Rebecca Maulden Wiseheart

2010 University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
"Rebecca Wiseheart"
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Linda Lombardino grad student 2010 UF Gainesville
 (The effects of phonological representation on RAN speed across two stages of reading development.)
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WISEHEART R, KIM S, LOMBARDINO LJ, et al. (2018) Indexing effects of phonological representational strength on rapid naming using rime neighborhood density Applied Psycholinguistics. 40: 253-277
Wiseheart R, Altmann LJP. (2017) Spoken sentence production in college students with dyslexia: working memory and vocabulary effects. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
Wiseheart R, Wellington R. (2017) Identifying Dyslexia Risk in Student-Athletes: A Preliminary Protocol for Concussion Management. Journal of Athletic Training. 52: 982-986
Kim S, Wiseheart R. (2017) Exploring Text and Icon Graph Interpretation in Students with Dyslexia: An Eye-tracking Study. Dyslexia (Chichester, England)
Keshishian F, Wiseheart R. (2015) Bilingual and Monolingual Students' Perceptions of the CSD Major: A Qualitative Study Perspectives On Issues in Higher Education. 18: 16-31
Park J, Ritter M, Lombardino LJ, et al. (2013) Phonological awareness intervention for verbal working memory skills in school-age children with specific language impairment and concomitant word reading difficulties International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning. 3
Wiseheart R, Altmann LJ, Park H, et al. (2009) Sentence comprehension in young adults with developmental dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia. 59: 151-67
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