Leonard H. Epstein - US grants

1974-1977 Psychology Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States 
 1977-1993 Psychology and Epidemiology University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States 
 1993- Psychology State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
Behavioral Medicine; Pediatrics; Psychology

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The funding information displayed below comes from the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools and the NSF Award Database.
The grant data on this page is limited to grants awarded in the United States and is thus partial. It can nonetheless be used to understand how funding patterns influence mentorship networks and vice-versa, which has deep implications on how research is done.
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High-probability grants

According to our matching algorithm, Leonard H. Epstein is the likely recipient of the following grants.
Years Recipients Code Title / Keywords Matching
1985 — 1987 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

The Effects of Parent Weight On Obese Young Children

@ University of Pittsburgh At Pittsburgh

1986 — 1997 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Follow-Up of Behavioral Childhood Obesity Treatment

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

1989 — 1993 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Effectiveness of Enhanced Family-Based Obesity Treatment

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

1989 — 1992 Caggiula, Anthony [⬀]
Epstein, Leonard
Stiller, Richard
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Environmental Control Over Chronic Tolerance to Nicotine

@ University of Pittsburgh

1989 — 2000 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Exercise in the Long-Term Control of Childhood Obesity

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

1996 — 1999 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Prevention of Obesity in High-Risk Children

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

1998 — 1999 Epstein, Leonard H
R03Activity Code Description:
To provide research support specifically limited in time and amount for studies in categorical program areas. Small grants provide flexibility for initiating studies which are generally for preliminary short-term projects and are non-renewable.

Developing a Cost Effective Treatment For Child Obesity

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2000 — 2001 Epstein, Leonard H
R21Activity Code Description:
To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)

Determinants of Delay Discounting in Smokers

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2001 — 2005 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

A Behavioral Economic Approach to Childhood Obesity

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2001 — 2008 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Effects of Changing Sedentary Behavior in Obese Children

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2002 — 2005 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Modifying the Home T.V. Watching Environment

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2003 — 2009 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Habituation to Food in Children

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2007 — 2010 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Food Reinforcement-Genotype Interactions and Eating

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2009 — 2013 Epstein, Leonard H
U01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Translating Habituation Research to Interventions For Pediatric Obesity

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2010 — 2013 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Analysis of Price Changes and Food Purchases in Obese and Lean Mothers

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2012 — 2016 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Habituation to Food as a Risk Factor For Pediatric Obesity

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2012 — 2014 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

The Influence of Pricing and Nutrient Profiling On Food Purchases

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2013 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Non-Shared Environments and Discordance of Obesity in Adolescent Siblings

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2015 — 2019 Bickel, Warren K (co-PI) [⬀]
Epstein, Leonard H
UH2Activity Code Description:
To support the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)
UH3Activity Code Description:
The UH3 award is to provide a second phase for the support for innovative exploratory and development research activities initiated under the UH2 mechanism. Although only UH2 awardees are generally eligible to apply for UH3 support, specific program initiatives may establish eligibility criteria under which applications could be accepted from applicants demonstrating progress equivalent to that expected under UH2.

Delay Discounting as a Target For Self-Regulation in Prediabetes

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2015 — 2019 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Using Prospection to Improve Obesity Treatment

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2016 — 2020 Epstein, Leonard H
Wilfley, Denise Ella (co-PI) [⬀]
U01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

The Effectiveness of Family-Based Weight Loss Treatment Implemented in Primary Care - Ccc - Lead Application

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2016 — 2018 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Enhancing Alternatives to Eating in Infancy

@ State University of New York At Buffalo

2016 — 2020 Epstein, Leonard H
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Can Reinforcing Alternatives to Food Prevent Weight Gain in Children?

@ State University of New York At Buffalo