University of Pittsburgh

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Abedalbasit AbedalhafizPhysical Education, Personality Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Jere D. Gallagher (grad student)
Aushra AbouzeidApplied Mathematics, Neuroscience Biology2011 Bard Ermentrout (grad student)
Eric E. Abrahamsonneuroanatomy, Parkinson’s disease; Huntington’s disease; movement disorders; regulation and disorders of sleep and wake2002 Robert Y. Moore (grad student)
Kristie L. AbtMental Health2005 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Katerina Acar Center for Neuroscience20152022 Matthew A. Smith (grad student)
Richard Adams Behavioral Neuroscience19981999 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
Mark A. AffeltrangerPsychobiology Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology19932002 Donald H. McBurney (grad student), Harry Fowler (grad student)
Susanne E. AhmariOCD, transgenic mouse technology, serotonin, translational research
Elias AizenmanZinc, Potassium Channels, Apoptosis, Redox, NMDA, TOPA
Howard J. Aizenstein
Essang Akpan20182020 Marc N. Coutanche (research scientist)
Issam Al Diriretinal development and degeneration, chromatin biology
Nouf A. Al-AjmiEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Secondary Education2001 Joseph S. Welinich (grad student)
Fahad S. Al-ShayaSciences Education, Technology of Education, Higher Education2003 Albert P. Nous (grad student)
Khalid A. AlahmariRehabilitation and Therapy, Ophthalmology2012 Susan L. Whitney (grad student)
Nicolas A Alba20062014 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Kathryn M. AlbersPain, nerve injury, growth factors
Pia Alderman Neuroscience2023 Shawn Sorrells (research assistant)
Louis Alfieriscience education, instructional methods
Alia A. AlghwiriRehabilitation and Therapy2011 Susan L. Whitney (grad student)
Naji Alibeji Mechanical and Materials Science20122017 Nitin Sharma (grad student)
Aydin J. Alikaya2019 William R. Stauffer (grad student)
Aydin J. Alikaya
R. Vivian Allahyariastrocytes, brain injury, sonic hedgehog signaling, reactive gliosis, spinal cord injury Neuroscience Neuroscience20102013 John Patrick Card (research assistant), Alan Sved (research assistant)
Colin AllenAnimal Cognition, Philosophy of Science, Logic, Computational Humanities, Artificial Intelligence
Maria Almendarez BarronTeacher Training Education, Technology of Education, Pedagogy Education Instruction and Learning2012 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Benedict Joseph Alter
Stephanie Altieri20062013 David J. Vandenbergh (grad student)
Stefanie C. Altieri
Travis A. AlvarezLanguage, Learning, TBI2012 Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
Zara Ambadarmemory, problem solving, creativity, the relationship between language and thought.2002 Jonathan Wolf Schooler (grad student)
Janet A. AmicoNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Charles Trogdon AndersonCortical cirucits Thanos Tzounopoulos (post-doc)
Gerard ApodacaPolarized trafficking, Epithelial cells, Sensory function of the Uroepithelium
Mandar A. Aras20062009 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Stuart Arden19961999 Elias Aizenman (post-doc)
Armen C. ArevianLateral Inhibition in Olfaction20032008 Nathan N. Urban (grad student)
Henry ArmahNeuropathology, WNV infection of the brain20062010 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Reety Arora Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV8), a new human DNA tumor virus 2012 Yuan Chang (grad student)
Debra E. ArtimRegulation and modulation of presynaptic ion channels and transmitter release2005 Stephen D. Meriney (grad student)
Josephine AshmedNeuropathology
Robin C. AshmoreVision, cognition20082010 Marc A. Sommer (post-doc), Wei Wang (research scientist)
Kathryn S. AtmanCurriculum and Instruction Education, Social Sciences Education, Educational Psychology Education
Yashar AucieLocomotor learning; adaptation; Generalization Bioengineering20152021 Gelsy Torres-Oviedo (grad student)
Fernando B. Avila-RencoretMedical Devices, Biomedical Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Nanobiotechnology, Clinical Research, Healthcare IT, Rapid Prototyping, CAD, CAM, Robotic Surgery, Medical Robotics Surgery20072007 David A. Vorp (post-doc)
Christopher Ayers Bioengineering20082015 Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
Erdin AzemiBiomaterials, Neural Electrodes2010 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Erdrin Azemi20042010 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Yomna Badawi
EunHa Baegaddiction and reward 2006 Charles W. Bradberry (post-doc)
Stephen J. BagnatoEducational Psychology Education, Administration Education
Yuetong Bai Psychology2023 Marc N. Coutanche (grad student)
Yicheng BaiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering2014 Mingui Sun (grad student)
Rachel E Bainbridgefertilization & zinc Biological Science2017 Anne E. Carlson (grad student)
Carey D. BalabanNeuranatomy, Vestibular Neurophysiology
Mark H. BalabanisClinical Psychology2002 Saul Shiffman (grad student)
Michal BalassReading, psycholinguistics2011 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Tomek Banasikowski Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Layla BanihashemiStress, anxiety, NA system, BNST20102010 Linda Rinaman (grad student), Peter J. Gianaros (post-doc)
Brett Baribault Banksoncognitive neuroscience; human visual perception; iEEG; face + object processing; numerical cognition Neurological Surgery2017 Avniel Singh Ghuman (grad student)
Xuefeng Bao Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science20152019 Nitin Sharma (grad student)
Elizabeth A. BarabanMental Health, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology2002 Marie D. Cornelius (grad student)
Annalisa Baratta
Deanna M. BarchPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition19931995 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Jude K. Baroudineurodevelopment, neuroinformatics, neuroimmunology, cellular/molecular neuroscience Neuroscience Shawn Sorrells (grad student)
Paul J. Barrett2013 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
German BarrionuevoHippocampus
German BarrionvevoNeuroscience Biology
Herbert Barry IIIPsychopharmacology
Paramita BasuChronic pain, opioids, latent pain sensitization Anesthesiology Bradley K. Taylor (post-doc)
Matthew Baumann Bioengineering20102018 Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
Kyle M. BaumbauerNeuroscience, Pain, Spinal Cord Injury Neurobiology20112014 Richard Koerber (post-doc)
Hulya BayirPublic Health, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Todd M. BearPublic Health Behavioral and Community Health Sciences2013 Patricia Documet (grad student)
Ori BeckPhilosophy Philosophy Philosophy History and Philosophy of Science Philosophy Anil Gupta (grad student), John McDowell (grad student), Edouard Machery (grad student), Mark Wilson (grad student)
M. BeckerNeuropathology20002002 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
James T. Beckeraging, Alzheimer's, neurology
Darius D Becker-KrailCircadian Rhythms, Reward, Astrocytes, Redox State Psychiatry20142020 Colleen Ann McClung (grad student)
Donna Beer-StolzNeuroscience Biology, Pathology
Harwood S. Belding
Katherine A. BelendiukClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2013 Duncan B. Clark (grad student)
Daniel M. BelenkyCognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2013 Timothy Nokes-Malach (grad student)
Inna BelferGenetics of Pain Disorders Mitchell Max (grad student)
Pauline Belujon Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Mark Belz Behavioral Neuroscience19901991 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
Nadina Bembicdopamine, stress, schizophrenia Anthony Albert Grace (research scientist)
Ahmi Ben-Yehudah20032009 Gerald P. Schatten (post-doc)
Ann R. BenderClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Public Health2004 Nancy Elman (grad student)
Rodrigo Benevides Anesthesiology20072008 Gregg E. Homanics (post-doc)
Dara S. Bergerbiochemistry, genetics2006 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
Carl Beringer Bioengineering2014 Robert Gaunt (grad student)
Rebecca A. Bermanspatial cognition19962004 Carol L. Colby (grad student)
Carcha Bernard
Kurt E. BeschornerBiomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2008 Mark S. Redfern (grad student)
Catherine A. Best2010 Mark Strauss (grad student)
Patrick Beukemaneuroscience Center Neuroscience20142018 Timothy D. Verstynen (grad student)
Hari M. BharadwajAuditory system, Human Neuroimaging2014 Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (grad student), Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (grad student)
Jafar S. Bhasha ShaikPharmacy, Neuroscience Biology, General2013 Samuel M. Poloyac (grad student)
Guo-Qiang BiSpike-timing dependent plasticity, Network Dynamics Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Michael BienkowskiStress, NA system20072012 Linda Rinaman (grad student)
Isabelle BilligNeuroanatomy, Vestibular system, Motor Control19982001 Bill J. Yates (post-doc)
Lauren Bishop-Fitzpatrickautism, treatment, aging, health services School of Social Work School of Social Work Shaun M. Eack (grad student), Catherine G. Greeno (grad student), Carla A. Mazefsky (grad student), Nancy J. Minshew (grad student)
Stephanie Jane BisselInvolvement of immune responses in the pathogenesis of viral and age-induced nervous system disease.19992005 Clayton Alexander Wiley (grad student)
Brandon T. Bizup Neurobiology Thanos Tzounopoulos (grad student)
David Bjanes Electrical Engineering20122014 Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
Thomas A. Blanpiedsynapses, glutamate receptors, live-cell imaging, schizophrenia and affective disorders, super-resolution imaging19921995 Jon W. Johnson (grad student), Theodore W. Berger (grad student)
Thomas Blaze Kevin H. Kim (grad student)
Scott M. BleakleyStroke, recovery of function Occupational Therapy2013 Elizabeth R. Skidmore (grad student)
Maria E. Bleilbehavioral genetics, psychobiological antecedents of cardiovascular disease2006 Stephen B. Manuck (grad student)
Azadeh M. BlockSocial Work, Counseling Psychology2009 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
Hannah Blume Neuroscience20182019 Sara E. Morrison (research assistant)
Tasia P. BobishHuman Development, Rehabilitation and Therapy2003 Jere D. Gallagher (grad student)
Kelly K. Boden Psychology Timothy Nokes-Malach (grad student)
Faye Boeckman19901996 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Donald J. Bolgerdevelopment Psychology Psychology19982006 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student), Walter Schneider (grad student)
Philip S. BoltonSpinal cord,19911993 Bill J. Yates (post-doc)
Corina O. BondiNeuroscience, Electrophysiology, Dopamine Bita Moghaddam (post-doc), Anthony E Kline (grad student)
Dafna Bonneh-BarkaySIV mediated neurodegeneration20062008 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
James R. BoothDevelopmental cognitive neuroscience19951998 Charles A. Perfetti (post-doc)
Simon Borgognonmotor cortical areas, non-human primates, translational neuroscience, motor control
Margaret Vagasky BoringNeuropathology1972 John Moossy (research assistant)
David M. Bortz Neuroscience2015 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc), Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Andreea C. BostanNeuroanatomy, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia20062013 Peter Strick (grad student)
Dennis J. Bourbeaumotor control2011 Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
Michelle BourgeoisSpeech Pathology, Cognitive Psychology Communication Sciences and Disorders Audrey L. Holland (grad student)
Robert P. Bowser molecular and cellular basis of neurodegenerative diseases
Mary B. BoylanDevelopmental Psychology2006 Nancy Elman (grad student)
Matthew B. Boylephilosophy of mind, Kant, and German Idealism2005 John McDowell (grad student)
Charles W. Bradberry
Keristen Brantley Biology20042004 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
Catherine C. BrenemanSocial Work, Continuing Education, Mental Health2010 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
David BrentMental Health, Clinical Psychology, Public Health
Jessica Brimecombe19931998 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Steven Brose Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation20092010 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc)
William J. BrotzTechnology of Education, Secondary Education, Sciences Education2006 Albert P. Nous (grad student)
Joel E. BrownNavigation, Spatial Cognition20012004 Bill J. Yates (grad student)
Vanessa M Brownpsychiatric neuroimaging, reinforcement learning
Celia BrownellSocial development
Brian L. BrubakerLinguistics2012 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Heather Bruett Psychology20162021 Marc N. Coutanche (grad student)
Pablo Brumovsky Gerald F. Gebhart (post-doc)
Nicolas BrunetMonkey Neurophysiology20122014 Avniel Singh Ghuman (research scientist)
Randy M. BrunoThalamocortical Circuitry19972002 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
John P. BrunoNeuropsychopharmacology Edward Stricker (post-doc)
Tim M. BrunsNeuroprostheses, Bladder dysfunction, Functional electrical stimulation, Sensory neural interfaces20092013 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc)
Meghan L. Bucher Neuroscience Teresa Hastings (grad student)
Nancy BuchserOphthalmology
Silas Buck Psychiatry20192023 Zachary Freyberg (grad student)
Rae Buckser Psychology20202022 Marc N. Coutanche (grad student)
Deanne Marie Buffalariamygdala, stress, electrophysiology20012006 Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Ray G. BurdettRehabilitation and Therapy, Behavioral Psychology
Shawn D. Burtonolfaction, computational neuroscience Neurobiology20192020 Henry C. Zeringue (grad student), Nathan N. Urban (post-doc)
Meryl ButtersNeuropsychology James T. Becker (research scientist)
Laura Cabral2019 Beatriz Luna (post-doc)
Anthony R. Caggiula
Keith M. Callenbergion channels Computational Biology2013 Michael Grabe (grad student)
Jonathan Scott CalvertNeuromodulation, Biomechanics, Spinal Cord Injury Bioengineering20132015 Gelsy Torres-Oviedo (research assistant)
Franca Cambi
Victoria E CancelHearing Research Communication Science and Disorders20192023 Aravindakshan Parthasarathy (grad student)
Jason R. Cannon20062011 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Georgina CanoNeuroscience2002 Alan Sved (grad student)
Fan Cao20092011 Charles A. Perfetti (post-doc)
Marco CapogrossoNeuroengineering, Neuroscience
Nick Card Omar A. Gharbawie (grad student)
John Patrick Card
Jose Cardozo
Brandon Carlos Psychology20162017 Marc N. Coutanche (research scientist)
Anne E. CarlsonIon channels, Eag channels
David B. Carrserotonin, orbital cortex19932000 Susan Ruth Sesack (grad student)
Kathleen R. CarrickSocial Work, Health Education, GLBT Studies2010 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
Melynda D. CasementAffective Processing, Sleep, Depression, PTSD20122014 Erika E. Forbes (post-doc)
B J. CaseyDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Jason B. CastroOlfaction, Dendritic Excitability20022007 Nathan N. Urban (grad student)
Kasey Catt2010 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Jennifer L. CerullySocial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2011 William M. P. Klein (grad student)
Rajpreet ChahalNetwork Connectivity, Puberty, Reward, Depression, Diffusion Imaging, Resting-State Psychiatry20122015 Beatriz Luna (research assistant)
Rakie Cham Dit ThamBiomedical Engineering, Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health2000 Mark S. Redfern (grad student)
Simon ChamberlandNeuroscience
Joel S. Chanexpertise, creativity Cognitive Psychology2014 Christian D. Schunn (grad student)
Vanessa S. ChanParkinson's disease, basal ganglia, motor cortex20072011 Robert S. Turner (grad student)
Dev Chandra Pharmacology20002008 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Santosh ChandrasekaranNeuroprosthetics PM&R2015 Lee E. Fisher (post-doc)
Kun-Che ChangStem cell, RGC development, Axon regeneration
Alicia Changlanguage, culture, and cognition20082010 Christian D. Schunn (post-doc)
Regina Chang2011 Marlene R. Cohen (research assistant)
Yuan Chang Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV8), a new human DNA tumor virus
Diane T. Chang2005 Ian J. Reynolds (grad student)
Chun-hui Chang20102015 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Steven M. ChaseBCI, motor learning, neural compuation20062011 Andrew Schwartz (post-doc)
Nadia Chaudhri Alan Sved (grad student)
Nick G. Chehade Neurobiology2017 Omar A. Gharbawie (grad student)
Jason M. CheinCognitive control, working memory, fMRI19972004 Walter Schneider (grad student), Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
Tina ChekanLeadership Education, Pedagogy Education Administrative and Policy Studies2013 Tanner L. Wallace (grad student)
Bo Chen Yan Dong (grad student)
Susie Chen Psychology Kevin R. Binning (grad student)
Yuanyuan Chenretinal degeneration, rhodopsin folding and signaling
Michael C. Chiang Neurobiology2015 Sarah E. Ross (grad student)
Kwangsu Cho2004 Christian D. Schunn (grad student)
Raymond Y. Choschizophrenia, cognitive control Cameron S. Carter (research scientist)
Om P. Choudharyion channels Computational Biology2013 Michael Grabe (grad student)
Julie A. Christiansonpelvic pain, stress, trp, hpa Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
Charleen T. ChuNeuropathology, Parkinson's disease, mitochondria, autophagy
Ting-ting Chung2002 Mark Strauss (grad student)
Dante Cicchetti Psychology Alexander Siegel (research assistant)
Vincenza Cifarellibiochemistry, genetics2011 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
Pierangelo Cifelli Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Duncan B. ClarkClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Richard J. Clarke2006 Jon W. Johnson (grad student)
Cheryl ClarksonAuditory Neuroscience, Plasticity and deafness
Amanda Clauseplasticity, auditory system, development2011 Karl Kandler (grad student)
Paula R. ClemensGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology
Dottie M. Clowerneuroanatomy Peter Strick (post-doc)
Meredith CohenDevelopmental Psychology
Jonathan D. Cohenattention, computation & theory Cameron S. Carter (collaborator)
Ann D. CohenParkinson's disease, neurology2006 Michael Zigmond (grad student)
Jeffrey F. CohnFacial Expression of Emotion, Depression
Deanna Colburn HostlerPhysiology Biology Exercise Physiology2012 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Carol L. ColbySpatial cognition
Michael W. ColeCognitive control, fMRI, MEG, rapid instructed task learning (RITL), memory Walter Schneider (grad student)
Lesley Anne Colgan2009 Edwin S. Levitan (grad student)
Jennifer L. CollingerBiomedical Engineering2009 Michael Boninger (grad student)
Lauren B. CollisterLinguistics Linguistics2013 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Ruth CondrayPsychophysiology, Event-related potentials, schizophrenia, language
Beverly ConriqueSocial psychological interventions; political psychology; stereotyping and prejudice; moral psychology Psychology Kevin R. Binning (grad student)
Dan ConstantinescuStem Cells2008 Gerald P. Schatten (grad student)
Andrew Cooper
Victoria L. Corbitbasal ganglia2014 Aryn Gittis (grad student), Susanne E. Ahmari (grad student)
Marie D. CorneliusMental Health, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology
Erika A Correllsensorimotor gating, serotonin, GABA, psychiatric illness, substance use disorder Psychiatry2025 Mary M. Torregrossa (post-doc)
Kathleen E. Cosgrovehippocampus, interneurons2010 German Barrionuevo (grad student), Stephen D. Meriney (grad student)
Marc N. CoutancheCognitive Neuroscience, memory, learning, perception, fMRI, MVPA Psychology Department of Psychology Psychology Psychology20182022 Julie A. Fiez (collaborator), Michael A. Sayette (collaborator), Natasha Tokowicz (collaborator), Aidan G. Wright (collaborator), Elizabeth A. Hirshorn (collaborator), Melissa E. Libertus (collaborator)
Karin Cox2011 Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
Trinity B. CrapseVisual system, cognition20052010 Marc A. Sommer (grad student)
Carl F. CraverPhilosophy of Neuroscience Peter Machamer (grad student)
Rebecca S. CrowleyClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Christine E CucinottaMolecular Biology BIological Sciences20112017 Karen Marie Arndt (grad student)
Xinyan Tracy CuiBiomaterials, Neural Electrodes
Tanxing CuiTransgenic mice2010 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Christopher L. CunninghamAuditory neuroscience, Neocortical development
Allison A. CurleySchizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry2011 David A. Lewis (grad student)
Rodica CurtuDynamical Systems Analysis2003 G Bard Ermentrout (grad student)
William Cusackmotor control, neural interfaces, sensory feedback Applied Physiology Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation20142015 Robert Gaunt (post-doc), Robert Gaunt (post-doc), Douglas J. Weber (post-doc), Lee E. Fisher (post-doc)
Ruben Dagda
Linda DallastaNeuropathology, blood brain barrier development in vitro and in vivo19982000 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Ashley N DalrympleNeural interfaces, machine learning, rehabilitation engineering Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation2019 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc)
Coleen M. Damcottbiochemistry, genetics2002 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
David P. DarcyManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2001 Chris F. Kemerer (grad student)
Sudeshna DasguptaGenetics2008 M I. Kamboh (grad student)
Simon W. Davismemory, DTI James T. Becker (research assistant)
Brian M. DavisVisceral Pain Lorne M. Mendell (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. Davisgut-brain axis Neuroscience20112013 Linda Rinaman (research assistant)
Christopher P DavisMolecular biology, gene expression, chromatin, neurodevelopment Biological Sciences20082011 Karen Marie Arndt (research assistant)
Colleen DavySecond language acquisition, fluency20072008 Charles A. Perfetti (research assistant)
Patricia Barra de Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation20162018 Anthony Kline (post-doc)
Arli R. de OliveiraPhysical Education, Human Development, Physiological Psychology2001 Jere D. Gallagher (grad student)
Jennifer J. DeBerryvisceral sensory neurobiology20102014 Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
Shubham Debnath Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
Donald B. DeFrancoNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Tamar Degani2011 Natasha Tokowicz (grad student)
Alan D. DegenhartBrain-machine interfaces, motor control, motor learning, electrocorticography20142014 Wei Wang (grad student), Aaron P. Batista (post-doc)
Brian M. DeklevaMotor Control, Neurophysiology Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation20182021 Jennifer L. Collinger (post-doc)
Anthony DeldinRecreation, Public Health2013 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Mauricio Delgadoreward, punishment, decision-making2002 Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
Briana R. DeMiranda2014 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Stuart Derbyshire
Purnima P. DesaiGenetics, Neuroscience Biology2001 M I. Kamboh (grad student)
Sofia Dibble Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Laura J. DietzClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2004 Kay D. Jennings (grad student)
Kirk E. Dineley2002 Ian J. Reynolds (grad student)
Amie R. DiTomasso20092010 Marc A. Sommer (research assistant)
Christopher Brad DivitoNeurotransmitter transporters2013 Susan G. Amara (grad student)
Edward C. Dixon
Patricia DocumetPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Brent Doironmathematical neuroscience, sensory systems
Alexandre Y Dombrovskidecision-making; reinforcement learning; suicide; depression; borderline personality; exploration/exploitation
Tanja Dominko19971998 Gerald P. Schatten (grad student)
Yan DongMotivational and Emotional Memory
Sonya Dougalinfluence of emotion on memory2003 Jonathan Wolf Schooler (grad student)
John E. Downey
Fawn T. DrauckerLinguistics Linguistics2013 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Karen J. DreyerEducational Psychology Education, Administration Education2010 Stephen J. Bagnato (grad student)
Robert Drolet20072009 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Jonathan D. Drovercomputational neuroscience20012005 G Bard Ermentrout (grad student)
Yijuan Dudopamine system Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Zhanhong Jeff DuSensory System, Neural Engineering20092015 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Renu DubeSpeech Communication, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Cognitive Psychology2001 Henry Krips (grad student)
Connor DufortNeuroimmunology, microglia, development, stroke, myelination Neurology2021 Xiaoming Hu (grad student)
Katherine Duggan Psychology20112016 Sara C. Mednick (grad student)
April A. DukesNeuroscience Biology2007 Teresa Hastings (grad student)
Susan DunlapReading, psycholinguistics Pyschology - Cognitive2012 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Justin R. Dunmyre2011 Jonathan E. Rubin (grad student)
Catherine A. DunnSpatial cognition2009 Carol L. Colby (grad student)
Kyle DunovanPerceptual decision making Psychology Psychology Psychology20142018 Mark E. Wheeler (grad student), Timothy D. Verstynen (grad student), Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
John D. DurrantAudiology, Physiological Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Hristina DzhoglevaMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2014 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Shaun M. EackSocial Work, Clinical Psychology2009 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
Maeve EberhardtLinguistics2009 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Chelsea M. Eddingtonbilingualism, second language learning20092015 Natasha Tokowicz (grad student)
Nicole M. Edgardepression20062011 Etienne Sibille (grad student)
Brian Edwards Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
Stephen M. EgganSchizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry2007 David A. Lewis (grad student)
Saman EghtesadGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology2010 Paula R. Clemens (grad student)
Victoria B. Egizio Psychology2013 Richard Jennings (grad student)
Anthony Eidelman Behavioral Neuroscience19931993 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
Mohammed S. El-KurdiBiomedical Engineering2008 David A. Vorp (grad student)
James Eles Bioengineering2012 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student), Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (post-doc)
Christopher M. ElittVisceral Pain2006 Brian M. Davis (grad student)
Michelle R. EllefsonCognitive Development20052007 Christian D. Schunn (post-doc)
Frank EllenClinical Psychology
Nancy ElmanClinical Psychology
Leonard H. EpsteinBehavioral Medicine; Pediatrics; Psychology
Susan L. EricksonSchizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry2003 David A. Lewis (grad student)
Bard ErmentroutGeneral Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology
G Bard ErmentroutDynamical Systems Analysis Ilya A. Rybak (collaborator)
Behnaz Esmaeili2010 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Miguel EstevezGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology, Toxicology
Steven W. Evans19921994 William Pelham (post-doc)
Helen L. Evans1982 Russell T. Jones (grad student)
Samuel Ewing Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc), Christine Winter (grad student)
Erika E. Fanselow
Sean P. Farris
Atillio FavoriniTheater, Developmental Psychology, Rhetoric and Composition Language
Bin Fengvisceral pain, chronic pain, neuromodulation Gerald F. Gebhart (post-doc)
Barbara M. FennerNeurotrophins and immune mediators in the human brain.2004 Cristian L. Achim (grad student)
Robert E. Ferrellbiochemistry, genetics Stephen B. Manuck (collaborator)
Lawrence L. FethPsychacoustics Otolaryngology Communications Sciences and Disorders19901969 Robert C. Bilger (grad student), John D. Durrant (collaborator)
Joshua D. FettermanSocial Psychology, General Psychology Psychology2012 Richard L. Moreland (grad student)
Julie A. Fiez Mark E. Wheeler (collaborator)
Anthony J. FilianoNeuroimmunology20012003 Ian J. Reynolds (research assistant)
Andrey FinegershTransgenic mice Molecular Pharmacology2014 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Stephen "Steve" Martin FioreCognitive Science2000 Jonathan Wolf Schooler (grad student)
Alan E. Fisher Donald Olding Hebb (post-doc)
Lee E. FisherNeural Engineering, Neuroprosthetics, Somatosensory Function Bioengineering20122013 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc)
Loretta M. Flanagan-Catoneuroendocrinology Joseph G. Verbalis (grad student)
Brendan Fleig-Goldstein History & Philosophy of Science20182024 Colin Allen (grad student)
Sharlene Flesher Bioengineering20112017 Robert Gaunt (grad student)
Stan Floresco Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Steven J. Fluharty Edward Stricker (grad student)
Stephen FoldesNeuroimaging, neurorehabilitation PM&R PM&R PM&R20112016 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc), Jennifer L. Collinger (post-doc), Michael Boninger (post-doc)
Stefanos E. FoliasMathematical Neuroscience, Nonlinear Dynamics, Neural Field Theory20082012 G Bard Ermentrout (post-doc), Jonathan E. Rubin (post-doc)
Kaitlin Folweilertraumatic brain injury, electrophysiology, behavior Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation20102013 Anthony Kline (research assistant), Anthony E Kline (grad student)
Erika E. ForbesDevelopmental Affective Neuroscience2003 Jeffrey F. Cohn (grad student)
Harry Fowler
Krysta Fox Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Lynn A. FoxSpecial Education, Tests and Measurements Education Instruction and Learning2012 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Alicia M. Frank Otolaryngology2021 Christopher L. Cunningham (research assistant)
Ellen FrankClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Mental Health
George W. Fraser2011 Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Jennifer Megan FredericksOrbitoFrontal Cortex, PreFrontal Cortex, Rhesus Monkey, DREADDs, Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognition Department of Neurobiology2023 William R. Stauffer (research scientist)
Michael Freedman20082010 Xinyan Tracy Cui (research assistant)
Beverly Jeanne FrenchPsychiatry; molecular basis of depression and aging
F. Kathryn E. Friasoncircuits, learning and memory Neuroscience2016 Anne-Marie M. Oswald (grad student)
Robert M. Friedlander2011 Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (collaborator)
Laura FrishmanVisual system; Retina Bruce Goldstein (grad student)
Mara Frumcircuitry, motor system, motivation
Valeria Fu
Isabella M. Fuentes Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine2018 Bradley K. Taylor (post-doc)
Rocio G. Fuentes-MoralesLinguistics2008 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Ovande FurtadoPhysical Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology2009 Jere D. Gallagher (grad student)
Soniya GadgilCognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2014 Timothy Nokes-Malach (grad student)
Chris Gaiteridynamical systems, gene networks20072011 G Bard Ermentrout (grad student), Etienne Sibille (grad student)
Jenna R. Gale Neurobiology Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Jere D. GallagherPhysical Education, Human Development, Physiological Psychology
Jazlyn Gallego Bioengineering Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (grad student)
Darlene Y. Gambill MotleyManagement Business Administration, Business Education2003 Carrie R. Leana (grad student)
JP Gamboa History & Philosophy of Science20172024 Colin Allen (grad student)
Neeraj J. Gandhioculomotor system
N.J GandhiBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Behavioral Psychology
Jennie Garcia-OlivaresNeurosciences
Nitika GargMarketing Business Administration2004 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Robert H. Garmancomparative neuropathology and neurotoxicology
Holly Z. Gastgeb2010 Mark Strauss (grad student)
Robert Gauntneural prosthetics, sensorimotor control20082010 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc), Tim M. Bruns (collaborator)
Kristopher J. GedaLinguistics2013 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Charles F. GeierDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience2009 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Richard C. GerkinOlfactory physiology, Neuroinformatics20022007 Guo-Qiang Bi (grad student)
Matthew Getz
Omar A. Gharbawiecortical control of movement
Thea B. Ghiselli-Crippasynaptic plasticity, learning, neural models2000 Paul W. Munro (grad student)
Subhadra E. Ghosh JohnsonLinguistics2005 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Avniel Singh GhumanMEG, connectivity, face perception, autism
Peter J. Gianaros Stephen B. Manuck (collaborator)
Soyoung C. GilchristImmunology, Pathology2002 Paula R. Clemens (grad student)
Anne M. GillSocial Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Guidance and Counseling Education2003 Nancy Elman (grad student)
Katy M. Gill2007 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Deda Gillespie Karl Kandler (post-doc)
Joyce L. Giovannelli2006 Mark Strauss (grad student)
Jeffrey M. GirardPsychology, Affective Computing, Personality, Psychopathology, Emotion Psychology Psychology20102017 Jeffrey F. Cohn (grad student), Aidan G. Wright (grad student)
Sonya B. Giridhar2012 Nathan N. Urban (grad student)
Christopher D. GjesfjeldSocial Work, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology2008 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
Leisa A GlantzNeuropathophysiology of psychiatric disorders Neuroscience19921999 David A. Lewis (grad student)
Nathan G. Glasgow20102016 Jon W. Johnson (grad student)
Jill R. GlausierSchizophrenia, Postmortem Human, GABA, Working Memory, Prefrontal Cortex, Electron Microscopy
Joseph C. GloriofoMolecular Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology
Christin A. GloriosoNeurobiology of Disease20052010 Etienne Sibille (grad student)
Joseph C. GloriosoGene Therapy, Herpes simplex virus, Chronic Pain
Nike Gnanateja2019 Bharath Chandrasekaran (post-doc)
Jason Godlove2013 Aaron P. Batista (grad student)
Laura R. GoldbergMolecular Biology2003 Paula R. Clemens (grad student)
Daniel GoldreichSomatosensory psychophysics, Bayesian perception Daniel J. Simons (post-doc)
Bruce GoldsteinPhotopigments and ERPs
Gerald Goldsteinclinical neuropsychology, schizophrenia
Seth Goldwasser Philosophy Philosophy20172024 Colin Allen (grad student), Robert B. Brandom (grad student)
Felipe V. Gomesschizophrenia, dopamine Neuroscience20152018 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Sue GoodwinEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Public Health
Chaitanya Gopinath Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation2016 Robert Gaunt (post-doc)
Anne K GormaleyNeural Interface Technology Bioengineering2022 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Fredric L. GossPhysical Education, Behavioral Psychology
Yukiori Goto Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Michael Grabeion channels
Anthony Albert GraceDopamine, schizophrenia, deep brain stimulation, drug abuse, basal ganglia
Nicholas Graziane Yan Dong (grad student)
Douglas A. GreenNeurotrophins and immune mediators in the human brain.2003 Cristian L. Achim (grad student)
J. Timothy GreenamyreParkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease
Tsafrir Greenberg
Stephanie Greene
Catherine G. GreenoSocial Work, Developmental Psychology
Darcy M. GriffinNeurophysiology, Motor Control Peter Strick (post-doc)
Erinn M GrigsbyDBS, stroke, electrophysiology, BCI, non-human primates Bioengineering20212021 Aaron P. Batista (grad student), Marco Capogrosso (research scientist)
Meghan Grove Behavioral Neuroscience19961998 Nina F. Schor (grad student)
Melanie J. GrubishaPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Cell Biology2011 Donald B. DeFranco (grad student), Robert Sweet (post-doc)
Adolf Grunbaum
Sara Guediche2009 Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
Zhannetta Gugel20112014 Xinyan Tracy Cui (research assistant)
Alexandra A. GulacsiNeuroscience Biology2004 Laura E. Lillien (grad student)
Yixin GuoComputation & Theory2003 Carson C. Chow (grad student)
Rajaneesh Kumar GuptaNeurobiology
Fatma Gurel Kazancicomputational neuroscience20012007 G Bard Ermentrout (grad student)
O'neil W. GuthrieMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2006 Catherine Palmer (grad student)
Boris GutkinIntegration of synaptic input in active dendritic trees, Computational Models of Addiction19931999 G Bard Ermentrout (grad student)
Rao R. Guttineuropathology, particularly the study of Alzheimer's disease John Moossy (collaborator)
Chad J. GwaltneyClinical Psychology2002 Saul Shiffman (grad student)
Michelene T. H. ChiInformation Science, Cognitive Psychology, General, Health Care Management
Steven A. HackworthElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2010 Mingui Sun (grad student)
Dennis C. HaggertySciences Education, Community College Education, Educational Psychology Education2003 Albert P. Nous (grad student)
Luke HaileRecreation, Physiological Psychology2010 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Adam L. HalberstadtNeuranatomy, Vestibular Neurophysiology20012006 Carey D. Balaban (grad student)
Lauren S. Hallionanxiety; worry; cognition-emotion interactions; cognitive control
Ronald L. HamiltonNeuropathology, murine retroviral encephalitis19911995 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Rob Hammondcerebrovascular disease, brain development, high field MRI/neuropathology correlates, neuroinflammation, neuromuscular disease, brain tumour biology19931995 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Weiping HanMetabolic Diseases19961999 Edwin S. Levitan (post-doc)
Jake J. Hanchar
Sara J. HanrahanParkinson's disease, epilepsy, anesthesia, neural prosthetics, deep brain stimulation Bioengineering20062008 Douglas J. Weber (research assistant)
Jamie L. Hansonearly experience, brain development, stress, maltreatment, neglect
Hirokazu Hara20022003 Elias Aizenman (post-doc)
Mahi Hardalupas History & Philosophy of Science20172021 Colin Allen (grad student)
Steven L. Hardy Anesthesiology20032004 Gregg E. Homanics (post-doc)
Ahmad R. HaririfMRI, Genetics, Emotion, Serotonin Stephen B. Manuck (collaborator)
Rhiannon E. Hartmemory, problem solving, creativity, the relationship between language and thought.2006 Jonathan Wolf Schooler (grad student)
Lesley A. HartReading, psycholinguistics2005 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Jed A. Hartings2000 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
Ahmad HashemInformation Science, Cognitive Psychology, General, Health Care Management2001 Michelene T. H. Chi (grad student)
Teresa HastingsNeuroscience Biology, Pathology
Kathryn Hauschild20112018 Mark Strauss (grad student)
Donna J. HaworthBiomedical Engineering2009 David A. Vorp (grad student)
Chieri Hayashi
Kai He2002 Elias Aizenman (research scientist)
Niyathi Hegde20102014 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Joan HeineckeNeuropathology John Moossy (research assistant)
Laura M. Heiserspatial cognition19992004 Carol L. Colby (grad student)
Stewart HeitmannComputational Neuroscience2013 G Bard Ermentrout (post-doc)
Marjet D. HeitzerCell Biology2005 Donald B. DeFranco (grad student)
Erin N. HendersonClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology2003 Kay D. Jennings (grad student)
James B HengeniusDevelopment, mathematical modeling, neuroimaging Mathematics Epidemiology Electrical and Computer Engineering G Bard Ermentrout (post-doc), Caterina Rosano (post-doc), Theodore Huppert (post-doc)
Teague R. Henry Psychiatry Psychiatry20202021 Brooke Molina (post-doc), Cecile Ladouceur (post-doc)
Darrell A. HenzeNeuroscience, Pain, TrkA, cannabinoids, sodium channels19911997 German Barrionuevo (grad student)
Greta Ann Herin19972003 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
John Hermann20102012 Xinyan Tracy Cui (research assistant)
Diego R. Hernandez Neurobiology2020 Elias Aizenman (post-doc)
Gerardina Hernandezsynaptic plasticity, learning, neural models2001 Paul W. Munro (grad student)
Angelica J. Herrera2016 Jennifer L. Collinger (grad student)
Donald S. Higgins19921995 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Eric J. HildebrandComputation & Theory2003 Carson C. Chow (grad student)
David A. Hinkleastrocyte-mediated neuroprotection
Elizabeth A. HirshornPlasticity, humans Psychology2011 Julie A. Fiez (post-doc)
Stefanie A. HlastalaClinical Psychology2002 Ellen Frank (grad student)
Yeung HoNeuroscience Biology2006 Donald B. DeFranco (grad student)
Hsiang-Yeh HoEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education2011 Stephen J. Bagnato (grad student)
Ann N. Hoffman Anthony E Kline (grad student)
James A. HokansonUrology and Neural Engineering20062014 Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
Jeffrey Hollerman Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Ericka C. HolmstrandHigh-affinity choline transporter20032010 Susan Ruth Sesack (grad student)
Gregg E. HomanicsTransgenic mice
Sung Hui HongNeuropathology John Moossy (research assistant)
Tao HongNeural mechanisms of reward and decision-making Neurobiology2020 William R. Stauffer (grad student)
Craig Michael HorbinskiNeuropathology, molecucular neuro-oncology, teleneuropathology20022009 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Charles Hornemesis, systems neuroscience, gut-brain communication
John P. HornSynaptic Integration
Max P. Horowitz20072012 J. Timothy Greenamyre (grad student)
Eiji Hoshibehavioral neurophysiology20022005 Peter Strick (post-doc)
Lauren Shuck HowardDevelopment, Agency, Memory20032007 Celia Brownell (research assistant)
Betsy HozaClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology19901992 William Pelham (post-doc)
Chengcheng HuangComputational neuroscience
Yanhua H. HuangGlutamate transporter function Yan Dong (grad student)
Ethan I. HuangAcoustics Physics, Physiology Biology, Audiology2011 John D. Durrant (grad student)
Graham Hubbs2008 John McDowell (grad student)
Christopher Hughes Bioengineering Bioengineering2016 Robert Gaunt (grad student), Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (post-doc)
Anne E. HungerfordSocial development2001 Celia Brownell (grad student)
Theodore Huppert
Mark R. Hurtt Neuropathology
Kai HwangCognitive Neuroscience Psychology2012 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
James R. HydeOCD, Calcium Imaging2014 Susanne E. Ahmari (post-doc)
Kelly B. HymanClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2001 Robert B. McCall (grad student)
Jeff InmanMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Nutrition
Mark Inman
Pablo Aparicio IturraldeMotor control Bioengineering20122019 Gelsy Torres-Oviedo (grad student)
Jana M. IversonGesture, cognitive development, autism
Sangeetha IyerPharmacology Pharmacology20062010 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Theodore Jacob
Pamela JaffeySiv infection of the brain19961998 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Udaya K. Jagadisan Neeraj J. Gandhi (grad student)
Nabila P. Jamal Orozco Psychology Timothy Nokes-Malach (grad student)
Michael JanecekElectrophysiology of DA neurons, Social Isolation, CRF, oxytocin, Fear-potentiated Startle Neuroscience Psychiatry2020 Anthony Albert Grace (grad student), Rui Peixoto (grad student)
Jooyoung Jang Psychology2013 Christian D. Schunn (grad student)
Denise L. JanickiClinical Psychology2006 Thomas W. Kamarck (grad student)
Michael P. JankowskiPain, Neurodevelopment Richard Koerber (grad student)
Maria Jantz Bioengineering20172023 Robert Gaunt (grad student)
Eric JavelAuditory physiology
Hank Jedema Anthony Albert Grace (grad student), Charles W. Bradberry (post-doc)
Richard Jennings
Kay D. JenningsClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology
David Jentsch Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Jing JiPublic Health, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2011 Hulya Bayir (grad student)
Zhang Ji-Chuanlearning and memory, electrophysiology Guo-Qiang Bi (post-doc)
Brian J. JianNeurosurgery19982004 Bill J. Yates (grad student)
Haibing JiangPharmacology2003 Donald B. DeFranco (grad student)
Jie JiangGlutamate transporters
Phillip Jobling John P. Horn (post-doc)
Alan K. Johnsonmood, thirst, cardiovascular homeostasis Alan E. Fisher (grad student)
Jon W. Johnson
Bruce JohnsonNeuropathology
David M. Johnson
Sheri L. JohnsonEmotion-related impulsivity. Basic and treatment research on bipolar disorder. Psychology Psychology19841986 Scott M. Monroe (grad student), Theodore Jacob (grad student)
Richard JohnstonVisual Neuroscience2017 Matthew A. Smith (post-doc)
Deborah Jean Jones Psychology20002002 Karen A. Matthews (post-doc)
Kelly L. Jordan-SciuttoMolecular mechanisms underlying neuronal loss in neurodegenerative disorders19992000 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Ahmed JorgeBCI
Lindsey E. JorgensenAudiology, Aging, Cognitive Psychology2012 Catherine Palmer (grad student)
Shannon JuengstStroke, recovery of function Occupational Therapy2012 Elizabeth R. Skidmore (grad student)
Megan M. Julian Psychology20072015 Robert B. McCall (grad student)
Jason JusticeNeuroscience Neurobiology20142019 Elias Aizenman (post-doc)
Joel L. Kaar Chemical Engineering2007 Alan J. Russell (grad student)
Joseph KabaraWireless Information Systems
Wafaa A. KafAudiology2003 John D. Durrant (grad student)
Thomas W. KamarckPhysiological Psychology, Mental Health, Public Health
M I. KambohGenetics, Neuroscience Biology
Eliezer Kamon Harwood S. Belding (post-doc)
Eliezer Y. KanalBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology2010 Mingui Sun (grad student)
Karl Kandler
Audrey T. KappelTests and Measurements Education, Special Education2002 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Manaswini Kar Neurobiology2018 Srivatsun Sadagopan (grad student)
Vahagn Karapetyan Bioengineering2018 Robert Gaunt (grad student)
Paul Karila John P. Horn (post-doc)
Daisuke Kase Neurobiology2016 Robert S. Turner (research scientist)
Ahmed Kashkoush School of Medicine20152019 Lee E. Fisher (grad student)
Husam A. KatnaniDBS, motor control, oculomotor system Neeraj J. Gandhi (grad student)
Jodi D. KatsafanasSpecial Education2006 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Gary Scott KatzClinical Psychology, Emotion, Psychophysiology, Attention Disorders19891998 Jeffrey F. Cohn (grad student)
Tedd M. KeatingPhysical Education, Recreation2001 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Kristen A. KeefeBasal Ganglia Structure and Function19871992 Michael Zigmond (grad student), Elizabeth Abercrombie (grad student)
Harry KellermierNeuropathology20062008 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Chris F. KemererManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Scott D KennedyMotor control neurophysiology
Ilan A. Kermanstress biology, neurobiology of mental illness, Psychiatry19961999 Bill J. Yates (grad student)
Sanjeev Khannavisual system20122018 Matthew A. Smith (grad student), Xinyan Tracy Cui (research assistant)
Adwait D. KhareMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Nutrition2003 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Vivek KhatriHyperexcitability after traumatic brain injury19992005 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
Paul D. KieffaberAttention, Cognitive Control, EEG, fMRI
Scott F. KieslingLinguistics
Yunbok KimInformation procession in the corticostriatal pathway2006 Bita Moghaddam (post-doc)
Seong-Gi Kim
Kevin H. Kim
Leslie S. KinderPhysiological Psychology, Mental Health, Public Health2000 Thomas W. Kamarck (grad student)
Kevin King Bioengineering20152017 Lee E. Fisher (grad student)
Amanda K. KinnischtzkeZinc, Potassium Channels, Apoptosis, Redox, NMDA, TOPA Neurobiology2013 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Nicholas Kirsch20122016 Nitin Sharma (grad student)
Erin K. Kirschmannadolescence, motivation, impulsivity, memory, stress, addiction, depression20072014 Edda Thiels (grad student)
Henry Klassen Raymond D. Lund (grad student)
Anthony Kline
Katharina Klinger Anthony Albert Grace (research assistant)
Amanda M. KlooReading Education, Special Education2006 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Lauren T. KnappHippocampal plasticity and memory2000 Eric Klann (grad student)
Megan Knoch20052007 Elias Aizenman (post-doc)
Griffin E. Koch Learning, Research and Development Center Psychology20172023 Marc N. Coutanche (research assistant), Marc N. Coutanche (grad student)
Patrick M. Kochanek
H Richard KoerberNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology
Richard Koerber
Julia KoflerNeuroinflammation in neurodegeneration20052010 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Vasileios KokkinosEpilepsy Surgery, Epilepsy, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neurophysiology of Sleep, Functional Neuroimaging, Cortical Electrical Stimulation
Christi L. Kolarcik2011 Xinyan Tracy Cui (post-doc)
Nutan Kolluri20002001 Eric Klann (post-doc)
Kayla M KomondorDevelopment, fertilization, polyspermy blocking, electrophysiology Biological Sciences2019 Anne E. Carlson (grad student)
Kimberlee KondratNeuropathology John Moossy (research assistant)
Roma O. Koneckydynamics of brain interaction, visual cognition,category learning, magnetoencephalography (MEG)20142016 Matthew A. Smith (post-doc)
Xiaohui Kong2009 Christian D. Schunn (grad student)
Jo-Jo Koo2011 John McDowell (grad student)
Bhanu M. KoppanatiGenetics, Molecular Biology, Medicine and Surgery2009 Paula R. Clemens (grad student)
Erin A. KoterbaGesture, cognitive development, autism2010 Jana M. Iverson (grad student)
Shawn E. Kotermanski2008 Jon W. Johnson (grad student)
Maria Kovacsdepression
Takashi Daniel Yoshida KozaiNeural Engineering Neurology Neurology20112013 Xinyan Tracy Cui (post-doc), Seong-Gi Kim (post-doc), Alberto L. Vazquez (post-doc), Michael H. B. Stowell (research assistant), Franca Cambi (collaborator), Dandan Sun (collaborator)
Rebecca Krall Neurobiology/Otolaryngology2015 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Maressa P. KrauseRecreation, Health Education2010 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Leonid KrimerCortical circuitry, interneurons19942000 Patricia Goldman-Rakic (post-doc)
Henry KripsSpeech Communication, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Cognitive Psychology
Sven KroenerPrefrontal cortex, Dopamine, schizophrenia, electrophysiology20002003 German Barrionuevo (post-doc)
Barb Kucinski Psychology19871998 Harry Fowler (grad student)
Scott M. KulichNeuropathology, oxidative stress, neurodegeneration20012002 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc), Charleen T. Chu (post-doc)
Paul Kullmann Neurobiology19982001 John P. Horn (post-doc), Karl Kandler (post-doc)
Ritesh Kumar Bioengineering2018 Robert Gaunt (grad student)
Rohini Kuner
Didem KurtMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2012 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Stephanie M. KuteBiomedical Engineering, Medicine and Surgery2002 David A. Vorp (grad student)
Ernest Kwegyir-Afful Daniel J. Simons (post-doc)
Jun-Ho La Gerald F. Gebhart (post-doc)
Amber Van Laar2013 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
David LacomisALS biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid and serum using mass spectrometry proteomics Robert P. Bowser (collaborator)
David R. Ladlespinal cord, development19972002 Eric Frank (grad student)
Carl F. LagenaurNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Cait P. LambertonMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Cynthia Lance-JonesNeuroscience Biology
Nancy C. LandgraffRehabilitation and Therapy, Public Health2004 Susan L. Whitney (grad student)
Nicole Landilanguage disorders, reading disorders, semantics,neuroimaging, genetics 20002005 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Zoe LaPalombara Psychiatry2015 Susanne E. Ahmari (grad student)
Crystal Lara-SantosTMEM16A channels2022 Anne E. Carlson (grad student)
Adam M. Large20122017 Anne-Marie M. Oswald (grad student), Anne-Marie M. Oswald (grad student)
Kevin T. Larkin1986 Stephen B. Manuck (grad student)
Beth M. LarouerePublic Health, Physiology Biology, Recreation, Women's Studies2006 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Bart Larsen Cognitive Neuroscience20122017 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Nicole Larson2007 David A. Hinkle (post-doc), Teresa Hastings (grad student)
Leonard D. LattBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2001 Mark S. Redfern (grad student)
Patryk A. LaurentLearning, Attention, Neural Networks20032010 Erik D. Reichle (grad student)
Paul Christian LauterburNMR, MRI1962 Christopher Dean (grad student)
Antonieta Lavin Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Steven R. Laviolette Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Joel M Le ForestierSocial psychology
Rehana Leak20062007 Michael Zigmond (post-doc)
Carrie R. LeanaManagement Business Administration, General Business Administration, Social Psychology
Ricardo M. LeaoNeurotransmission, auditory system, brainstem, NTS Thanos Tzounopoulos (post-doc)
Samantha J. LeathersStress, Sleep Medicine, Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
Eve A. LeBartonGesture, developmental psycholinguistics20102012 Jana M. Iverson (grad student)
Regina L. LeckiePhysical Activity, omega-3 fatty acids, fMRI, cognition, type 2 diabetes, hba1c Psychology20162017 Timothy D. Verstynen (post-doc)
Lucas LecourtierDopamine schizophrenia cognition
Soohyun Lee2007 Karl Kandler (grad student)
Iliya Lefterov
Kurt V. LehnCognitive Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education
Shannon N. LenzeClinical Psychology2007 Frank Ellen (grad student)
Marie Rozantz LeRoyNeuropathology1977 John Moossy (research assistant)
Daniel N. Leszkiewicz19972003 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Som-Ming LeungPolarized trafficking, Epithelial cells, Sensory function of the Uroepithelium2002 Gerard Apodaca (grad student)
Jessica C. LevensonClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Mental Health Psychology2013 Ellen Frank (grad student)
David J. LevinthalNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2004 Donald B. DeFranco (grad student)
Edwin S. Levitanion channels2000 Irwin Levitan (grad student), Elias Aizenman (collaborator)
David A. LewisSchizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry
Chen Li John P. Horn (grad student)
Shuang LiAuditory, hyperactivity, Potassium channel
You Libiochemistry, genetics2010 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
Fan Li Computational Modeling and Simulation Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (grad student)
Wei Liao 20062007 Xinyan Tracy Cui (post-doc)
Klaus LibertusCognitive Development, Infancy, Autism20132015 Jana M. Iverson (post-doc)
Robin Lienkamper Robert Gaunt (post-doc)
Veronica LifrieriLinguistics2014 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Laura E. Lillian
Laura E. LillienNeuroscience Biology
Chia-Cheng LinAging, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Biomedical Engineering2013 Susan L. Whitney (grad student)
George A. LindleyAudiology2001 Catherine Palmer (grad student)
Witold J. LipskiDopamine, schizophrenia, deep brain stimulation, drug abuse, basal ganglia2011 Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
YANPING LIUReading, vision, machine learning
Annie Liu
Kaihong LiuBioinformatics Biology2011 Rebecca S. Crowley (grad student)
Shuqi LiuMotor learning, motor adaptation, locomotor adaptation, stroke rehabilitation Bioengineering2019 Gelsy Torres-Oviedo (grad student)
Shi Tong Liu Bioengineering20152021 Srivatsun Sadagopan (grad student)
Britney Lizama2018 Charleen T. Chu (post-doc)
Lovisa LjungQvist BrinsonNeuroscience, Audition, Marmosets Neurobiology Neurobiology2023 Afonso C. Silva (grad student), Srivatsun Sadagopan (grad student)
Fernando Llanos20162020 Bharath Chandrasekaran (post-doc)
Kimberly G LockwoodStress, health disparities, cardiovascular disease, discrimination, inflammation, health psychology Psychology Psychology20132019 Peter J. Gianaros (grad student), Anna Marsland (grad student)
Daniel J. LodgeDopamine, Hippocamous, Neurophysiology, Schizophrenia, Drug Abuse2003 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Sweyta Lohani Bita Moghaddam (grad student)
Oscar L. LopezAlzheimers Disease, aging, dementia
Carol L. LorenzTheater, Developmental Psychology, Rhetoric and Composition Language2000 Atillio Favorini (grad student)
Jiayi(Ada) Lu Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics20152020 Jun Wang (grad student)
Mesu'a-Kabwa LuabeyaHIV infection of the brain19971999 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Beatriz Luna19951997 Velma Dobson (grad student), John A. Sweeney (post-doc)
Xiliang Luo20082011 Xinyan Tracy Cui (post-doc)
Shuqing LuoAccounting Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration2010 Nandu J. Nagarajan (grad student)
Fujun Luosynapse formation and function2009 Stephen D. Meriney (grad student)
Cheng LyComputational, stochastic methods G Bard Ermentrout (post-doc), Brent Doiron (post-doc)
Maria LyAlzheimer disease, aging, resilience Neuroscience Howard J. Aizenstein (grad student)
Andrew Christopher Lynncognitive neuroscience, visual processing, visual attention, child development, cognitive development20112014 Beatriz Luna (research assistant)
Donald T. LyslePsychoneuroimmunology Harry Fowler (grad student)
Lisa M. MaccarelliClinical Psychology2001 Ellen Frank (grad student)
Jennifer K. MacCormackemotion, interoception, metabolism, psychophysiology, affective neuroscience, aging Psychology Psychology20202022 Peter J. Gianaros (post-doc), Anna Marsland (post-doc)
Angus W. MacDonaldSchizophrenia & Impulse Control Disorders, Prefrontal Cortex, Cognitive Control19942001 Michael Pogue-Geile (grad student)
Sophia Machado
Christopher J. MaddenAutonomic nervous system, physiology2002 Alan Sved (grad student)
Kathleen MagieraSpecial Education, Elementary Education2002 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Roberto Di Maio2008 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Andrea Maitinsky KeinsClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2000 Marsha D. Marcus (grad student)
Jennifer Mak Bioengineering2020 George F. Wittenberg (grad student)
Payal Makadia Pediatric Gastroenterology Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
Latha M. Malaiyandimitochondria, ion homeostasis19992005 Ian J. Reynolds (grad student)
Jaime Maldonado-Aviles David A. Lewis (grad student)
Sacha A. Malinion channels Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
Alan G. MallingerClinical Psychology
Evandro Manica2008 Jonathan E. Rubin (grad student)
Elizabeth Manning2014 Susanne E. Ahmari (post-doc)
Misagh MansouriNeural Prostheses Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation2015 Robert Gaunt (post-doc)
Rose C. MantellaNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology2004 Janet A. Amico (grad student)
Stephen B. ManuchClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Stephen B. Manuckbehavioral genetics, psychobiological antecedents of cardiovascular disease
Mary T. MarchettiHealth Care Management, Aging, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Health Education Rehabilitation Sciences and Physical Therapy2014 Susan L. Whitney (grad student)
Marsha D. MarcusClinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Scott Marek Neuroscience20122017 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Dulce M MariscalMotor control, motor adaptation
David M. MarquesNeuroscience
Maureen A. MarronReading, psycholinguistics2000 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Adria Martig Bita Moghaddam (post-doc)
Kelly C. MartinPlasticity, Language, Development, Stroke, MRI Ophthalmology2024 Marlene Behrmann (post-doc)
Terina N. Martinez20102013 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
A. Julio MartinezNeuropathology1976 John Moossy (collaborator)
Clay Mash Mark Strauss (grad student)
Clayton W. Mash2000 Mark Strauss (grad student)
Kevin J. MastroNeuroimmune, Prefrontal Cortex, Basal ganglia2013 Aryn Gittis (grad student)
Pier Giorgio Mastroberardino20032010 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Marguerite Matthews Bita Moghaddam (grad student)
Andrew P. MaurerAging & Memory Loss,Aging, Entorhinal Cortex, Hippocampus, Memory, Neurophysiology, Perirhinal Cortex Bill J. Yates (research assistant)
J. Patrick Mayovison, eye movements, cognition20052011 Marc A. Sommer (grad student)
Ryan J. MaysRecreation2009 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Lucia Mazzacuratibiochemistry, genetics2012 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
Donald H. McBurneyPsychobiology Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Jeanne M. McCafferyClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2001 Stephen B. Manuch (grad student)
Robert B. McCallClinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Meghan C. McCord20092013 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Clinton B. McCrackenaddiction, compulsive behaviors, DBS20052009 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Christine L. McCrearySciences Education, Higher Education2003 Albert P. Nous (grad student)
Michael McCueGeneral, Counseling Psychology
Kathryn A. McFaddendevelopmental neuropathology, particularly cortical development and neurobiological models of autism20032007 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Ashley M. McFarlandsocial behavior, development, neuroimaging
Margaret Beall McFarlanddevelopmental psychology
Vincent B. McGintyCortical, limbic and striatal circuits; reward and addiction; electrophysiology20012008 Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Jacie R McHaneyCognitive auditory neuroscience Communication Science and Disorders20202023 Bharath Chandrasekaran (grad student), Aravindakshan Parthasarathy (grad student)
Sabrina McIlwrathneuroscience
Shane D McKeonAdolescence; neuroimaging Bioengineering Bioengineering20192024 Beatriz Luna (grad student), Howard J. Aizenstein (research assistant)
David B T McMahonCognitive Neuroscience Carl R. Olson (grad student)
Jamie G. McMinnSocial Psychology2003 Richard L. Moreland (grad student)
Angus J C McMorlandMotor control, neural networks20082013 Andrew Schwartz (post-doc)
Rafael Medina-FloresNeuropathology, CNS extracellular matrix biology20032004 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Kimberly Meerschaert Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (grad student)
Kimberly M. MeighSpeech Pathology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology2014 Susan Shaiman (grad student)
Joseph M. Melchermemory, problem solving, creativity, the relationship between language and thought.2000 Jonathan Wolf Schooler (grad student)
Nadine M. MelhemMental Health, Clinical Psychology, Public Health2001 David Brent (grad student)
Harvey Mendelow
Stephen D. MerineyRegulation and modulation of presynaptic ion channels and transmitter release
Eli P. Merriam19992005 Carol L. Colby (grad student)
Emily C. MerzClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2012 Robert B. McCall (grad student)
Ada C. MezzichBehavioral Psychology, Mental Health, Women's Studies
Julie C. MichaelClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2012 Marsha D. Marcus (grad student)
Nicholas J MichelsonNeuroscience Bioengineering20162018 Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (grad student)
Betty MicicNeuropathology John Moossy (research assistant)
Amanda M. MidboeGeneral Psychology, Oncology, Clinical Psychology2010 Thomas W. Kamarck (grad student)
Paul G. MiddlebrooksVision, cognition20062011 Benjamin D. Philpot (research assistant), Marc A. Sommer (grad student)
Jason W. Middleton Leonard Maler (grad student), Daniel J. Simons (post-doc), Thanos Tzounopoulos (post-doc)
Robert Mihalek Anesthesiology19952000 Gregg E. Homanics (post-doc)
Dana Miller-Cottomathematical cognition, development
Brandon S. Minnery2002 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
Nancy J. MinshewAutism
Alexandra Miragaiaearly life adversity, developmental neurobiology Neurobiology2015 Judy L. Cameron (grad student)
Jessi L. MischelSensory-motor integration Bioengineering20122016 Aaron P. Batista (grad student)
Mala MisraNeurobiology Biology2009 Cynthia Lance-Jones (grad student)
Susan P. Moffettbiochemistry, genetics2002 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
Bita MoghaddamSchizophrenia, learning
Maha T. MohammadRehabilitation and Therapy2011 Susan L. Whitney (grad student)
Simone Y MohiteTBI, neuroscience, neurodegeneration neurology20192022 Edward C. Dixon (research assistant)
Vahidreza Molazadeh Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science20162020 Nitin Sharma (grad student)
Samat Moldakarimovcomputational neuroscience G Bard Ermentrout (post-doc)
Brooke MolinaDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology19931995 William Pelham (post-doc)
Derek C MolliverNeurobiology of pain, GPCR signal transduction, protein-protein interactions, mitochondrial dynamics Medicine20022004 Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
Olga MomcilovicStem Cells2010 Gerald P. Schatten (grad student)
A Paula Monaghan NicholsNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Pilar Montes-Lourido Bioengineering20172021 Srivatsun Sadagopan (post-doc)
David Montez Neuroscience20112016 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Holly MooreBehavioral Neuroscience Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Michelle Moore Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
Robert Y. Mooreneuroanatomy, Parkinson’s disease; Huntington’s disease; movement disorders; regulation and disorders of sleep and wake
Ginger A. MooreFacial Expression of Emotion, Depression2000 Jeffrey F. Cohn (grad student)
David Moormanexecutive function, motivation2005 Carl R. Olson (grad student)
John Moossy Harvey Mendelow (collaborator)
J. Ryan MoreheadMotor Learning, Motor Control, Decision-Making, Bioengineering20092009 Aaron P. Batista (research assistant)
Jared Moreines Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Richard L. MorelandSocial Psychology, General Psychology
Laura M. MorettCognitive neuroscience, learning, gesture, autism spectrum disorder, psycholinguistics Psychology20152016 Scott Fraundorf (post-doc)
Elaine R. MormerAudiology, Marketing Business Administration, Aging CSD2012 Catherine Palmer (grad student)
Harvey M. MorrisSchizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry2009 David A. Lewis (grad student)
Robert Morrison
Sara E. Morrisonaffective neuroscience, electrophysiology
Jarrod MossProblem Solving, Discourse Comprehension, Skill Acquisition20072008 Christian D. Schunn (post-doc)
Brian Moyer Mark S. Redfern (grad student)
David MuddimanMass Spectrometry1995 David M. Hercules (grad student)
Paul Muench2006 John McDowell (grad student)
Rebecca Munnell McHughMental Health, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Counseling Psychology Applied Developmental Psychology2013 Tanner L. Wallace (grad student)
Karen E. Munoz Psychology2013 Peter J. Gianaros (grad student)
Paul W. Munrosynaptic plasticity, learning, neural models
Geoffrey MurdochNeuropathology
Mark C. MusolinoBiomedical Engineering2006 Mark S. Redfern (grad student)
Jacob W. Nadler19982001 Carol L. Colby (research assistant)
Nandu J. NagarajanAccounting Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
Jennifer R. Nagel2000 John McDowell (grad student)
Sarah Najjar Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (grad student)
Ilsung NamSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health Social Work2012 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
Ameya C Nanivadekar Biomedical Engineering Lee E. Fisher (grad student)
Dolores M. NazzaroClinical Psychology2002 Nancy Elman (grad student)
Florenta Aura Negoita2003 Karl Kandler (grad student)
German Negron RiveraLinguistics2010 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
David A. Nelson Otolaryngology19701972 Robert C. Bilger (post-doc)
Gilda Angela Nevesneuropharmacology, schizophrenia, learning and memory, behavioral pharmacology, electrophysiology Neuroscience2016 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Timothy Newcomer19901994 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Lisa C. Newell2005 Mark Strauss (grad student)
Alexandra M. Newton2010 John McDowell (grad student), Stephen Engstrom (grad student)
Yuen-Keng Ng2001 Edwin S. Levitan (grad student)
Tuan NguyenAtomic Physics Physics20072012 Karl Kandler (post-doc)
Amy M. NiPerception Marlene R. Cohen (post-doc)
Eric Nisenbaum Theodore W. Berger (grad student)
Yuttasart NitipaichitWireless Information Systems2010 Joseph Kabara (grad student)
Timothy Nokes-MalachCognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Kendra K Nonemaneye movements, smooth pursuit, non-human primate neurophysiology, population dynamics, FEF Ophthalmology2021 J. Patrick Mayo (grad student)
Eric NormanAging in Plasticity and Memory19942001 Eric Klann (grad student)
Callie Norris20012002 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Albert P. NousSciences Education, Community College Education, Educational Psychology Education
Danielle M. NovickClinical Psychology2010 Ellen Frank (grad student)
Makiah Nuutinen
Patricio O'Donnellschizophrenia, addiction, basal ganglia, prefrontal cortex, dopamine19901997 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Michael W. O'Hara Clinical Psychology Lynn Rehm (grad student)
Bert W. O'MalleyHormone Action and Gene Expression: Coactivators and Corepressors
Efua B. ObengMarketing Business Administration, Commerce-Business Economics Marketing2013 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Amar Ohja Neuroscience20192024 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Kristine Ojala
Bennet I. OmaluNeuropathology, viral encephalitis20002002 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Shao-Pii Onn Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc), Theodore W. Berger (grad student)
Sarah OrdazCognitive Control, Emotion, Adolescence Psychology2013 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Joseph M. OrrCognitive Control20032006 Cameron S. Carter (research assistant), Raymond Y. Cho (research assistant)
Amanda J. OrtmannAudiology, Speech Communication2012 Catherine Palmer (grad student)
Remus M. OsanGeneral Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology2002 Bard Ermentrout (grad student)
Anne-Marie M. OswaldSensory systems, auditory, olfactory
Yingshi Ouyang20102012 Gerald P. Schatten (post-doc)
Amy A. Overmanmemory, aging19992006 James T. Becker (grad student)
Maryanna Owoc20172022 Srivatsun Sadagopan (grad student)
Zoe Owrutsky Neuroscience Anthony Albert Grace (research assistant)
Angela Renee OzburnNeuroscience, Addiction
Melike OzerSciences Education, Secondary Education, Technology of Education2004 Albert P. Nous (grad student)
Tolga E. OzkurtElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Neuroscience Biology2009 Mingui Sun (grad student)
Ayla OzturkGenetics, Pathology2005 M I. Kamboh (grad student)
William M. P. KleinGeneral Psychology, Oncology, Clinical Psychology
Amy Padia Psychology20222023 Marc N. Coutanche (research assistant)
Aarthi Padmanabhanneuroimaging, brain development, reward processing, genetics2008 Beatriz Luna (grad student), Karen F. Berman (research assistant)
Sumon K. Pal19992004 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Michael PalazzoloMotor Control Bioengineering20052014 Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Michael John PalladinoNeurodegeneration
Matthew I. PalmatierBehavioral Pharmacology/Neuroscience20042007 Anthony R. Caggiula (post-doc), Alan Sved (post-doc)
Catherine Palmer
Xu PanNeural circuits, computational neuroscience Bioengineering2017 Caroline A. Runyan (grad student)
Andrew E. Papaledecision making, electrophysiology, fMRI, olfaction, motor skill learning G Bard Ermentrout (collaborator)
Seth A. ParadisPhysical Education, Recreation2003 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Puja K. Parekhcircadian, stress, mood, neurobiology Psychiatry20122017 Colleen Ann McClung (grad student)
Satyabrata Parida Neurobiology20212023 Srivatsun Sadagopan (post-doc)
Emily M. Parker Psychiatry Robert Sweet (grad student)
Rebecca Parker Biomedical Engineering20122013 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc)
Meaghan V. ParladeGesture, cognitive development, autism Psychology2012 Jana M. Iverson (grad student)
Leonardo A Parra-RivasNeuroscience, Synaptic Transmission Neurobiology Neurobiology20082010 Gonzalo E. Torres (research assistant), Gonzalo E. Torres (grad student)
Aravindakshan ParthasarathyHearing Research, Neurophysiology, Evoked Potentials
Benjamin Pasquereaubasal ganglia, decision making, neurophysiology20072015 Robert S. Turner (post-doc)
Melissa M. Patchan2011 Christian D. Schunn (grad student)
Meenal J. Patel2014 Howard J. Aizenstein (grad student)
John M. PattilloRegulation and modulation of presynaptic ion channels and transmitter release2002 Stephen D. Meriney (grad student)
John P Paulus20172020 Marc N. Coutanche (research assistant), Sara E. Morrison (research assistant)
Nicholas PavlovskySensory-Motor Transformations Bioengineering Aaron P. Batista (grad student)
Velma L. PayneClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2011 Rebecca S. Crowley (grad student)
Thomas M. Pearce Neurobiology2016 Robert S. Turner (post-doc)
laszlo Peczely Neuroscience Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Alan L. PehrsonCogntion, schizophrenia, behavioral pharmacology, microdialysis2007 Bita Moghaddam (post-doc)
Yefei Penganalogy, learning, neural models20042010 Paul W. Munro (grad student)
Jennifer A. Peoples-PintarRecreation2001 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Sagi PerelNeural Prosthetics, EMG, Functional Connectivity, Grasp2012 Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Monica Perez
Tamara Perez-Rosello Thanos Tzounopoulos (post-doc)
Charles A. PerfettiReading, psycholinguistics
Maria Perica Psychology20182024 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Matthew G. PerichMotor Learning, Reaching, Motor Cortex20082010 Douglas J. Weber (research assistant)
William M. PerlsteinNeurophysiology, EEG, neuroimaging19931996 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Marianny Pernia Neurobiology2019 Srivatsun Sadagopan (post-doc)
David H. PerrinEducation, Industrial Psychology1985 Robert James Robertson (grad student)
Bryon E. PetersenCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology Environmental & Occupational Health19931996 Billy W. Day (grad student)
Erik J. Peterson
Frank W. Petraglia Robert S. Turner (research assistant), Aaron P. Batista (research assistant)
Jennifer L. Petrie
Jamie C Pevenphysical activity, neuropsychology, aging, neuroimaging Kirk I. Erickson (grad student)
BaDoi N. Phanneurogenomics, computational biology
Matthew B. PhillipsNMDAR structure and function Neuroscience2015 Jon W. Johnson (grad student)
Jeffrey PhillipsMemory
Shaohua PiOptical Coherence Tomography
Jamie L. Piersonlearning and memory2016 Susanne E. Ahmari (research assistant)
David J. Pinto Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
T M. PlantAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Human Development
Sonja Plasil Pharmacology and Chemical Biology20172023 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Juanita E. PlaskonMolecular Biology2000 Donald B. DeFranco (grad student)
Elisabeth J. PloranSpatial memory and navigation20052010 Mark E. Wheeler (grad student)
Edward Douglas PloweyPathology Neuroscience20082010 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc), Jon W. Johnson (post-doc)
Michael Pogue-Geile
Ryan T. PohligBiostatistics, Statistics, Research Methodology Reserach Methodology20052012 Kevin H. Kim (grad student)
Nicola Riccardo PolizzottoSchizophrenia, Development2010 Raymond Y. Cho (post-doc)
Betsy A. PolleyBehavioral Psychology, Obstetrics and Gynecology2000 Rena R. Wing (grad student)
Samuel M. PoloyacPharmacy, Neuroscience Biology, General
Andrea Ponting Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
Jessica N. Porter Neurobiology2012 Charles W. Bradberry (grad student)
Christian T Potterpopulation coding
Christina Poulintext processing, metacognition, memory, educational applications
Nadezhda PovyshevaCortical circuitry, glutamate receptors20012007 Leonid Krimer (post-doc)
Herman S. PrakasamPolarized trafficking, Epithelial cells, Sensory function of the Uroepithelium Integrative Molecular Biology2013 Gerard Apodaca (grad student)
Genís Prat-Ortega Rehab Neural Engineering Labs Jaime de la Rocha (grad student)
Steven A. PrescottComputational Neuroscience, Pain
Robert PriceNeuropathology John Moossy (collaborator)
Chutima PrommakWireless Information Systems2004 Joseph Kabara (grad student)
Jefferson ProvostVision, robotics20072009 Marc A. Sommer (post-doc)
Dasha Pruss History & Philosophy of Science20172023 Colin Allen (grad student)
Michelle Pucak Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Ava Pucchio
Ilva Putzier John P. Horn (post-doc)
Amy Qi Psychology2023 Marc N. Coutanche (grad student)
Anqi Qian2003 Jon W. Johnson (grad student)
Ariel D. RabinovicNeuroscience Biology, Pathology2001 Teresa Hastings (grad student)
Lauren (Knapp) RabinovicIntellectual Property19962001 Eric Klann (grad student)
Pururav RamakrishnaNeuroimaging, Bioengineering, Nanotechnology, Cerebrovasculature
Geetha B. RamaniSocial development2005 Celia Brownell (grad student)
Brad Randall20072011 Xinyan Tracy Cui (research assistant)
Srikanth Ranganathan molecular and cellular basis of neurodegenerative diseases2004 Robert P. Bowser (grad student)
Stephanie Rankin-TurnerAnalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, metabolomics
Robert G. RasmussenNeuroprosthetics2008 Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Richa Rathod Anesthesiology2018 Gregg E. Homanics (post-doc)
Stéphanie Rattépain
Orma Ravindranath Psychology20172023 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Susan M. RavizzaCognitive Control20002003 Julie A. Fiez (post-doc)
Anushri RawatManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Early Childhood Education2011 Carrie R. Leana (grad student)
Mark S. RedfernBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Patrick T. Redman20042008 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Erik D. ReichleReading, eyetracking
Oscar M. ReinmuthStroke
Xueying Ren Psychology Psychology20192021 Marc N. Coutanche (grad student), Melissa E. Libertus (grad student)
Beth S. Retchless2010 Jon W. Johnson (grad student)
Julia Reubrn
Ian ReyesMass Communications, Music2008 Henry Krips (grad student)
Angela M. ReynoldsDynamical Systems Analysis2008 G Bard Ermentrout (grad student)
I J. Reynolds
Caitlin Ricebilingualism, second language learning, vocabulary learning Psychology20142019 Natasha Tokowicz (grad student)
Matthew T. RichAssociative Learning, Drug-Induced Memory Formation2013 Mary M. Torregrossa (grad student)
J. Elizabeth Richey Psychology2015 Timothy Nokes-Malach (grad student)
Ulises M. RicoyLow Cost Approaches / Undergraduate Neuroscience Neuroscience20132014 Stephen D. Meriney (research scientist)
Katrina Rimmer John P. Horn (post-doc)
Linda Rinamanstress, development, food intake, hypothalamus, central visceral circuits (NA and autonomic), development Charles Horn (collaborator)
Millie Rincón-Cortésstress, development, maternal behavior, amygdala, dopamine, depression20152021 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Rebecca RinghamBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology2006 Marsha D. Marcus (grad student)
Carrie W. RishelSocial Work, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology2004 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
Casey L. RoarkPsychology, psycholinguistics, neuroscience2019 Bharath Chandrasekaran (post-doc)
Laurel Roberts
Debbie R. RobinsonSocial Psychology2004 Richard L. Moreland (grad student)
Emily M. Rocha2015 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Marcia L. RockeCoaching, teacher development, self-monitoring, social, emotional, behavioral health and support, systems thinking, educator workforce Department of Instruction & Learning: Special Education1997 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Matthew Roesch2004 Carl R. Olson (grad student)
Raul E. RojasPolarized trafficking, Epithelial cells, Sensory function of the Uroepithelium2004 Gerard Apodaca (grad student)
Connie J. RomigClinical Psychology2003 Nancy Elman (grad student)
Gregory Rompala Center for Neuroscience20132018 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Alexander Rosenberg Behavioral Neuroscience1993 Michael Ariel (grad student)
Jeremy Amiel RosenkranzSynaptic integration, dopamine, entorhinal cortex, amygdala19972002 Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Sarah E. Ross
Sarah E. Ross Neurobiology Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Madeline Ross Neurobiology2022 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Ethan A. RossiVisual Resolution, Retinal Imaging
Kathryn M. Rothenhoefer Neuroscience20172022 William R. Stauffer (grad student)
Kristine M. RoyNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2003 A Paula Monaghan Nichols (grad student)
Dylan A Roystonbrain-computer interfaces, neuroimaging, intracortical, human sensorimotor control Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Bioengineering Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation20142019 Jennifer L. Collinger (grad student), Aaron P. Batista (grad student), Robert Gaunt (grad student)
Jonathan E. Rubin Ilya A. Rybak (collaborator)
Keiran M. Rump2010 Mark Strauss (grad student)
Amy E. RupertParkinson's disease
Laura E Rupprecht Neuroscience20122017 Alan Sved (grad student), Eric Donny (grad student)
Melissa N. RuscettaAudiology, Rehabilitation and Therapy2005 Catherine Palmer (grad student)
Heather L. RusiewiczSpeech Pathology2010 Susan Shaiman (grad student)
Kathryn C. Russell2009 Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
John P. RyanfMRI, Cardiovascular Disease, Autonomic Nervous System
Brian F. SadaccaLearning, Reward, Taste20032005 Bill J. Yates (research assistant)
Srivatsun Sadagopanauditory system, auditory cortex, vocalizations Communication Science and Disorders Neurobiology2017 Bharath Chandrasekaran (collaborator), Karl Kandler (collaborator)
Karen L. SadlerSciences Education, Special Education, Secondary Education Instruction and Learning19992009 Naomi Zigmond (grad student), Jomo W Mutegi (grad student)
Patrick T. Sadtler Bioengineering2014 Byron M. Yu (collaborator), Aaron P. Batista (grad student)
Peter Safaranesthesiology
Jonathan J. SagerNeuroscience20062012 Gonzalo E. Torres (grad student)
Bankanidhi SahooAmyloid protein aggregation
John D. SalamoneDA and motivation Michael Zigmond (post-doc)
Emilio Salazar-Gatzimas2019 Aaron P. Batista (post-doc)
Kathleen M. SalernoDrug addiction, dopamine transporters, VTA20112011 Gonzalo E. Torres (post-doc), Michael Zigmond (post-doc), Kathryn M. Albers (grad student)
Dean Salisbury
Jami Saloman Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
Ranmal A. SamarasingheZinc, Potassium Channels, Apoptosis, Redox, NMDA, TOPA2011 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Andrew Samuelsson2011 Nathan N. Urban (grad student)
Rebecca L. SandakReading, psycholinguistics2001 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Rachel SandercockAutism, early development, adult outcomes Psychology20112013 Jana M. Iverson (research assistant)
Laurie H. Sanders2008 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Lelyn D. Saner2008 Christian D. Schunn (grad student)
Samara L SantiagoLearning and Memory Neuroscience2022 Shawn Sorrells (grad student)
Federica Saporiti20082009 J. Timothy Greenamyre (post-doc)
Michael A. SayettePsychological theories of alcohol use and abuse, alcohol and stress, cigarette smoking, drug craving, cognitive and affective processes in addiction
Peter Scacheri Biochemistry1999 Eric Hoffman (grad student)
Joelle M. Scanlon2000 Ian J. Reynolds (grad student)
Gerald P. SchattenStem Cells
Kathryn S. ScherfReading, psycholinguistics2003 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Walter SchneiderControlled and Automatic Processing, Learning, fMRI
Hermann Schobesberger John P. Horn (post-doc)
Hunter Schone2023 Jennifer L. Collinger (post-doc)
Jonathan Wolf Schoolermemory, problem solving, creativity, the relationship between language and thought.
Christina Schoux CaseyLinguistics2013 Scott F. Kiesling (grad student)
Charles A. Schreiberjudgment, emotion, memory, perception Jonathan Wolf Schooler (post-doc)
Richard J Schuerger Neurobiology Carey D. Balaban (grad student)
Anthony Schulien Neurobiology Elias Aizenman (grad student)
R. SchumanNeuropathology John Moossy (collaborator)
Christian D. Schunn David Klahr (grad student)
Jamie L. SchutteGeneral, Counseling Psychology Health and Rehabilitation Sciences2012 Michael McCue (grad student)
Donald Schwartz Pharmacology19941999 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Erica Schwartz Anesthesiology Gerald F. Gebhart (post-doc)
Andrew Schwartz
Karl O. SchwartzNeuropathology
David SchwartzmanCardiac Electrophysiology
Dan E Schweitzer-TongVisual System Psychology Psychology Laura Frishman (collaborator), Bruce Goldstein (grad student)
Michael R. SciandraMarketing Business Administration, Speech Communication Marketing2014 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Rinu SebastianMotor Neuroscience
Ronald R. SeeseLearning and memory, autism Neurobiology2020 Peter Strick (post-doc)
Susan Ruth Sesack
Thibaut Sesia Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Veeral S. ShahNeuroscience Biology2006 Cynthia Lance-Jones (grad student)
Mansi A. Shah Neurobiology2016 Derek C Molliver (grad student)
Susan ShaimanSpeech Pathology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Amy K. ShannonhousePhysical Education, Early Childhood Education2012 Jere D. Gallagher (grad student)
Kamal SharmaDevelopemnt2006 Eric Frank (post-doc)
Medha Sharma Psychology2023 Marc N. Coutanche (research assistant)
Patrick R. Sheabiochemistry, genetics2008 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
Tayler D. Sheahan Neurobiology2018 Sarah E. Ross (post-doc)
Carrie S. SheetsClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology2011 Marsha D. Marcus (grad student)
Brooke Sheffler Behavioral Neuroscience20002001 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
Weixing Shen John P. Horn (grad student)
Zhiyu Sheng Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science20162020 Nitin Sharma (grad student)
Saul ShiffmanClinical Psychology
Kai S Shimagaki
SooYoon Shin20042011 Marc A. Sommer (grad student)
Masamichi Shinoda Gerald F. Gebhart (post-doc)
Toshiharu ShintaniVestibular system, Autonomic control,20012003 Bill J. Yates (post-doc)
Forrest Z ShoosterIntracortical microstimulation, game-based rehabilitation and training, touch perception, thermosensation, serious games for professional education Bioengineering Robert Gaunt (grad student)
Michael I. Shoykhet2003 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
S ShushruthVisual system, Decision making
Etienne SibilleGenetics of Depression and Aging René Hen (post-doc)
Michelle M. Sidorpsychiatry, optogenetics, dopamine Colleen Ann McClung (post-doc)
Jonathan SiegelCell Biology, Hearing Sciences Psychology20122014 Mark E. Wheeler (grad student)
Stephanie A. SilerCognitive Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education2004 Kurt V. Lehn (grad student)
Eli M. Silk2011 Christian D. Schunn (grad student)
Nicholas W. Simon Neuroscience20102016 Bita Moghaddam (post-doc)
Daniel J. Simons
James Simples19962000 Stephen D. Meriney (post-doc)
Edward J. SinkulePhysiology Biology, Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health Exercise Physiology2013 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Amy D. SinorNeuroscience Biology2004 Laura E. Lillien (grad student)
Jeroo Sinor19921998 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Kevin Sitek Communication Science and Disorders Communication Science and Disorders20212023 Bharath Chandrasekaran (post-doc), Bharath Chandrasekaran (research scientist)
Elizabeth R. SkidmoreStroke, recovery of function
Kristen Skvorak Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry20042008 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Trevor Sleight Bioengineering20082010 Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
Treveor Sleight20082010 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Steven L. SmallLanguage19871991 Oscar M. Reinmuth (post-doc)
Matthew A. Smithvision, cognition, neurophysiology, neural engineering20072010 Marc A. Sommer (post-doc)
Amanda Smith
Kristen Smith-Edwards Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
Adam C. SnyderAttention, Working Memory, Decision-making, Multisensory Integration, Complex Dynamics, Neural Population Coding20122018 Matthew A. Smith (post-doc)
Noah Snyder2010 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Jair Soares Department of Psychiatry Wesley Sowers (research scientist)
Jeong-woo Sohnreinforcement learning, neuroprosthetics2007 Andrew Schwartz (post-doc)
Lorenzo SolettiBiomedical Engineering2008 David A. Vorp (grad student)
Marc A. Sommervision, cognition, and eye movements
Andreza Buzolin Sonego Neuroscience20212022 Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Deepak J. Soneji Neurobiology2012 Richard Koerber (grad student)
Susie Sonnenschein
Susan Sonnenscheindopamine, schizophrenia20152020 Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
V. SoontornniyomikijHIV infection of the brain19961998 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Shawn Sorrells
Michael John SosoVision Epilepsy Migraine
Wesley Sowers
Christopher N. Sozda Anthony Kline (research assistant), Anthony E Kline (grad student)
M. C. Spalding2010 Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Jacob Oscar SpiegelComputer-Aided Drug Design, PARP-1, Computational Biology, Cheminformatics Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology Jacob Devin Durrant (grad student), Roger W. Hendrix (grad student)
George J. SpilichCognitive neuroscience of memory, brain trauma, human performance1980 James F. Voss (grad student)
Michelle L. SpornerGeneral, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Cognitive Psychology Rehabilitation Science2013 Michael McCue (grad student)
Mitch G. Springer Molecular Pharmacology2013 John P. Horn (grad student)
Kari Sproul Behavioral Neuroscience19951996 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
Rahul Srinivasan2006 Joseph C. Glorioso (grad student)
Patricia Stan20192022 Matthew A. Smith (grad student)
Kathleen M. StanfaSpecial Education, Tests and Measurements Education2010 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Angelica J. StarkeyPublic Health, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology2011 Martha A. Terry (grad student)
William R. StaufferReward systems neurophysiology 20012009 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Kristen A. Stedenfeldautonomic, cardiovascular regulation, anxiety, stress20052011 Elizabeth A. Phelps (research assistant), Alan Sved (grad student)
Sofia Inês Albornoz SteinPhilosophy of science, philosophy of language, cognitive sciences Department of Philosophy20112011 John McDowell (research scientist)
Ruth A. StetlerNeuroscience Biology2005 Donald B. DeFranco (grad student)
Kevin C Stieger Bioengineering Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (grad student)
Karen M. StilleyMarketing Business Administration2009 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Sean D. Stocker2002 Alan Sved (grad student)
Richard M. StonerNMDA, Neuronal Networks2010 Henry C. Zeringue (grad student)
Rachelle Stopczynki Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (grad student)
Mark Strauss
Sybil A. StreeterSocial Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2008 Donald H. McBurney (grad student)
Peter Strickmotor cortex
Edward Stricker
Sierra J. StringfieldAddiction2017 Mary M. Torregrossa (post-doc)
Karen F. StubenbortSocial Work, Developmental Psychology2003 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
Joshua Stuchlik2011 John McDowell (grad student)
David A. SturmanSchizophrenia2011 Bita Moghaddam (grad student)
Ramanathan SubramaniamMarketing Business Administration2005 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Gustavo Sudre Bioengineering20062008 Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
Alan F. SuedNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Behavioral Psychology
Naofumi Suematsu Bioengineering Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (post-doc)
Jacqueline Anne Sullivanphilosophy of neuroscience History and Philosophy of Science20012007 Edda Thiels (grad student), Peter Machamer (grad student)
Cong Sun Department of Otolaryngology20202020 Ross S. Williamson (research assistant)
Mingui SunElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Neuroscience Biology
Sangita SureshGenetics, Bioinformatics Biology2008 M I. Kamboh (grad student)
Charena R. SwannClinical Psychology2003 Nancy Elman (grad student)
Robert Sweet Psychiatry David A. Lewis (research scientist)
Andrew Swihart Anesthesiology20062007 Gregg E. Homanics (post-doc)
Henry Szechtmansecurity motivation, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), dopamine Psychology (Psychobiology)19691975 Anthony R. Caggiula (grad student)
Bruce Lian-Hong Tang19891994 Elias Aizenman (grad student)
Sarah I. Tarbox2010 Michael Pogue-Geile (grad student)
Monique Tardif Communication Sciences and Disorders2020 Jason W. Bohland (grad student)
Adrienne TarenStress, Health Neuroscience, Neuroimaging
Charlotte S R Taylor20052007 Marc A. Sommer (post-doc), Peter Strick (post-doc)
Gail TaylorNeuropathology John Moossy (research assistant)
Bradley K. Taylor
Maiwase TemboBiophysics Biological Sciences20152020 Anne E. Carlson (grad student)
Simona Temereanca2003 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
Martha A. TerryPublic Health, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology
Brenden Tervo-Clemmens Psychology20142020 Beatriz Luna (grad student)
Kathryn A. TessmerRecreation, Sciences Education2006 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Shannah Tharp-TaylorDevelopmental Psychology2004 Robert B. McCall (grad student)
Edda ThielsHippocampal Plasticity and Memory19962001 Eric Klann (research scientist)
Adam G ThomasComputational Neuroscience, Plasticity, Open Science Neuroscience James L. McClelland (grad student)
Judy L. Thompson2006 Michael Pogue-Geile (grad student)
Richard Thorne John P. Horn (grad student)
Gengshuo Tian
Rex N Tienmotor control, brain-machine interfaces Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Sean Tierney Kevin H. Kim (grad student)
Jeffrey M. TimmerPhysical Education, Biochemistry, Recreation, Nutrition2002 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Jordyn E Ting
Abreena I. TlumakAudiology, Neuroscience Biology, Developmental Psychology2009 John D. Durrant (grad student)
Natasha TokowiczSecond language acquisition, bilingualism20082004 Charles A. Perfetti (post-doc), Tessa Warren (collaborator)
Leida C. TolentinoSecond language learning, bilingualism2010 Natasha Tokowicz (grad student)
Joseph E. TomaroRehabilitation and Therapy2003 Ray G. Burdett (grad student)
Laura J. TorbeckEducation, Technology of Education, Tests and Measurements Education2002 Albert P. Nous (grad student)
Maria G. TorresWireless Information Systems2009 Joseph Kabara (grad student)
Gonzalo E. Torres
Gelsy Torres-OviedoMotor adaptation, locomotion, balance control, motor control
Delany Torres-SalazarAminoacid Transporters Susan G. Amara (post-doc), Christoph Fahlke (grad student), Alan Neely (research assistant)
Nelson K. Totah20052011 Bita Moghaddam (grad student)
Jade Toth Michele N. Insanally (research assistant)
Christopher J. Trentacostaemotion, development
Elizabeth Tricomi20002006 Julie A. Fiez (grad student)
Steven T. TruschelPolarized trafficking, Epithelial cells, Sensory function of the Uroepithelium2003 Gerard Apodaca (grad student)
Chao-Neng TsengNeuroscience Biology2003 Zuo-Zhong Wang (grad student)
Maria Tsiarli
Marianna TsvitovGene Therapy, Herpes simplex virus, Chronic Pain2006 Joseph C. Glorioso (grad student)
Maura E. Tumulty2002 John McDowell (grad student)
Alba TuninettiBilingualism, second language learning, psycholinguistics, speech perception20092015 Natasha Tokowicz (grad student)
Robert S. TurnerMotor control, basal ganglia, motor cortex, neurophysiology, Parkinson's disease
Thanos Tzounopoulos2009 Elias Aizenman (collaborator)
Lawrence C. Udeigwesynaptic plasticity, learning, neural models2014 Paul W. Munro (grad student)
Daniela Uliana Neuroscience Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Nathan N. UrbanOlfaction, Computational Neuroscience, Local Circuits German Barrionuevo (grad student)
Michael A. Urbin Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation20162019 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc)
Stefan Ursu2004 Cameron S. Carter (grad student)
Lee O VaasjoDendrites, Cell Identity, Microscopy Neuroscience2024 Simon Chamberland (post-doc)
Ornella Valenti Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Julie A. Van DykePsycholinguistics2002 Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Victor S. Van LaarNeuroscience Biology2008 Teresa Hastings (grad student)
Vincent Van Veen2006 Cameron S. Carter (grad student)
Sandra Tavares Varum20072010 Gerald P. Schatten (post-doc)
Alberto L. VazquezfMRI, Neurovascular Coupling Seong-Gi Kim (post-doc)
Vijay K. Venkatraman2010 Howard J. Aizenstein (grad student)
Barbara A. VentoAudiology2001 John D. Durrant (grad student)
Ceci Verbaarschot Robert Gaunt (post-doc)
Sergio O. Verduzco-FloresDynamical Systems Analysis2011 G Bard Ermentrout (grad student)
Nikhil VermaBrain computer Interface,Neural Interface, Neuro Prosthetics, Machine Learning Rehabilitation Neural Engineering Lab Rehabilitation Neural Engineering Lab Douglas J. Weber (grad student), Jennifer L. Collinger (research assistant), Marco Capogrosso (collaborator)
Timothy D. VerstynenMotor systems, computational motor control20092012 Walter Schneider (research scientist)
Jean-Pierre Vilardaga Pharmacology19992005 Martin J. Lohse (post-doc)
Ramana VinjamuriBrain computer interface Electrical Engineering20082012 Douglas J. Weber (post-doc)
Ashwin Vishwanathan2011 Henry C. Zeringue (grad student)
Daniel Horatiu VladPhysics Physics and Astronomy19961999 James V. Maher (grad student)
David W. VolkSchizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry2002 David A. Lewis (grad student)
Victoria VoloninoSpecial Education, Elementary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2009 Naomi Zigmond (grad student)
Habiba O. Vongtau20092011 Derek C Molliver (post-doc)
David A. Vorp
James F. VossReasoning and problem solving within social sciences, argumentation, cognition and international relations
Reecha Wadhwa20042006 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Joost B. WagenaarEpilepsy, big neural data Douglas J. Weber (grad student)
J. B. WagenaarBiomedical Engineering2011 D.J Weber (grad student)
Tanner L. WallaceMental Health, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Counseling Psychology
Christine A. WaltherDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology2014 Brooke Molina (grad student)
Mark M. G. Walton Neeraj J. Gandhi (post-doc)
Huaixing Wang20012004 Guo-Qiang Bi (post-doc)
Wei WangMotor system neuroscience, neuroprosthetics, brain-computer interface
Ting Wang Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (grad student)
Lingyun WangOptics, Biomedical Engineering Department of Bioengineering2023 Shaohua Pi (grad student)
Shuying WangPain, nerve injury, growth factors2006 Kathryn M. Albers (grad student)
Junshi Wang Yan Dong (grad student)
Yao Wang Yan Dong (grad student)
Zuo-Zhong WangNeuroscience Biology
Steve WeatherbeeEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Public Health2006 Sue Goodwin (grad student)
Cassandra L. WeaverBiomaterials, Neural Stem Cells20082008 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student), David A. Lewis (research assistant)
Addie WeaverSocial Work, Counseling Psychology2011 Catherine G. Greeno (grad student)
D.J WeberBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology
Stephen G Weberectopepidase activity, fast microdialysis, electroosmotic sampling, ischemica
Karen Perkins WeberNeuropathology John Moossy (research assistant)
Meredyth A. WegenerDopamine, VTA, Electrophysiology, n-3 PUFA2013 Bita Moghaddam (grad student)
Andrea M. Weinsteinphysical activity, MRI, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, aging, executive function
Jonathan M. Weiss2001 John McDowell (grad student)
Catherine Jeanne Chalenski Weiszauditory system, spiral ganglion neuron, synaptic transmission, olivocochlear efferents
Joseph S. WelinichEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Secondary Education
Robin L. WellingtonControlled and Automatic Processing, Learning, fMRI2001 Walter Schneider (grad student)
Steven M Wellman Bioengineering Takashi Daniel Yoshida Kozai (grad student)
Jonette WerleyNeuropathology John Moossy (research assistant)
Joan M. WertzPsychological theories of alcohol use and abuse, alcohol and stress, cigarette smoking, drug craving, cognitive and affective processes in addiction2002 Michael A. Sayette (grad student)
Anthony R. Weststriatum, nitric oxide, dopamine Anthony Albert Grace (post-doc)
Diek W. WheelerNeuroinformatics, modeling John P. Horn (post-doc)
Mark E. WheelerMemory, perceptual decision making, attention, fMRI
Elizabeth Z. WheelerControlled and Automatic Processing, Learning, fMRI2006 Walter Schneider (grad student)
Michael G. Whitecellular mechanisms of neurodegeneration19951999 Stephen D. Meriney (research assistant), Cristian L. Achim (research assistant)
Norman Whitememory Alan E. Fisher (grad student)
Susan L. WhitneyNeuroscience Biology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Biomedical Engineering
Kristine A. WilckensMemory, sleep, aging Psychology20082012 Mark E. Wheeler (grad student)
Clayton Alexander WileyViral encephalitis and neurodegeneratioin
Katie WilkinsonRespiratory Control Bill J. Yates (research assistant)
Patricia Will Behavioral Neuroscience19891991 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
Shawn Willett Ophthalmology J. Patrick Mayo (post-doc)
Jordan J. Williams Systems Neuroscience Institute Ophthalmology Bioengineering20182019 Andrew Schwartz (post-doc), Leah Caroline Thomas Byrne (post-doc), Alberto L. Vazquez (post-doc)
Ross S. WilliamsonAuditory systems neuroscience20122016 Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (post-doc)
Stephanie A. WilseyDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2006 Nancy Elman (grad student)
Meghan E. Wilson molecular and cellular basis of neurodegenerative diseases2011 Robert P. Bowser (grad student)
Stephen J. WilsonDrug addiction20012008 Julie A. Fiez (grad student), Michael A. Sayette (grad student)
Rena R. WingBehavioral Psychology, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kristofer S. WisniewskiRecreation, Psychobiology Psychology, General2012 Fredric L. Goss (grad student)
Howard Milton WisotzkeyNeuropathology1975 John Moossy (collaborator)
George F. WittenbergRehabilitation, Motor Cortex2018 Douglas J. Weber (collaborator), Jennifer L. Collinger (collaborator)
Brian WodlingerNerve Recording, Cortical Recording, BCI, BMI, Peripheral Nerve Electrode20112013 Wei Wang (post-doc), Jennifer L. Collinger (post-doc)
Man Yan Wong2012 Edwin S. Levitan (grad student)
Jesse T. WoodCortical and subcortical neurophysiology 20152015 Bita Moghaddam (grad student), Susanne E. Ahmari (post-doc)
Katherine Wozniak Biological Sciences20142019 Anne E. Carlson (grad student)
Douglas E. WrightNeurotrophins, Pain, Diabetic Neuropathy Brian M. Davis (post-doc)
M. Jerry Wright Jr.Pharmacology and Toxicology2012 Carl R. Olson (post-doc), David A. Lewis (post-doc)
Diane M. WrisleyNeuroscience Biology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Biomedical Engineering2002 Susan L. Whitney (grad student)
Minjie Wu2009 Howard J. Aizenstein (grad student)
Fen-Fen Wubiochemistry, genetics2001 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
Sai-Kit Marco WuMotor System Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Xuan Sherry XianColor Vision Khalaf Bushara (grad student)
Zixuan XiaoEye movements
Zixuan XiaoEye movements
Duo Xu
Yijin Yan Yan Dong (grad student)
Xinruo Yang
Feiran YangEye movement Bioengineering2020 Neeraj J. Gandhi (grad student)
Qianru YangNeural engineering, BMI, DBS, neuroinflammation, PD Bioengineering20162023 Xinyan Tracy Cui (grad student)
Dongsheng YangEye movements
Ying YangElectrocorticography, lexical processing
Ning YaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2010 Mingui Sun (grad student)
Solomon V. Yapbiochemistry, genetics2006 Robert E. Ferrell (grad student)
Bill J. YatesVestibular system, Autonomic control,
Qiang Yesynaptic plasticity, learning, neural models2010 Paul W. Munro (grad student)
Yi Ye Otolaryngology20062014 Catherine Palmer (grad student)
Gabrielle A. YeaneyNeuropathology20062008 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Mark YeckelCellular Neurophysiology1995 Theodore W. Berger (grad student)
Yang Yeh
Cecil Chern-Chyi YenMRI, functional MRI, Preclinical MRI, Medical Imaging20052011 Seong-Gi Kim (grad student)
Eser Yilmaz-RastoderImmediate gene expression during synaptic plasticity
Sung-Hee YoonCurriculum and Instruction Education, Social Sciences Education, Educational Psychology Education2000 Kathryn S. Atman (grad student)
Gergana S. YordanovaMarketing Business Administration2006 Jeff Inman (grad student)
Takashi YoshiokaSomatosensory Research19891992 Jennifer S. Lund (post-doc)
Erin E. YoungGenetics of Pain Anesthesiology20112014 William R. Lariviere (post-doc)
Jun YU Neuroscience Yan Dong (grad student)
Janelle R. ZacherlGenetics, Biochemistry, Medicine and Surgery Human Genetics2014 M I. Kamboh (grad student)
Agnes ZachoszczNeuropathology John Moossy (research assistant)
Laura E. ZajacClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology2011 William M. P. Klein (grad student)
Cristina D. Zepeda Psychology Psychology Psychology Timothy Nokes-Malach (grad student), J. Elizabeth Richey (collaborator), Kelly K. Boden (collaborator)
Henry C. ZeringueNMDA, Neuronal Networks Martha Constantine-Paton (post-doc)
Ling Zhang20082011 Xinyan Tracy Cui (post-doc)
Ting-Ting Zhang2001 Edwin S. Levitan (grad student)
Dongning Zhang School of Medicine20132014 Lee E. Fisher (grad student)
Chengguang Zhang2020 Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Wenhao ZhangComputational neuroscience
Yanjun Zhao Thanos Tzounopoulos (post-doc)
Jianxun ZhouAudiology, Physiological Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2003 John D. Durrant (grad student)
Jason Zhu Neuroscience Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Xiyu ZhuDopamine system; Stress neurobiology Neuroscience20162021 Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Jian-hui ZhuNeuropathology Charleen T. Chu (post-doc)
Naomi Zigmond Helmer R. Myklebust (grad student)
Michael J Zigmondmodels of parkinson's disease, exercise, isolation, environmental enrichment
Erin L. ZimmerGenetics, Molecular Biology, Pathology2001 M I. Kamboh (grad student)
Mark Zimmerman Pharmacology20082013 Gregg E. Homanics (grad student)
Eric Zimmerman Anthony Albert Grace (grad student)
Andrew J. Zimnik Neurobiology20102015 Robert S. Turner (research assistant)
Maggie E Zinkauditory neuroscience20212026 Aravindakshan Parthasarathy (grad student), Bharath Chandrasekaran (grad student)
Kevin ZitelliBasal Ganglia Neurobiology20142016 Aryn Gittis (grad student)
Adena J. ZlochowerFacial Expression of Emotion, Depression2001 Jeffrey F. Cohn (grad student)
Lee Ann [Holley] MinerTransporter neurobiology Susan Ruth Sesack (post-doc)