Bucknell University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jonathan S. AbramowitzClinical Psychology T. Joel Wade (grad student)
Logan BarrettMusic Cognition, Auditory Perception, Vocal Production Psychology Andrea Halpern (grad student)
Z Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks
Sean P. BradleyIngestive Behavior, Neuroendocrinology, Biological Rhythms20022006 Kevin P. Myers (research assistant)
Elizabeth CapaldiAnimal Behavior
Stephanie Cardenas
Corey Joseph FlynnVisual System20032005 Elizabeth Capaldi (research assistant)
Judy Grisel
Judith E. Griselpsychopharmacology, genetics of drug abuse Psychology19941997 John C. Crabbe (post-doc)
Andrea Halpern
Bruce Henderson Psychology Jerry R. Levin (grad student)
Sarah K. JohnsonInhibition, Semantic memory19941996 Andrea Halpern (research assistant)
Amber M. Leaver Andrea Halpern (research assistant)
Jerry R. Levin
Elizabeth C. Marindevelopmental neurobiology of Drosophila
John Paul Mindacognition, categories, concepts, thinking Psychology19931995 Andrea Halpern (grad student)
Kevin P. Myersanimal learning, ingestive behavior
Todd B. NentwigDrug addiction Psychology20152017 Judith E. Grisel (grad student)
Gregory M Paskinsect olfaction, odorant receptors, molecular neurobiology
Michael E. PereiraPrimate Behavior and Ecology
Andrew A. Pierceneuronal control of hepatic function, hypothalamic regulatory mechanisms, cell signaling, cell proliferation Biology19982001 Michael E. Pereira (grad student)
DeeAnn M. Reederbat biodiversity and disease ecology
Renee M Rouleaueating disorders, portion size, sweet fat combinations, impulsivity
Rebekah A. Stevenson
Jennie R. Stevenson
Ruth J. TincoffEarly language development, word comprehension