Aliasghar Arab | Control Systems, Robotics | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | | | Jingang Yi (grad student) |
Itzamarie Chevere-Torres | AMPAR trafficking, Neurogenetics, Synaptic Plasticity, Learning and Memory | | 2014 | 2016 | Gleb Shumyatsky (post-doc) |
Dylan W. Crawford | | Psychology | 2017 | 2022 | Louis D. Matzel (grad student) |
Katherine A Denney | Neuroendocrinology, behavior, sex differences | SAS - Psychology Animal Sciences | 2023 | | Benjamin Adam Samuels (post-doc), Troy A. Roepke (post-doc) |
Olivia Ann DePasquale | | Psychology | 2023 | | David J. Barker (grad student) |
Basilio Furest Cataldo | Neuroethology, Auditory Physiology, Lateralization | Psychology | | | David Sage Vicario (grad student) |
Janace Gifford | Neurodevelopment, Neuroimmunology, Neuroendocrinology | Psychology | 2015 | 2021 | George C. Wagner (grad student) |
Jeffrey M Lackner | chronic pain; outcome research; comorbidities, anxiety, worry, problem solving | | 1985 | 1992 | G. Terence Wilson (grad student) |
Isabella Maita | mood, anxiety, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis | Psychology | 2017 | | Benjamin Adam Samuels (grad student) |
Margaret M. McCarthy | Neuroendocrinology | Institute of Animal Behavior | | | Barry Komisaruk (grad student) |
Stephen C. Noctor | | Psychology | 1988 | 1990 | Charles F. Flaherty (research assistant) |
Dixit Sharma | Value-based decision-making; electrophysiology; LFPs | Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience | | | Vincent B. McGinty (grad student), Bart Krekelberg (grad student) |
James M. Tepper | Basal Ganglia Physiology and Anatomy | Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience | 1979 | 1980 | Shoji Nakamura (grad student) |
Margaret Whedon | | | | | |
Vivek Yadav | Deep Learning, Computational Cognitive Modeling, AI in Healthcare | | | | |
Lillian Yang | motor control / spinal cord repair | Psychology | | | David Sage Vicario (grad student) |
Tao Yin | AD | PPN | 2017 | 2022 | Luciano D'Adamio (grad student) |
Mark M Youssef | | CBN | 2019 | 2023 | Ronald P. Hart (research assistant) |