NOVA Southeastern University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mushtaq AhmedManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2000 Len Korot (grad student)
Lauren C. AlexanderSocial Psychology, Environmental Studies Psychology2013 Alexandru Cuc (grad student)
Amy J. AnglemanOccupational Health and Safety, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health Psychology2010 Vincent B. Van Hasselt (grad student)
Greta S. ApterbachClinical Psychology Psychology2011 Ana I. Fins (grad student)
Jeannine K. BacaClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Mental Health Psychology2012 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Allison L. BatesClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Mental Health Psychology2011 Ana I. Fins (grad student)
Blake BazelPersonality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2011 Ralph E. Cash (grad student)
Rita D. BenasuttiIndividual and Family Studies, Social Psychology, Mental Health2002 Shelley Green (grad student)
Eva BenmelehDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education Psychology2011 Sarah Valley-Gray (grad student)
Jessica Biren CaverlyClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Jeffery Kibler (grad student)
Charles BlackwellManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Lone W. BlackwellCurriculum and Instruction Education, Administration Education, Community College Education, Native American Studies, Social Sciences Education2001 Linda Howard (grad student)
Ryan C. BoddyClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Bady Quintar (grad student)
Brandi BoothGeneral Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology Psychology2009 Vincent B. Van Hasselt (grad student)
Kenneth E. BottsManagement Business Administration2000 Philip McGee (grad student)
Joshua Braverman
Joshua Philip Bravermandeception detection
Micah S. BrosbeClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2013 Jan Faust (grad student)
Samuel L. BrowningClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Vincent B. Van Hasselt (grad student)
W. H. Buddin Psychology2011 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
William BurkettInformation Science, General Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
Megan A. CannonClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Sarah Valley-Gray (grad student)
Ricardo CarrascoOccupational Therapy, Developmental Psychology
Lincoln L. CartyCurriculum and Instruction Education, Teacher Training Education, Community College Education2001 Linda Howard (grad student)
Ralph E. CashClinical Psychology
Robyn CasselDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, General Psychology Psychology2011 Ralph E. Cash (grad student)
Joseph R. Cautela1954 Leo J. Reyna (grad student)
Suduan ChenAccounting Business Administration, Management Business Administration2000 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Lien-Tung ChenManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2005 Harriet A. Kandelman (grad student)
Hsiang-Tsai ChiangAccounting Business Administration2000 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Kendell L. CokerClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Black Studies Psychology2007 Mark B. Sobell (grad student)
Amii M. CorbisieroDevelopmental Psychology, Reading Education, Early Childhood Education, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2009 Sarah Valley-Gray (grad student)
Heather J. CrabtreeBehavioral Psychology Psychology2011 William I. Dorfman (grad student)
Mark D. CrowleyAccounting Business Administration Business Administration (DBA)2011 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Chris R. CrumleyBanking Business Administration2006 Kristi Tetrault (grad student)
Ivette CruzDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2010 Jan Faust (grad student)
Alexandru CucGeneral Psychology, Mental Health, Behavioral Psychology
Nydia CummingsLeadership Education, Counseling Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Special Education, Vocational Education
Nicholas P. DenBesten Psychology2009 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
Kimberley D. DockeryClinical Psychology Family Therapy2014 Shelley Green (grad student)
Thorne DonnelleyInformation Science, General Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology2004 William Burkett (grad student)
William I. DorfmanBehavioral Psychology
Jill DriestGeneral Psychology, Early Childhood Education Psychology2012 Sarah Valley-Gray (grad student)
John DsurneyTraumatic Brain Injury Leo J. Reyna (grad student)
Mariam DumClinical Psychology, Statistics, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health Psychology2009 Mark B. Sobell (grad student)
Rachel L. DurosClinical Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2007 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Gary A. DusekManagement Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology Business Administration (DBA)2014 Cynthia P. Ruppel (grad student)
Ralph G. E. CashDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, General Psychology
Jude E. EdwardsInformation Science, Commerce-Business Economics, Management Business Administration2003 Beth Rivers (grad student)
Susan A. EtkindClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Paul L. EwellManagement Business Administration, Computer Science2004 Beth Rivers (grad student)
Jan FaustDevelopmental Psychology
Kristie D. FeehelyPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2009 Jeffrey L. Kibler (grad student)
Maritza J. Figueroa Psychology2010 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
Emmanuel J. FinneyClinical Psychology Psychology2008 Vincent B. Van Hasselt (grad student)
Ana I. FinsClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Higher Education
Douglas FlemonsGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Social Work
Denise M. Fournier RodriguezGLBT Studies, Behavioral Psychology Family Therapy2014 Shelley Green (grad student)
Karen P. FunkOccupational Therapy, Nutrition, Latin American Studies, Women's Studies Occupational Therapy2011 Barbara Kornblau (grad student)
Janine Q. FurdellaDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2011 Jan Faust (grad student)
Mark G. GambillManagement Business Administration2002 Charles Blackwell (grad student)
Jessie GeeHealth Care Management, Education, Behavioral Psychology2000 Wayne Huizenga (grad student)
Kelley A. GillMental Health, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2011 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Charles J. Golden
Cathy GoodwinMarketing Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Arlene GordonGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology
John J. GrabarczykMarketing Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2001 Cathy Goodwin (grad student)
Shelley GreenClinical Psychology, Higher Education, Education, Mental Health
Mary Hale-HaniffIndividual and Family Studies, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology2004 Douglas Flemons (grad student)
John HammermeisterAccounting Business Administration, Management Business Administration2005 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Nicole R. HarderClinical Psychology Psychology2007 Ana I. Fins (grad student)
Ralph L. HarperIndustrial Engineering, Management Business Administration, Operations Research2001 Beth Rivers (grad student)
George L. HarrisManagement Business Administration2003 Charles Blackwell (grad student)
Alfredo HerreraManagement Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering, Operations Research, Design and Decorative Arts2003 Beth Rivers (grad student)
Lorenzo J. HesterManagement Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology2005 Linda Howard (grad student)
Daniel J. Heyanka Psychology2011 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
Lindsay Hines Psychology2009 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
Norman W. HinkleAccounting Business Administration, Business Education, Industrial Psychology2004 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Richard HodgettsManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Linda HowardManagement Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Wayne HuizengaHealth Care Management, Education, Behavioral Psychology
Katherine HyattManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Business Education2007 Heather McGann (grad student)
Jody a. Jack
Siva JeyabalasingamMental Health, Social Sciences Education, Multilingual Education, Educational Psychology Education, Asian Studies Family Therapy2011 Douglas Flemons (grad student)
Erin S. JohnsClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Ralph E. Cash (grad student)
Judine JohnsonCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education, Black Studies, Hispanic American Studies, Special Education
Hardwick S. JohnsonGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Special Education2002 Mary V. Kealy (grad student)
Jaclyn Alyce KahanPsychology
Harriet A. KandelmanManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Jessica KarleIndustrial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety, Mental Health Psychology2011 William I. Dorfman (grad student)
Alan KatellClinical Psychology
Mary V. KealyGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Special Education
Diane M. KedzierskiGeneral Psychology, Mental Health, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2013 Craig Marker (grad student)
Jeffrey L. KiblerPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Jeffery KiblerClinical Psychology
Richard D. KimbelManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2002 Charles Blackwell (grad student)
Linda KondilisCounseling Psychology, Public Health, Medicine and Surgery Psychology2012 Ana I. Fins (grad student)
Barbara KornblauPersonality Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Len KorotManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Laura N. KuppermanGeneral Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2012 Barry Nierenberg (grad student)
Howard LawrenceAccounting Business Administration, General Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
Marie A. LeinerManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2000 Richard Hodgetts (grad student)
Ashley W. LeMaireClinical Psychology Psychology2008 Jeffrey L. Kibler (grad student)
Jennifer LundmarkMalingering
Sarah M. LyleDevelopmental Psychology; Health Psychology; Neuroscience Psychology20152017 Jaime L. Tartar (grad student)
Nancy MactagueHigher Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Administration Education2001 Linda Howard (grad student)
Cristina L. MagalhaesClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Personality Psychology Psychology2005 Alfred Sellers (grad student)
Wanda J. MahoneyIndustrial Psychology, Special Education Occupational Therapy2008 Elysa Roberts (grad student)
Archana Manapragadapsych
Peter W. McDanelBusiness Education, Accounting Business Administration, Personality Psychology2004 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Heather McGannManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Business Education
Philip McGeeManagement Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Madhavi MenonDevelopmental Psychology
Nancy V. MilliganRehabilitation and Therapy, Teacher Training Education2005 Barbara Kornblau (grad student)
Gretchen M. MoyClinical Psychology, General Psychology, Law Psychology2009 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Alison B. MulcahyGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2013 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Charnette D. MunroeBehavioral Psychology, Public Health, Cognitive Psychology2008 Jeffrey L. Kibler (grad student)
Joan B. MurryHigher Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Management Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
Allison MyersMalingering
Aleah L. NathanBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2011 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Barry NierenbergGeneral Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Women's Studies
Briana O'DowdPerceptual Narrowing, Sensory Development Weylin W. Sternglanz (research assistant)
Charles D. OdenManagement Business Administration Business Administration (DBA)2011 Cynthia P. Ruppel (grad student)
Anthony P. OdlandMalingering
Andrean OliverGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology2004 Arlene Gordon (grad student)
Helen OrvaschelClinical Psychology
Arthur G. OsterGeneral Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Computer Science2004 Beth Rivers (grad student)
Gary J. PageAccounting Business Administration, Public Administration2006 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Scarlet Jinhong ParkNeuropsychopathology, Feeding behavior, Behavioral Genetics, Behavior20232025 Ken Dawson-Scully (post-doc)
Michael J. Parker19931999 Charles Luetje (grad student)
Theresa ( ParrottManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2002 Bob Preziosi (grad student)
Madeleine R. PerlManagement Business Administration, Speech Communication Business Administration (DBA)2011 Leslie C. Tworoger (grad student)
Jonathan G. PerleClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Barry Nierenberg (grad student)
Maya E. PignatoreSocial Psychology, Gerontology, GLBT Studies Psychology2013 Barry Schneider (grad student)
Herbert W. PollardAccounting Business Administration, Management Business Administration2004 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Bob PreziosiManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Bady QuintarClinical Psychology
Larry A. RagerAccounting Business Administration, Management Business Administration, History Economics2004 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Barry RainwaterManagement Business Administration, Business Education2005 Linda Howard (grad student)
David ReitmanClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Stephanie L. Renfrow-Santiso Psychology2010 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
Alexis ResnickClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Psychology2012 David Reitman (grad student)
Leo J. ReynaBehavior analysis, anxiety, anger management
Beth RiversHealth Care Management, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Industrial Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety
Jay T. RobbinsManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2000 Richard Rees (grad student)
Darci M. RobertsMalingering
Elysa RobertsIndustrial Psychology, Special Education
Cynthia P. RuppelManagement Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
Tarmeen K. SahniClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2009 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Sara P. SalterSocial Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Law Psychology2010 Jan Faust (grad student)
Robin A. SanfordAccounting Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Organizational Business Administration (DBA)2009 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Tara H. SaracinaAccounting Business Administration, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship Business Administration Business Administration (DBA)2012 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Anshar SaudSocial Pharmacy, Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Policy Social Behavioral and Administrative Pharmacy2021 Albert Wertheimer (research scientist)
Barry SchneiderSocial Psychology, Gerontology, GLBT Studies
Allan H. SchulmanComparative, imprinting
Debra ScurlockPersonality Psychology, Industrial Psychology Occupational Therapy2008 Barbara Kornblau (grad student)
Alfred SellersClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Personality Psychology
Johnathan SharretteMalingering
Lindsay A. Shaw Psychology2010 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
Tara J. ShawverAccounting Business Administration, Banking Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Finance2002 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Edward G. SherbertManagement Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology2001 Philip McGee (grad student)
Allison T. SiebernClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Higher Education Psychology2007 Ana I. Fins (grad student)
Edward SimcoNeurobiology Biology, Aesthetics
Mark B. SobellClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Black Studies
Marlene SoteloSpecial Education, Educational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology2009 Hardwick S. Johnson (grad student)
Robert J. SpinelliHealth Care Management, Management Business Administration2004 Richard Rees (grad student)
Michelle E. Stack Psychology2010 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
Timothy G. StaleyManagement Business Administration, Administration Education2002 Charles Blackwell (grad student)
Weylin W. Sternglanzdeception detection, interpersonal perception
Lindsay M. StewartClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2010 Jan Faust (grad student)
Mark A. StillmanClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Mental Health Psychology20092010 Ana I. Fins (grad student), Barry Nierenberg (post-doc)
Yisel Suarez
Nicole Swaggerty-ValdesClinical Psychology, Mental Health2009 William I. Dorfman (grad student)
Maria R. TateClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Criminology and Penology Psychology2011 Lenore E. Walker (grad student)
Julia A. TeahenManagement Business Administration, Administration Education2000 Richard Hodgetts (grad student)
Kristi TetraultGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Annelyn Torres-ReveronNeuroendocrine systems, hippocampus
Tracy TsangPsychology
Mischa TursichClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Immunology Psychology2012 Jeffrey L. Kibler (grad student)
Leslie C. TworogerManagement Business Administration2004 Charles Blackwell (grad student)
Sarah Valley-GrayDevelopmental Psychology, Reading Education, Early Childhood Education, Individual and Family Studies
Vincent B. Van HasseltGeneral Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Helene M. Van HedenClinical Psychology, Higher Education, Education, Mental Health2001 Shelley Green (grad student)
Brandi L. ViparinaPsychology, Neuropsychology
Andrew C. VoluseBehavioral Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2011 Mark B. Sobell (grad student)
Lenore E. WalkerClinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Hwei C. WangAccounting Business Administration, Finance, Management Business Administration2005 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Laura B. WeinbergMalingering
Albert Wertheimer
Sarah E. West Psychology2012 Charles J. Golden (grad student)
Kenneth WhilbyCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education, Black Studies, Hispanic American Studies, Special Education2000 Judine Johnson (grad student)
Deborah A. WhitcombOccupational Therapy, Developmental Psychology Occupational Therapy2014 Ricardo Carrasco (grad student)
Karl N. White-DavisHigher Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Management Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology2000 Joan B. Murry (grad student)
Kevin Thomas WillefordOculomotor Neuroscience, Sensorimotor Fusion
Shane R. WilsonGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology2004 Kristi Tetrault (grad student)
Kimberly A. WisotzkeSocial Psychology Psychology2013 Barry Schneider (grad student)
Peggy C. WrightAccounting Business Administration, General Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology2001 Howard Lawrence (grad student)
Stephen F. ZiemanMalingering