Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Elkan Akyuerek
Britt-Maria Beckmann Cardiology Stefan Kaab (research scientist)
Matteo BergamiNeurobiology Marco Canossa (grad student), Benedikt Berninger (post-doc)
Markus Berndt Institute for Medical Education Martin R. Fischer (research scientist)
Alexander Dietrich
Matthew J. Fischl Biology II20142017 Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug (post-doc)
Ellen Greimel
Thomas GudermannTRP channels
Sara Hänzi
Hanns Hippius
Stefan Kaab
Marisa KarowCellular Reprogramming20102019 Benedikt Berninger (post-doc), Benedikt Berninger (post-doc)
Jan Kiesewetter
Conny Kopp-ScheinpflugAuditory Neuroscience
Sabine LiebscherNeurobiology2008 Tobias Bonhoeffer (grad student)
Hannes Lüling
Oskar Markkula2021 Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug (grad student)
Daniel Medina Christian Leibold (post-doc)
Sara Pagella2016 Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug (grad student)
Charlotte Piechaczek Psychiatry Ellen Greimel (grad student)
Ezhilarasan (Eli) Rajaram2015 Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug (grad student)
Eckart Rüther Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Hanns Hippius (research scientist)
Paulina Sander2017 Johann Schredelseker (grad student)
Aline D. ScherffAutism, Behaviour Genetics, Eyetracking, Medical Education, ECG, Cardiology, Depression Institute for Medical Education Cardiology Cardiology Institute for Medical Education Child and Adolescent Psychiatry20202020 Martin R. Fischer (grad student), Stefan Kaab (grad student), Britt-Maria Beckmann (research assistant), Markus Berndt (grad student), Ellen Greimel (research assistant)
Johann SchredelsekerCardiac Calcium Handling
Martin Schrimpfcomputational neuroscience, vision, deep learning, artificial neural networks
Maria K. SchweitzerCalcium signaling2013 Johann Schredelseker (grad student), Susanne Mühlich (research assistant)
Janina SeubertOlfaction, Multisensory Integration, Schizophrenia, Emotion Klaus Gramann (grad student)
James L. Sinclair Biology II20142017 Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug (post-doc)
Mihai Stancu20172023 Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug (grad student)
Paul C. TaylorAttention, Decision Making
Alvaro Tejero-Cantero
Kay Thurley
Fabiola Wilting Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology2016 Johann Schredelseker (grad student)
Chun-Wei Yuan Christian Leibold (post-doc)