinical Oncology. 18: 3202-3210. PMID 10986052 DOI: 10.1200/Jco.2000.18.18.3202  0.366
1999 Blockmans DE, Maes A, Stroobants S, Nuyts J, Bormans G, Knockaert D, Bobbaers H, Mortelmans L. New arguments for a vasculitic nature of polymyalgia rheumatica using positron emission tomography. Rheumatology. 38: 444-447. PMID 10371283 DOI: 10.1093/Rheumatology/38.5.444  0.353
1999 Schiepers C, Haustermans K, Geboes K, Filez L, Bormans G, Penninckx F. The effect of preoperative radiation therapy on glucose utilization and cell kinetics in patients with primary rectal carcinoma. Cancer. 85: 803-811. PMID 10091757 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1097-0142(19990215)85:4<803::Aid-Cncr7>3.0.Co;2-T  0.302
1999 Flamen P, Stroobants S, Cutsem EV, Dupont P, Bormans G, Vadder ND, Penninckx F, Hoe LV, Mortelmans L. Additional Value of Whole-Body Positron Emission Tomography With Fluorine-18-2-Fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose in Recurrent Colorectal Cancer Journal of Clinical Oncology. 17: 894-901. PMID 10071281 DOI: 10.1200/Jco.1999.17.3.894  0.37
1999 Gilissen C, Bormans G, Groot Td, Verbruggen A. Synthesis of [18F]FA‐4 and [11C]pipzA‐4 as radioligands for the high affinity choline uptake system Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 42: 1289-1300. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1344(19991230)42:13<1289::Aid-Jlcr287>3.0.Co;2-C  0.346
1999 Groot Td, Bormans G, Busson R, Mortelmans L, Verbruggen A. Synthesis of 1‐[18F]fluorodeoxyglucose: an unexpected rearrangement in the reaction of 2‐O‐methanesulfonyl‐β‐D‐mannopyranose with [18f] fluoride Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 42: 147-157. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1344(199902)42:2<147::Aid-Jlcr176>3.0.Co;2-E  0.371
1998 Schiepers C, Broos P, Miserez M, Bormans G, De Roo M. Measurement of skeletal flow with positron emission tomography and 18F-fluoride in femoral head osteonecrosis. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 118: 131-5. PMID 9932186 DOI: 10.1007/S004020050332  0.302
1998 Gilissen C, Bormans G, Groot Td, Verbruggen A. Synthesis of N‐(2‐[18F]fluoroethyl)‐N′‐methylthiourea: a hydrogen peroxide scavenger Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 41: 491-502. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1344(199806)41:6<491::Aid-Jlcr102>3.0.Co;2-9  0.338
1997 Schiepers C, Van Hecke P, Vandenberghe R, Van Oostende S, Dupont P, Demaerel P, Bormans G, Carton H. Positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and proton NMR spectroscopy of white matter in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England). 3: 8-17. PMID 9160342 DOI: 10.1177/135245859700300102  0.307
1996 Rosier A, Dupont P, Peuskens J, Bormans G, Vandenberghe R, Maes M, Groot Td, Schiepers C, Verbruggen A, Mortelmans L. Visualisation of Loss of 5-HT2A Receptors With Age in Healthy Volunteers Using [18F]altanserin and Positron Emission Tomographic Imaging Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging. 68: 11-22. PMID 9027929 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4927(96)02806-5  0.384
1996 Bormans G, Sherman P, Snyder SE, Kilbourn MR. Synthesis of carbon-11- and fluorine-18-labeled 1-methyl-4-piperidyl-4'-fluorobenzoate and their biodistribution in mice. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 23: 513-7. PMID 8832709 DOI: 10.1016/0969-8051(96)00033-9  0.537
1996 Maes A, Flameng W, Borgers M, Sergeant P, Nuyts J, Bormans G, Werf FVd. Myocardial viability and Tc99m-MIBI: Correlation with PET, function and histology Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 27: 162. DOI: 10.1016/S0735-1097(96)80877-1  0.314
1995 Schiepers C, Penninckx F, Vadder ND, Merckx E, Mortelmans L, Bormans G, Marchal G, Filez L, Aerts R. Contribution of PET in the diagnosis of recurrent colorectal cancer: comparison with conventional imaging Ejso. 21: 517-522. PMID 7589597 DOI: 10.1016/S0748-7983(95)97046-0  0.335
1995 Bormans G, Kilbourn MR. Synthesis of N-tert-butyl-α-(4−[18F]fluorophenyl)-nitrone ([18F]FPBN) for in vivo detection of free radicals Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 36: 103-110. DOI: 10.1002/Jlcr.2580360202  0.54
1994 Maes A, Flameng W, Nuyts J, Borgers M, Shivalkar B, Ausma J, Bormans G, Schiepers C, De Roo M, Mortelmans L. Histological alterations in chronically hypoperfused myocardium. Correlation with PET findings. Circulation. 90: 735-45. PMID 8044942 DOI: 10.1161/01.Cir.90.2.735  0.32
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