Alec Scharff
Affiliations: | Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA, United States |
Visual attention and object perceptionGoogle:
"Alec Scharff"Mean distance: 14.88 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMark W. Becker | research assistant | 2005-2006 | Lewis and Clark College |
John Palmer | grad student | 2006-2011 | University of Washington |
Alex C. Huk | post-doc | 2011-2012 | UT Austin |
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Attarha M, Moore CM, Scharff A, et al. (2014) Evidence of unlimited-capacity surface completion. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 40: 556-65 |
Scharff A, Palmer J, Moore CM. (2013) Divided attention limits perception of 3-D object shapes. Journal of Vision. 13: 18 |
Scharff A, Palmer J, Moore CM. (2012) Divided attention limits perception of object shapes but not simple features Journal of Vision. 12: 659-659 |
Scharff A, Palmer J, Moore CM. (2011) Evidence of fixed capacity in visual object categorization. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18: 713-21 |
Scharff A, Palmer J, Moore CM. (2011) Extending the simultaneous-sequential paradigm to measure perceptual capacity for features and words. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 37: 813-33 |
Scharff A, Palmer J, Moore CM. (2011) Object identification has fixed capacity: Evidence for serial processing in the formation of perceptual objects Journal of Vision. 11: 103-103 |
Scharff A, Palmer J. (2010) Distinguishing serial and parallel models using variations of the simultaneous-sequential paradigm Journal of Vision. 8: 981-981 |
Rasmussen IP, Becker MW, Scharff A, et al. (2010) Incidental memory for relevant locations in real world scenes Journal of Vision. 6: 841-841 |
Scharff A, Palmer J. (2010) Is object recognition serial or parallel? Journal of Vision. 10: 228-228 |