Allan H. Schulman

NOVA Southeastern University, Davie, FL, United States 
Comparative, imprinting
"Allan Schulman"
Mean distance: 16.14 (cluster 29)
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Franchina JJ, Dyer AB, Zaccaro SJ, et al. (1986) Socially facilitated drinking behavior in chicks (Gallus domesticus): Relative effects of drive and stimulus mechanisms Animal Learning & Behavior. 14: 218-222
Rimpau JB, Schulman AH. (1981) A comparison of the effects of social rearing and social training on approach responding of Gallus chicks. Behavioural Processes. 6: 37-46
Robinson-Guy ED, Schulman AH. (1980) Auditory stimulus intensity and the neonatal approach response of domestic chicks (Gallus gallus). Behavioural Processes. 5: 211-25
Schulman AH, Rimpau JB, Lythgoe RG. (1978) Effects of social influence on neonatal approach responses of Gallus chicks. Behavioural Processes. 3: 265-70
Sigman SE, Lovern DR, Schulman AH. (1978) Preferential approach to conspecifics as a function of different rearing conditions Animal Learning & Behavior. 6: 231-234
Sigman SE, Schulman AH. (1976) A disjunctive analysis of neonatal approach stimulus prepotence. Behavioural Processes. 1: 177-82
Schulman AH, Anderson JN. (1974) The effects of early rearing conditions upon responses to mirror-image stimulation in domestic chicks and turkeys Animal Learning & Behavior. 2: 66-68
Schulman AH. (1973) Transitivity of social choice: Developmental considerations Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 1: 425-426
Schulman AH. (1972) Transfer of behavior controlled by an imprinted stimulus via brain homogenate injections in turkeys Psychonomic Science. 27: 48-50
Schulman AH, Hale EB, Graves HB. (1970) Visual stimulus characteristics for initial approach response in chicks (Gallus domesticus) Animal Behaviour. 18: 461-466
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