University of Leeds (United Kingdom)

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Anna BarnardChemical Biology Chemistry Andrew J Wilson (post-doc)
John Blundell
George M. Burslem School of Chemistry20112015 Andrew J Wilson (grad student)
Cihan Civan Civas20202023 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Rafael de Castro AguiarNeuroscience, Neuroengineering, Motor Control
Stuart Dickens School of Biomedical Sciences20172017 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Sylvain Gigout School of Biomedical Sciences2015 Jessica Kwok (research scientist)
Ashleigh Goodenough20192023 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Patricija Van Oosten Hawle
Zsofia Hegedus School of Chemistry20162019 Andrew J Wilson (post-doc)
Lluís Hernández-Navarro Jaime de la Rocha (grad student)
Sian Irvine School of Biomedical Sciences20152018 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Lin-Hua JiangIon channels in health and disease
Llewellyn Wynn Jones
Jessica Kwok James W. Fawcett (post-doc)
Barbara S. Lancho BarrantesBibliometrics, Scientometrics, Citation analysis
Micah Leshempsychobiology Psychology19711776 John Blundell (grad student)
Janice Ng20182021 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Trang Nguyen20172021 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Colin G. Nicholsion channels Physiology19821985 Brian Jewell (grad student)
Emily Oxley Psychology Anna Ruth Weighall (grad student)
Luke Souter School of Biomedical Sciences20162019 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Katherine Timms20172021 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Philippa M Warren20172018 Jessica Kwok (grad student)
Gareth Yorkclosed loop stimulation and recording School of Biomedical Sciences20152020 Samit Chakrabarty (grad student)