Goldsmiths, University of London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jannath Begum Ali Department of Psychology Andy J. Bremner (grad student)
Joydeep Bhattacharya
Dan Brady Psychology Psychology Elisabeth Hill (grad student), José van Velzen (grad student)
Hana D'Souza Psychology Andy J. Bremner (grad student)
Max GaragnaniComputational neuroscience, cognitive neruoscience, language, neural networks, cerebral cortex, modelling, neurolinguistics
Peter M. C. Harrisonmusic cognition Department of Psychology20142015 Daniel Müllensiefen (grad student)
Elisabeth Hilldevelopmental neuropsychology
Joanne Johnston Department of Psychology Andy J. Bremner (post-doc)
Frances Le Cornu KnightSleep; ADHD; Attention; Modern environment Department of Psychology Andy J. Bremner (grad student)
Alex LascellesAuditory and Visual Perception, Memorability, Crossmodal Perception, Computer Vision Psychology20172018 Joydeep Bhattacharya (research scientist)
Daniel Müllensiefen
Guido OrgsDance, Cognitive Neuroscience, Action, Aesthetics
Julia Ouzia Psychology2011 Roberto Filippi (research scientist)
Rhiannon Thomas Department of Psychology Andy J. Bremner (post-doc)
Matthew L TompkinsCognitive Psychology, Attention, Magic Gustav Kuhn (post-doc)
José van Velzen