Max Garagnani, Ph.D, Ph.D., Dott.

1999-2005 Department of Computing The Open University, Kents Hill, England, United Kingdom 
 2008-2012 MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
 2012-2016 School of Computing and Mathematics University of Plymouth, Plymouth, England, United Kingdom 
 2013-2016 Department of Philosophy and Humanities Free University of Berlin 
 2016- Computing Goldsmiths, University of London, London, England, United Kingdom 
Computational neuroscience, cognitive neruoscience, language, neural networks, cerebral cortex, modelling, neurolinguistics
"Max Garagnani"
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Henningsen-Schomers MR, Garagnani M, Pulvermüller F. (2022) Influence of language on perception and concept formation in a brain-constrained deep neural network model. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 378: 20210373
Garagnani M, Kirilina E, Pulvermüller F. (2021) Semantic Grounding of Novel Spoken Words in the Primary Visual Cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 581847
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Tomasello R, Garagnani M, Wennekers T, et al. (2018) A Neurobiologically Constrained Cortex Model of Semantic Grounding With Spiking Neurons and Brain-Like Connectivity. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 12: 88
Schomers MR, Garagnani M, Pulvermüller F. (2017) Neurocomputational consequences of evolutionary connectivity changes in perisylvian language cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Garagnani M, Lucchese G, Tomasello R, et al. (2016) A Spiking Neurocomputational Model of High-Frequency Oscillatory Brain Responses to Words and Pseudowords. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 10: 145
Tomasello R, Garagnani M, Wennekers T, et al. (2016) Brain connections of words, perceptions and actions: A neurobiological model of spatio-temporal semantic activation in the human cortex. Neuropsychologia
Garagnani M, Pulvermüller F. (2016) Conceptual grounding of language in action and perception: a neurocomputational model of the emergence of category specificity and semantic hubs. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 43: 721-37
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